i ' { | { { ' i TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES ee, i; A ea Fe ne ~ | 2 P.M. - Rossport Sunday School nw hN4 JOR ({ = 7 P.M, - Gospel Servi JON lJ ND) | Wednesday - 8 P.M, L PRL ang Pr BTbe Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS December 31, 1959, SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES a eee oar ee RN A I A a COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ Dr. A. Lavender ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R. Inshaw Sunday, January 3, 1960 8.30 A.M, - Holy Communion 9.30 A.M. - Sr. Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - Choral Eucharist 11,00 A.M. -- Jr. Sunday School 7.00 P.M, - Evensong SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9,00 A.M, 11,00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP - = "New Year's Message" UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev, R. Crook 10.00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.30 P,M,. + EVENING SERVICE ~ 11,00 A.M, - Morning Worship. 7,00 P.M, = Evening Service ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev,Dean E,A,Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 in HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J.M,.Cano the evening. DAILY MASSES - 7,30 A.M. SUNDAY - Masses 8.15 and 10.00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5.30 P.M. Evening Devotions - 7.30 P.M, T,50 CO. J? om, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Satur- SUNDAY MASSES - 8 - 9,30 and 11 A.M, | day at 8.30. A.M. Sunday evening Devotions = 7,30 P.M, Baptisms by appointment only. ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 7-8 P.M. every Wednesday night. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - sae Vicar J,Tuomisto KOSSPORT - ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S 10.00 A.M. = SUNDAY SCHOOL Mass every Tuesday evening at 7.30 P.M, <==} +SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION - Mr.R.Sheffield Sunday - 11 A.M, - Sunday School, all ages ee ree ee ; Nita Anderson and his grandparents Mr.& Mrs. THEY HELP TO FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS, LADIES AUXILIARY TO HOLD. ELECTION | Sfreddo, and-his Brother Corky Anderson, The Ladies Auxiliary will hold their reg- | Mr.& Mrs.Ralph Colborne of Fort William ular monthly meeting Monday, January 4th at were visitors at the home of their son W.F, 8:15 in the Terrace Bay Community Church, Colborne and family for the holiday season, Members and friends are invited to attend Ann and Leon Checkryn and family spent when election of officers for the coming the Christmas weekend with Ann's parents, season will be held, The executive will be Mr.& Mrs,John Dika in Fort William. in charge of the program and luncheon, John Jeanneret has his parents, Mr.& Mrs. The Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxil- S.B.Jeanneret of Toronto visiting with him iary will meet at 1:30 in the Church Hall over the festive season. and the meeting will commence with a Pot Gladys and Bob Wallwin and family were in Luck Luncheon, Members are requested to | Fort William for the Christmas weekend with bring along a luncheon dish with them, Gladys! parents, Mr.& Mrs.R.Monteith, Cecile and Clare Simms with Donald and Mr.& Mrs, Gordon Brown with Don and Dor- | Cathy visited in Terrace Bay for the weekend een and Miss Phyllis Peckett, all of Port with Cecile's parents, Mr.& Mrs.Don Boudreau. Arthur, were guests over the Christmas holi- _ Mr,& Mrs. A.P.Cumming of Toronto are visit- days with Virginia and Gary Galvin, ing at the home of their son and daughter-in- Mr.& Mrs,Gordon Dodge, with Bev and Pat, law, Mr.& Mrs, J.Cumming. . -- spent Christmas weekend in Dryden with Char- Mr.& Mrs. 0.R.Ostling, with Dorleen, Karin maine and Bryon Durance, and Terry Pastor, spent the Christmas holi- Mrs. V.Walker and daughter Lois of Fort day' at the home of their daughter and son=in- William were Christmas visitors with her law, Mr.& Mrs, J.Stark in Dryden, Ontario. sister Vivian Hanna and family, Mrs & Mrs, A,Sinkins with Mrs.E.Robb and | MRs& MRS. J.CORBETT ONSERVE 48TH ANNIVERSARY Alex McWilliam travelled to Kenora for the Mr.& Mrs, J,Corbett of Schreiber were at Christmas weekend to be with their son Alex home to their Schreiber and Terrace Bay Jr. and his family, friends on Sunday afternoon, December 27th, Mr.& Mrs. D.Desrosier and family spent The day was the 48th anniversary of their the Christmas holiday in Kapuskasing with her | Wedding and, to mark the occasion, bouquets parents, Mr.& Mrs, F.Turcotte, They enjoyed of roses and chrysanthemums had been given to a family reunion with brothers Paul and fam- them by members of their family and others, ily of Dorval, Quebec and Raymond, Ronnie The misses Ora Mae Harness and Alva McGregor assisted with the serving, and Dennis at home and with sisters, Mrs, Jim Boon of Cochrane and Suzanne at home, They also visited Dave's brothers in Kapuskasing, Miss Doreen Soucy of Fort William is a Jessie and Bert Ratchford enjoyed Christ- guest at the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.Corbett. mas in Kenora with Bert's sisters and brother Mr.Earl D'Arcy spent Christmas with his and their families, Mr.& Mrs.Henry Wolf, Mr. Mother, Mrs.W.D4Arcy and family, in Schreiber, & Mrs, Jack Hamer and Mr,& Mrs.J,Ratchford. Lorne Wilson, Kevin O'Brien 'and Terry Bun and Bruce Larson and children were O'Driscoll of Schreiber have returned home holiday visitors at the home of Punts parents, after an extensive trip through the Soman Mr.& Mrs.Walter Lundeen of Eagle River, United States and Mexico, Betty and Don Anderson and children spent Christmas in Dryden with Don'ts Mother, Mrs, DON'T FORGET YOUR CHRISTMAS SEAL DOLLARS -- neiead--