| | HELP alae) CANCER - JOIN ea aa. EM -- Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS November 17, 1960 DISTRICT CHURCH SERVICES oy TERRACEsBAY SCHREIBER | | COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. J, Raymond Anderson 8.00 4.M. - Anglican Communion 9,30 A.M, - Junior & Senior Sunday Schools 11.00 A.M, - Sunday School for Beginners 11,00 A.M, - DIVINE WORSHIP - "Stewardship ~ How to Handle your Money" 7.30 P.M, - EVENTIDE SERVICE - "A Christian Conmunity in Trouble" NO HI-C CLUB MEETING ST,.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev,Dean E,A,Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening. Mass during the week at 7,45 and on Saturday at 8.30 AM, ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 7 to 8 P.M. every Wednesday night, R 0 §.S; ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Monday at 7,30 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School - 2 P.M, every Sunday TOMIN IOPIES Oliver Lehto has accepted a C.P.R. Opera- tor's position at Sault Ste. Marie. Word has been received that Fred 0, Soughton has been elected to serve as member- at-large of the industrial conference of the National Safety Council, NORTH SHORE NURSES TO MEET NOVEMBER 17TH A meeting of the North Shore Nurses will be held in Trinity Church Basement in Mara- thon on Thursday, November 17th from 2,30 to 4,30 P.M, All members are invited to attend, LADIES! FITNESS CLASSES Registrations are still being received at the Recreation Office for Ladies! Fitness Classes, NO CLASSES HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED AS YET. Whether or not they will be held will depend on the number of registrations, Tentative plans call for Tuesday night classes, 8:15 - 10 P.M. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, REGISTER NOW!} CHRISTMAS PARTY PLANS As a result of a . Monday meeting, plans and duties for this year's Christmas Party have been completed. This annual event for child- ren between the ages of two and twelve years is sponsored by the Kimberly-Clark Pulp & Paper Company and is planned and run by the ladies of Terrace Bay, in co-operation with the Recreation Association, The party will be held this year on Satur- day, December 17th, Children of employees of the Kimberly-Clark Company and children of Terrace Bay residents are eligible to attend, Further party information will appear in the "NEWS" at a later date. PLOYEGSt CHARTTY F ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R, Inshaw 9,30 A.M, 11,00 A.M, 7.00 P.M. ~ Family Service - Morning Service ~ Evensong UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R. Crook 10.00 A.M. - Sunday School 11.00 A.M. - MORNING SERVICE - HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J.M,Cano Daily Masses - 7.30 A.M, Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5.30 & 7,30 to 9 Sunday Masses - 8,00, 9.30 and 11 A.M. Baptisms by appointment only EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 10.00 A.M, - Sunday School 7.00 P.M, - Evening Service Commencing next Sunday (Nov. 20th) evening services will be conducted in the basement Chapel at the Eickmeier residence by the Rev. Davis on the first and third Sunday every month, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Sunday School 7,00 P.M, - Gospel Service Wednesday - 7.00 P.M, - Prayer and Praise ~C QUARTER CENTURY CLUB VET IN | . Fhe-Phirteenth Annual Banquet of the Kx Quarter Century Club was held on Sunday Nov, 6 in Kapuskasing, Attending from Terrace Bay were Mr, and Mrs, Herman Roberts, Mr. and Mrs, John Knight and Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Rowson and Patty. The Knights enjoyed visits with their many friends while in Kap for the weekend, . The Rowsons returned home by way of Inglehart visiting Mrs, Rowson's mother Mrs. J, Andrews, to Sudbury for a stop with Ernie's sister, Mrs. David Oliver and at Sault Ste, Marie. before returning home Thursday, The Roberts left carly to visit first in Ansonville with Jean's stepmother Mrs, C,. Brewtnall and Herman's Aunt Mrs, F, Jennings and daughter Ruth, .In Kap they also visited Jean's sister Miss Dorothy Brewtnall, Herman's sisters and their families Mr, and Mrs, & Andrew, Mr, and Mrs. F, Stevenson and also with J. Murphy. Mrs, Rhea Beaulieu was the surprised guest when a Stork Shower was held in her honor at the home of Mr, George Dennis. . Lovely gifts were presented to Rhea from her many friends, After a pleasant evening of entertainment luncheon was served by hostesses Helen Dooley, Sandra Solly and Frances Fontaine, Mrs, Win McKechnie and Mrs, Sadie Gaulin were visitors to the Lakehead last weck, Miss Alvera Wood travelled to Toronto for the past weekend to atténd the Ontario Associa~ tion for Curriculum Development. Mr, and Mrs, Curtis Cotton of Fort Willian were visitors abt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Cotton Last week, i } | { , Dick Rowson was home for the weidloorsd from the Lalcehead Teachers! Colleges (Cont'd Pg Pgs | 7) vy |