Page 6 MUSIC RESULTS ~- Cont'd from Pg. 5 Linda Hayes, Catherine Austin, Betty Reid, Wanda Buffet, Honours - Denise Matuszak and Cora Spadoni, equal, THEORY RESULTS = Grade IV Harmony - Lois Ellen Diana Inshaw - Honors, Grade III - Harmony - Margaret A. Shirriff, First Class Honors. - Grade III - History - Lois Ellen Diana Inshaw, Honors, Grade II Theory - (Royal Conservatory of Music) Jane Syvitski, First Class Honors. Diane Rumery, First Class Honors. MaSONIC LOUGE HOLLS INSTAaLLATION-Cont'd a ee | A ee Sl a ' Be In the cvening members of the Lodge, their Wives and guests enjoyed a banquet and dance in the Moose Hall. TOWN TOPICS - Cont'd from Pg. 2 Locking and family by friends, associates and neighbors filled their Last month in Terrace Bay to its limit. Besides the community tri-+ bute in the High School on Monday evening, June 27, Mir. Locking was presented with gifts et the High School Prom. On behalf of students from the school's inception in 1952 till 1958, Marvin Steen presented. Mr. Locking with a painting "Shack in the,iioods", one of his Gary Crendlemire gave Mr. Locking luggage and their best wishes. TERRACE BAY NEWS al July 7, 1960 Several bridges were held for Mrs. 'Tops! Locking; a Neighbor Bridge at the home of lirs, Gwen Olsen when Mrs, Jan Hall was co- hostess, another by her bridge club at Paget's Beach Cottage and a third at the' home of Mrs. Marge Hutchinson with co-hostesses | Mrs, Marge anderson and Mrs, Margo Lundberg. } Gifts were given at each affeir. | A&A presentation of China was made to Mrs. Locking by her music pupils et her last recital. a Beach Party was held for Sharon by | her school friends when she received a camera in farewell and a lawn party was held at 'the home of Page Ginn for Margy Dale with teacher; Mrs. Colborne and her school chums attending, 4&4 gift of a record 'end ring was made to Margy Dale. Mrs. Phyllis Woods presided at a meeting of the Terrace Bay Branch of the North Shore Nurses Group on June 22nd in the Recreation - Centre. ; Plans were finalized for the Bridge and Cribbage Party to be held on August 4th at the Terrace Bay Moose Hall. Proceeds from the party will go to Retarded Children. Tickets may be obtaincd from any member of the Group. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rowlandson and family of Neenah, Wisc., visited for-a week at the home of Mr. & Mrs. P. Gombola. While in the district, the Rowlandsons renewed old friend- ships and daughter Uawn attended the annual High School Prom, COMETS VS. REU ROCK THURSUAY AT 6.30 P.M. Perme Aluminun Products [80 N.CUMBERLAND.. ST. Port Arthur Ont. phone MANUFACTURERS OF ALL Di-41832. ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS, SIDINGS AND RAILINGS-~- BUY DIRECT FIRST LINE LIFETIME ALUMINUM SELF STORING WINDOWS -- INSTALLED COMPLETE WITH SCREEN 237 AND SAVE SELF STORING ALUMINUM DOORS 549 50. CONTACT OUR DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AUBERT CADIEUX Jerrace shone i" ftatitior Aig | Z Bay. aa Ja 53-3656