_February 5, 1959 TERRACE BAY NEWS TERRACE BAY NEWS j"Authorized as 2nd Class Mail - Post Office 'Department, Ottawa ;Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published |\weekly on each Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ontario, PUBLISHER & EDITOR - J. B. Beddard Managing Editor - I. R. Marsh 'News deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday , other items Tuesday Noon, Social |i tems in Terrace Bay can be given to Mrs. .R. iCotton and Schreiber news passed to Mrs. L, McCuaig, 'A_THANK YOU NOTE - I would like to thank my 'many friends who sent cards and gifts. and oc: me 'to visit me during my recent illness. It was 'much appreciated. Thanks also to the. Hospital 'Staff who were all very nice to me,: . | (Signed) Mary Pathe ls FORGOTTEN SPEECH - to- the tdied Pe attend--- 'ed the surprise shower held at Mrs. M.Dorman's, it thank you for attending and also thanks to levedtyone for the wonderful gifts. (Signed) Mrs.A.Mykietyn, 'APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPLY TEACHERS for 1959, 'will be accepted by the undersigned, M,D.Campbell - Sec. /Treasurer,. ~ St.Martin's Separate School. RE: DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE Numerous complaints against dogs' running at 'large in. town have been received by the Board :of Trustees. These complaints are not res- itricted to any specific area but come from all 'sections of the town. By-Law 45A states that no person shall per- mit his or her dog to run at large in the 'Townsite of Terrace Bay except as follows: Fe mmr 8 mae team i | ! . i. When on a chain or lead accompanied by the owner or some other competent person, 2, Dogs may be permitted to run at large be- i tween the hours of 8:00 P.M, and 11:00 P.M, daily. k } ; Offenders are subject to a fine for each | 'infraction, This will be enforced by the ?Provincial Police Officers. 5 Any further complaints to the Board will "be passed to the Police for action. (Signed) F, Strutt, Secretary Treasurer, Board of Trustees. - MONSTER BINGO ---~ © $50,00 GRAND PRIZE ' Neuage Feb.16th at 8.30 P, M, sharp the Cana- 'dian Legion Branch 109 will hold a MONSTER : BINGO in the Town Hall in Schreiber. Prices ,ares 20 games for $1 with a Five Dollar cash "prize for each ae be followed by a 25¢ 'sard for the GRAND PRIZE OF $50.00. "COME ONE - COME ALL - TO THE TOWN HALL = on Ae RUE TE a AE eT MT ta aK ' Terrace Bay Hospital, my friends who visited, : cent illness, _ have asked that the entire club be out at Page 3 VALENTINE TURKEY SUPPER - ST.MARTIN!S CHURCH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH - LADIES OF THE C. W. L. for that husband or wife baby-sitter who cannot come, they will oblige with a 'take- home dinner', No tickets sold at the door, so be sure you | have yours in advance at $1,25 per adult, | -75¢ for age 8 - 12 and .50¢ under 8 years. | | Three sittings: - 4.45, 5.30 and 6.15 and | } | CARD _OF THANKS - Reg, Bailey wishes to thank all those who sent cards and were so kind during his recent illness. GARD OF THANKS - I wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank the Doctors and Staff of | ' i sent cards, gifts and flowers during my re- cme ny | (Signed) Allan McCorkill The Terrace Bay Boy * IEE would like to pass on this letter to the people of Terrace Bay who generously donated toys. Also to. the Ladies who spent time and material dress- ing dolls. And many thanks to the Lakehead Freightways who delivered these toys free of charge, "On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of the Port Arthur Children's Aid Soc- iety, may I thank you and your scouts for the generous supply of toys given to our children at Christmas time, Your interest and thoughtfulness is great- ly. appreciated. (Signed) Mrs. Mary E.Baker, Pres., The Children's Aid Society. i FIGURE SKATING NEWS 'The leaders of the figure skating club 9.30 Saturday morning for a rehearsal of the Carnival. The Toy Court, which consists of | a-group of younger skaters, will commence at 4 P.M, Monday and gan be picked up at 4,45 when they are finished. Group five, Marching Clowns, will be finished at 6 P.M. (Cont'd Page 7) - HOCKEY DANCE | Terrace as Hockey Associati@a is holding their Annual Valentine Dance Exxaay; February 13th at the Moose Hall, _ DANCING - REFRESHMENTS - COLD.PLATE LUNCH - to be enjoyed at your: convenience anytime during tha ai ae will highlight the night. TICKETS NOW_ON SALE $3.00 per couple A A SK 'Feb.16th, 1959 and win some of this cash.