Around the Town (cont'd) A farewell party was held last Wednes-- day evening at the home of Mrs, Lois Haviland for Mrs. Connie Burella who.left last weekend with husband Bob and family to make their home in Sault Ste. Marie. Co-hostess was Vivian Hanna and on behalf of the 24 invited guests Connie received a steam iron, On.the Sunday. previous Connie's Knitting Club had called during the evening to wish her well and present her with a Lady Buxton wallet. Wednesday evening Bob was the guest df honour at a Stag sponsored by Don Laporte aml Chuck Haviland and received from the group a large purse with their best wishes, Mrs. Aggie Sinkins returned home. Tuesday from a month's holiday in Toronto where she attended the Exhibition and also travelled through the. States. Her Mother, Mrs. E, Robb of Toronto has returned to Terrace Bay with her for a visit here, Gayle Cotton and Myrna Crandlemire arrived home Thursday from their ten day session at C.G.I.T. Camp Councillor, Lake Brereton, Manitoba and reported havirg had a wonderful time, Mrs, Bill Sernesky entertained for son Michael on Monday the 26th on the occasion of his fifth birthday. Six little people attended and played games and partook of the birthday lunch before returnirg home, . The Amos twins, Lynda and Karen celebrated their seventh birthday on Monday afternoon, the 26th with a party to which they invited eleven girls, A variety of games amused them and a hearty birthday luncheon was served, Mr, and Mrs. H. Dale of Fort Frances. are spending this week with Mrs, Dale's brother, Leo Phillips and family.. Mrs, Anita Anderson is visiting this week between Marathon and Terrace Bay where she is the guest of her son Don and family, The August meeting of the Dim Bulbs | was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Edith Belliveau. A social eveming of cards was enjoyed with prizes going Ev Gar- vin and Betty Turner. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.Ev. Garvin, ensemble. LUCILLE ROSE JOLIN WEDS WALTER DIDUCH St. Martin's Roman Catholic Church, Terrace Bay, was decorated with deep red and yellow dahlias, for the double-ring rites which united in marriage Lucille Rose, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Jolin, and Walter Diduch, son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Diduch of Kenora, on Saturday, August 2kth at 10 a.m. Officiating was Rev, Father E, A. Gallagher, and at the organ was Mrs. E, Pir eault and soloist was Miss Edith Adamo. Altar boys were Gary Newell and Don Fedun. White satin bows designated guest pews to which ushers Richard Marcella, Alex Slobo- dian of Kenora, and Len Swirhun led the guests. Supporting the groom as best man was Don Saw- chuk of Kemora. The bridal attendants were Gayle MacDonald as maid of honor, Misses Theresa and unita Jolin, sisters of the bride and Miss Bella Begin, The flower girl was Miss Leona Vienneau. On the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage, the bride entered wearing a floor- length model of French point d'esprit, fash- ioned with sabrina neckline encrusted with sequins, torso bodice, lily point sleeves and a bouffant skirt over satin hoop. veil with seed pearls was held to a 'eens crown of fine lace simulded with pearls and sequins, and she carried a cascade bouquet of yellow and red roses. The bridal attendants were gowned in ballerina length dresses of net over tiered net and hooped taffeta with pleated nylon bodices topped by sleeveless matching boleros, Halo hats of feathered nylon matched each gown. White gloves and cascades of white mums were carried by each. attendant. Miss MacDonald chose pink, Miss Theresa Jolin was in delicate green, Miss Anita Yolin in tur quoise and Miss Begin in baby blue. The little flower girl carrying her basket of mauve and yellow mums wore a dress of pale yellow nylon over taffeta and with a matching headdress. The wedding breakfast for the bridal party and family followed the ceremony in the Church Hall, and during the evening a reception for 250 guests was held in the Arena, The mother of the bride chose for the occasion a suit of pale yellow tweed, with inserts of pleats midway in the jacket and skirt. A yellow hat, red purse and shoes and a corsage of red roses completed her The groom's mother, who also recei- ved, wore a pale blue lace over taffeta with (cont'd. ~- page 12) Her fingertip