Page 7 LOCAL ASSOC. NEWS Cont'd, from Page 5 SQUARE DANCE ASSOCIATION FOR i NORTHWEST ONTARIO the Hudson's Bay Store on April 13th at 10 o'clock, There will be boxes of home- Representatives of Square Dance clubs made candy and decorated eggs, If you in the Lakehead area met on March 7th at cannot, for some reason, be at the sale Fort William to consider the formation of and wish some candy, it may be ordered a Square and Folk Dance Association for and picked up at any time before Easter Northwestern Ontario, at 37 Pine Crescent, This development grew from the highly successful Square and Folk Dance Jamboree 0-0-0 held in Fort William on February 20th, jOD: Square and Folk Dancing enthusiasts from HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Lakehead, Rural, Red Rock and Beardmore wre! ee clubs filled the Legion Hall to capacity, The Show Committee has been busy these In order to determine what a Square past few weeks with the hundred and one and Folk Dancing Association should do, details that must be attended to if the consideration was given to problems which Annual Fall Show is to continue as the clubs face, These problems include: -- feature attraction it has been in past years, 1. Lack of instructors, With the approval of the Spring Show by the 2. Lack of public interest, members at a recent meeting, the gardening 3. Lack of beginner's courses, year will begin and end with showtime, 4. Lack of opportunity for senior square Anyone wishing to enter the show can pick dance clubs, up entry forms at the regular meeting in 5+ Lack of public square dances. April. a « Lack of inter-club get-togethers. You have all year to join the Terrace 7. Lack of communication between square Bay Horticultural Society, but to get your -. dance clubs in Northwestern Ontario, premium you must join before March 31st, 8, How to assist, outlying points, if See Mrs, Don. Husband, Mrs, Mary Middaugh requested, or Elmer Persson or any member of the The steering committee will -send executive prior to that date} Questionnaires to all known clubs in Northwestern Ontario inviting them to 0-0-0 share in association planning. Chairman for the first planning meeting was Sterling TERRACE BAY FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION Lysnes; Tony Bennett was Secretary, The A meeting will be held Tues, April' 2, committee will meet again on March 27 in 7.30 P.M, Hg Rec. Centre, The business the Community Programmes Branch of fice, will be very short with the main item "being films, on several interesting subjects, o=-0--0 Visitors are oe ys welccmt. ro FOR SALE One "Deveno" with removable back SCCIAL BINGO: 4 'oosiut suitable for single bed use, Reasonable, ie te Phone 536, Soc#al Bingo will be held in Schreiber 0-0-0 Town Hall on Friday, March 29th, $,15/P.M, 1954, Meteor - perfect condition, Sponsored by Silver Birch-Chapter #264 - Price $1450.00. Dark blue = mileage 22,600, O.E.S, Everybody Welcome, $1,00 Evening Radio, sun visor, seat covers, five perfect entertainment, Refreshmerits, Good Prizes, | summer tires and a set of Firestone snow- oe ors : grips, Apply Al. Ziegelman, House 208, 0-0-0 i Phone 57h. 0-0-0 BAKE . SALE FOUND Lady's gold wrist watch on Lakeview Friday Afternoon - 3,00 P.M, Drive. Phone 535, Hudson's Bay Company, 0-0-0 . Sponsored by the Home and School Silver cross and chain in the Bowling Association, ; Alley on Tuesday evening, Call Mrs. J. E. me Campbell, 250 Kenogami Rd. Phone 593, 0-0-0 0-0-0