RESERVED SEASON SEATS FOR HOCKEY GAMES At a Recreation Committee meeting yesterday it was decided that the best way to handle reserved season seats would be as follows: 1. All those who had reserved season seats last year have from October 15 to October 31st to reserve last years seats or to trade better seat for seat. Phone calls will be accepted to reserve last years seats but will not be accepted to trade seats. Example - Mr, Jones had D red 62 and 63 last year. Between Oct. 15 and 31 Mr. Jones may reserve last years seats by phone or he may go to the Rec. Office and pick up any two available seats in the arena, 2. Starting November 1 anyone may purchase and reserve available season seats. New customers mustapply in person, First come ~ first served, If the above is not clear please phone the Recreation office or ask any member of the committee. We have renumbered same of the seats this year so please make sure that you have a good understanding of seat numbers, 0-0-0 HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY All those interested in House League Hockey are asked to attend an open meeting to be held in the small meeting room in the Rec, Centre at 7:30 pm. Tuesday, October 16th to discuss the future of this league. Everyone welcome, o-0-0 OFFICIAL OPENING WAGHORN'S PHARMACY OCTOBER 17.38 aN ToS" Waghorn's Pharmacy wish to announce official opening of the new store will take place October 17, 18, 19th and 20th, A rose will be given to each of the first 150 ladies in addition to the follow~ ing door prizes. October 17th - Lucky Lady - One Tiffany Cosmetic set. Lucky Gentleman - One Bachelor Shave set. October 18th - Lucky Lady - One Tiffany Cosmetic Set. Lucky Gentleman- One Bachelor Shave set, October 19th - Lucky Lady - 1 Fabergette Perfume Ensemble - Lucky Gentleman - One Faberge Aphrodisia Lotion, October 20th - Lucky Person - A Shaeffer Snorkel Pen and pencil set, Lucky Lady - 1 Fabergette Perfume ensemble, (Cont. on next col.) Page 7 OFFICIAL OPENING WAGHORN'S PHARMACY Trial packages of Revlon's Silicare, Tiffany's Hand cream and Buckley's pre- parations to be given, until supplies last. 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The first regular meeting of the Home and School Association will be held on Monday, October 15th at 8:15 p.m. in St. Martin's Separate School, Parents of the Community and all those interested in our three school's activities are invited, Again the slate of officers will be brought forth, This was done in May but there wasn't enough present to form a quorum to vote and in tum the election of officers must be held in October, This is very important to the Home and School Assoc, as this slate of officers will be planning our meetings 'throughout the coming year, There must be at least forty-seven present to form a quorum to install the officers. The programme will consist of the introduction of the teachers by the principals, Come out and meet themt 0-0-0 GUIDES AND BROWNIES There is a possibility that a 3rd Pack Terrace Bay Brownies will be formed. Will the Mothers or Fathers of little girls who want to be enrolled please contact lirs. A. Berndtsson, 241 Kenogami Road, phone 467. Note: Do NOT contact Brownie Leaders. Mrs. Berndtsson will take the names and you will be notified in due time when and where your girl can attend the meetings, 0-0-0 TERRACK BAY FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION The regular monthly meeting will be held Monday, October 15th at 7:30 pem. in the small meeting room at the Recreation Centre - Visitors cordially invited - 3 good films to be shown, 0-0-0 WANTED Reliable person to work as "Ice Cop" during public skating sessions. Must be reliable and willing to maintain order. See M, 0. Nelson immediately. This is a part time job, 0-0-0