Teen Town News (cont'd) are a few couples dancingand enjoying thems- elves. They don't care if you sit there all night and are miserable, they are having Pi. Qur next Teen Town dance will be held in about a week from this publication, and if the attendance and participation is as poor, we feel Teen Town will gradually fold up.. This is entirely up to you as a person, and I hope you take the right steps, and we will all be better off because of it. - A "Teenager." HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - The executive committee of the Home & School Association met on Wednesday, November 6, to decide upon the method of disbursing the funds of the Association. It was decided that in order to spend the money: to benefit the largest possible group and to stay within boundaries of home and school interests, the money would be used to purchase a record player for each of the elementary schools, The .issociation's dishes were bequeathed to the High School. The executive hopes that this decision will be satisfactory to all the members. THANK YOU - The Executive and Members of the Ladies auxiliary to the Minor liockey League would like to thank everyone for making their first Bake Sale last Saturday a success, It is gratifying to see that the Ladies of the Town are getting behind this Executive in their efforts for Minor liockey. ~ Win McKechnie & Conmittee. PHANK: YOUu-- to vah our friends for their Ai ia CONGRATULATIONS - To Mr. & Mrs. T. Felto on the birth of a son, Nov. 6th, and to Mr. & Mrs. M. Osmar, also a son, Nov.8th. ANNOUNCEMENT - The new hairdresser, Miss Yvonne Blais will be open for business November 25th. Anyone wishing for an appoint- ment may phone 3209. CONGAATULATIONS - To Nick Ba jkiewich who received his citizenship papers in Port Arthur, November 12th. LOST ---- One gift key ring, ornamented with a star - in red cardboard box, either in vicinity of Community Church or on Hudson Drive at house 136. Please return to Mrs. Ted Young - Fhone 3375. WANTED - Home for 3-month old black kitten, Housebroken, a real pet. - Thone 3576. FOR. SALE - White figure skates, sizes 13 and 4. White tube skates, size 10, Boys! hockey skates, size 4, - apply House 422, phone 3387, - One pair Girl's Figure Skates, s.1$ - House 22, phone 3529, WaNTED TO BUY - Girl's Figure Skates s. 4 or 5. - House 22, phone 3529. WANTED TO KENT - 2 or 3 rooms for young married couple. Telephone Mill 216. KIWANIS HALLOWEEN PsnTY - Frize Winners: nobin Mann, Charlie Simmer, David Helmink, kindness during my wife's illness at McKellar Marcia Jeammeret, Cathy Cotton, AliceNcKechnie, Hospital. The cards flowers and gifts were greatly appreciated. MTs Jen et g SEPALATE SCHOOL BOAXD MEETING - A meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Martin's Separate School will be held in the Separate School on Tuesday, Nov.19, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. CURLING (cont'd) - Come on you old time curlers - get a fsursome together for some winter's fun. In sports we have too many spectators, not enough participants. We all need exercise and fellowship that curling provides. Get your entries in to Jim Clancy or Len Crockford., Leslie Cotton, Campbell Craig, David Shivas, John boucher, Joanne Brown, Mary Little, Bobby Coates, Shirley Zielke, Teddy brown, iaul Hutchinson, iatty McCarthy, Tat Simmer, Michael Evans-»mith, Brian .amsay, Valerie Turner, rat Downey, Betty Cavanaugh, Cheryl Lane, S5etty Laurenson, Timmy .owat, Patricia Fedun, Debbie Soyd, Heather Boyd, Tauline Valiquette, Chuck Coan, Brian Edmunds, Valerie Boyd, Shawn Hayes, Bruce Whitfield, Tommy Wood, Tamela Cumming, Janie Comming Carol Zielke, Gary Brooks, Alan Hayes, Melvin Kari, inionnie Hayes, Stanley Megraw, Jackie Turner, Mickey Wig, Jim McClenaghan, Johnnie w.uzyski, Alan Hayes, Charlene Wallin.