TEMRACE baY MEMONTAL DECweATION CEN UKE ARENA WEEKLY SCHEDULE _ WEEK OF Mah. 21 4: 53 i 230 - 9:00 High School - 21st 4:00 -- 5:00 Flyweights 7330 - 9:0 i eel ; " "5:00 --- 6:00 ieeWee ilayoffs Girls Saturday = - 22nd '8:30 - 0:30 Bantams 8:00 EAST vs ya HOCKEY 9:30 - 10:30 ieeWee 1:00 - 4:00 Figure PLAYOFFS or tlayoffs . z Skating 8:00 - 10:00 Public Skating Sunday '- 23rd be toe 2:00 EAST -vs WEST HOCKEY . PLAYOFFS or 33:00 - 5:00 iublic Skating nes ' 24th Pe age 4:00 - 5:00 Flyweights 7:00 - 8:00 Midgets Lea aan 53:00°-- 6:00 PeeWee Flayoffs $:00 - 7:00 PeeWee All-Stars Tuesday - 25th _ 4:00 - 5:30 Figure Skating [Possible EAST vs WEST 'Sia i HOCKEY LAYOFFS Wednesday --- 26th 330 iublic Skating 6:30 - 7:30 Midgets seeWee ilayoffs 8:00 - 10:00 iublic Skating. oO 1 ae re re © ni Thursday - 27th 4:00 - 5:30 Figure Skating " | §:39 - 6:30 Bantams To be scheduled. RUPUSE HOCKEY XY GaMiss LF I? Thu CE BAY xX WINS NS THE Neos. tbe CH..Mi TONSH? re Saturday, March 22né -- 8:00 poem. -- KENOU THISTLES vs SUFEKIOKS Box office opens at 7:00 p.m. Tre~game ticket sales from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Rec. Office. No telephone or advance orders accepted. ; Season ticket holders have until 00 p.m. to pick up their tickets, Sunday, March 23rd°= 2:00 p.m, -- KENOus TEISTLES vs SUFERIONS Box office opens at 1:00 p.m. 4re-game ticket sales from 4:00 -- 6:00 p.em. SATURDAY at the wecreation Office. No telephone or advance orders accepted. Season ticket holaers nave wiltil 6:00 0 a He ee to pi' ck up their tickets. Ticket prices for this-series will be 'the same as last years REDS = $1,425, BiOwNS: ~:$1.,15, CKEENS - $1.00, ADULT STANDING $1.00, CHILDREN (Schoo? Age) .50¢ rell, Oak CONGRATULATIONS: To Mr & Mrs. Harold Foitaine on the birth of .a daughter farch 19th, LL EE 2 A A npn eentsettnnenareen nee ::7 ener YOTICE: The local Liberal "SSOC., will hole a meeting at the iec, Centre, eas Mar.24¢h at 9 p.m, the purpose of the me eting will be to elect officers. In order that a representative group of officers be selected, we a anterested attend, This applies to both ladies ana gentlemen, YOUR attendance will be greatiy appreciated, re anxious to have anyone A LL RC ee em