L A D i = S$ c Q i ey MM RECIPE OF THE WEEK CHOCOLATE CHIP DREAM BARS 1/3 cup butter 1/4 cup white sugar l/h cup brown sugar a egg yolks 1/2 tsp, vanilla 3/4 cup flour ay tsp. baking powder 1/8 tsp, salt > squares semi-sweet chocolate chipped 2 egg whites x cup brown sugar ei cup cocoanut Cream butter and gradually cream in white sugar and the 1/4 cup brown sugar, 'Add egg yolks which have been beaten and beat hard for a few minutes, Add vanilla, Sift dry ingredients and gradually blend into the creamed mixture. Pat into bottom of a greased square pan. Cut chocolate _into fairly large chips and sprinkle over dough, Beat egg whites until stiff, Gradually beat in the cup of brown sugar. Beat until stiff and add cocoanut. Spread over chips (it is best to drop in large mounts over chips and spread afterwards). Bake at 350 for 25 minutes, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Romance flourished here last week- end with the following engagements being announced: Grace Marcotte and Reg LeBlanc; Iucille Jolin and Walter Diduch; Myrtle Banks and Brice McBride; Beatrice Milks and Jimiy St. Louis, Congratulations! Home for the Easter holidays with their parents were: Carol Holford, Joyce ~ Sitch, Jack Marsh, Bob Adamo, Phil Miller, Paul Marcella and Janice Erickson. Page 4 Beverley Dodge is svending her Easter holidays in Toronto with Charmaine and Betty. Reg LeBlanc with Grace i@rcotte were home from ienitouwadge for over Easter with his parents, ir. and lirs. Arthur LeBlanc, Visiting with Mr and lirs, Wm, Adamo from Sault Ste, !arie is their daughter, Mrs. Sarah Fabbro and. their Granddaughter Karen, also'a niece, }i-s Anita Boniserro for Easter lr, and lirs, Harry Ward of Fort William s ent the Haster weekend visiting their daughter ami son-in-law, #lva and Fred Melallan and family. ' Mrs, R. J. Hopper of St Thomas. Ont. visited with her son Vem Hopoer and family for the vast week returning home last Honday. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs, i J. Vonroe.of Glencoe, Ontario. mt lr, and Mrs, 1 Peyetta of Port Arthur were guests of their daughter, Evelyn Falzeita and farily for Easter weekend. Mr. end Mrs, Bill Brayshaw of Port Arthur were weekend guests of Mrs. Brayshaw'ts sister, Hilda Brophy, and left.three of their daughters, Laurel, Linda and Barbara to enjoy Easter week in Terrace Bay, F/O and Mrs, George "Yachter of Greenwood, N. 5, are visiting Mrs. 'lachter's sister, Lirs. Ken Turner, F/O Wachter will motor on to Edronton for a further course and Mrs, ".achter will renain for a longer visit with her sister, Joe Cavanaugh, @accoupanied by his mother, irs, Ed, Cavanave returned last week from their visit in North Bay. Mar' Pat and Reg Cavanaugh remained in North Bay to visit with their grendvarents, Mr, and ifrs. T. Gibbens, For Taster holidays Anne and llichael Churney and their daughter Flo, motored to Kenora and visited with Michael's brothers and 4nne's fanily, and their many friends, Returning they visited in Fort frances, Virginia and Duluth. ~ Sgt. Jim Mason am Mrs.. lason, Winnipeg, lien, svent the taster weekend with the latter's sister, lirs Nick Bajkiewich and family. 0-0-0