|. | \ { | { { | | | | | o abatiagireneaicaaagapren| | them as far west as Dawson City. | return trip. | ANNUAL DINNER HELD BY NURSES GROUP TERRACE Bay NEWS Authorized as 2nd Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa 'Cireulation : ; rh, 'Terrace Bay ' 'Vol.4, No. 24" : June 15, 1961 & Schreiber oe * a Comets scored in the top of the ninth they' appeared to have a win, Colonels, however, quickly filled the bases in their half of the inning and pushed across two runs with no one out for an 8-7 victory, Pat Reid in relief was the winner of Karl Kolody. In the nightcap Comets took a 1-0 first- inning lead but Colonels were in command from ' there on in. Sparked by a two-run homer by Ab Filipovic they trimmed Comets 10-3, Jim Arnot was the winner over Don Wilkinson, | SAFETY EVERYWHERE. - All the time Prizes being awarded to winners in the current Safety. Contest are prominently displayed. in one of .the store windows in the Shopping Centre, In the wonderful array _. shown are prizes to appeal to everyone. Make it a point to get your entry in -- you may be a lucky. winner, LEAVE THEM ALONE - (M, Linklater) Once again it is that time of year when. many of the young of our wildlife species see, for the first time, the light of day. A few of us in our travels this*spring and summer will come across these newborn creatures of the wild. The urge to protect young animals or birds is inherent in the vast. majority.of people, But this desire should be suppressed if. by chance we discover a young animal or bird in ~ the woods, Mother nature has a way of her own.in protecting her young, Take for instance the white-tailed deer, They. may.look helpless and abandoned. but the wildlife mother does not desert her young except. under extreme circumstances, She hides the fawn in'a thicket or other protect- ive cover and relies upon the: camouflaged coat of the fawn for its protection wpa | she returns to nurse it. Some well meaning people have in the past taken young deer from the woods to be: raised as pets, This interference with nature is wrought with many dangers and problems. Captured deer after reaching maturity very often become beligerent and have been known to cause serious injury to. their, keep- ers and have had to be destroyed, On the other hand, if released again into the wild, they are totally unprepared to protect and fend for themselves which usually results in'an early death, The law provides penalties for anyone removing these creatures from their natural habitat and except under special authority may not keep one of these wild animals. or birds in captivity. _ $0 letts be on the safe Jide by Leaving them alone and remember -- any animal or bird born in the wild belongs in the wild, R.C.M.P. BAND STOPS. IN TERRACE BAY The famous R.C.M.P. Band from Ottawa stopped over in Terrace Bay last Sunday en- route to Winnipeg, Man, where they embark on a summer engagement tour which will take The 44 members of this famous band are travelling 'by bus and expect to make a stop- over in Terrace Bay in five weeks on their The North Shore Nurses held their Annual meeting and dinner in the Everest Hotel, Marathon on May 25th, The Marathon members were hostesses to the 42 members who enjoyed taste-tempting and eye-appealing Smorgasbord. Dr, Reason.of Marathon was guest speaker and illustrated his talk with slides, The topic was "Cancer", The regular meeting followed the dinner presided over by Mrs, F, Cruickshank' and Secretary Mrs. D, Thompson of Terrace Bay, Members voted that proceeds of the past year? activities be given to the Retarded Children's Fund, Proceeds of projects for the coming year willbe used to assist the Children's Aid Society work, COMETS SUFFER SETBACH The: most' disastrous weekend ever is the only way to describe Terrace Bay Comets? weekend trip to the Lakehead, Comets held a share of third place when they arrived in Port Arthur Saturday night, © When they depart ed for home Sunday they had tumbled :to the Lakehead Senior Baseball league cellar after three straight losses. - Comets opened their three-game. visit to the Port Arthur Stadium Saturday 'night with a game against the defending champion Red Sox, Sox exploded for eight big runs in the first inning and went on to score a 12-5 win. Dick Hygaard was the winning pitcher over Rex Taylor, victim of the first-inning blitz. | Sunday Comets appeared to have victory in their grasp when they tangléd in the opener of a doubleheader against Dinty's Colonels, Comets, however, blew a 5-0 lead. The game went into extra innings tied 6-6 and when CAUTION URGED WHEN BUILDING BONFIRES It has been brought to the attention of the Fire'and Police Departments that fires are being built at the mouth of the river. Use of Kiwanis fire places is perfectly al- right, but fires should not be built where they can spread and do damage, Recently a fire was built using tires and pulp logs... This became more than a small bonfire, damaging Kiwanis property. Persons caught in an act of this type' will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Penalties are from 1 to 15 years imprisonment.