COMMUNITY CHURCH - | Sunday, August 19th, 1956 a LLU ete Reverend J. W. Cruikshank, es M.A., B,D, . 0-0-0 cy LIBRARY NEWS Baby and the and 'the Battleship - Anthon ate those Pincher and Lofty are + boy a the sailors who get shore leave from / a British battleship at Naples, a series of those kinds of Coe which are extraordinary enough to happen in life, Pincher has been given a baby to look after, gets stranded' with it and event» ually goes on board with it disguised. as a bottle of wine. To complicate the plot a V.I.P. is on board to tour the ship and watch it out on manoeuvres, The baby also tours the ship, being stuffed in one unlikely hiding place after another by its frantic naval nursemaids. Library Hours Monday and Wednesday afternoons 2:30 - 4:30 Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7:00 - 9:00 0-0-0 LOST Left at wading' pool one child's blue sweater with white blocks on front. Finder please phone 501, 0-0-0 FOR RENT Upstairs for rent. Apply 411 Elisabeth Avenue, 0-0-0 NOTICE Room for single man, preferably #2 shift or day worker. Contact J. Santerre 50 Hudson Drive or phone 430, 0-0-0 Page 2 ST. MARTIN'S PARISH Saturday, August 18th, 1956 came Confessions 3-4 P.M, 7-8-p.m. Sunday, August 19th, 1956 ---Masses 8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m, --tass during the week will be at 8:00 asm, and on Saturday at 8:30 aeM. ~~ 0-0-0 NOTICE - SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Martin's Separate School will be held in the Separate School on Tuesday August 21st, 1956 at 8:00 pem. 0-0-0 SHOE REPATR SHOP The Shoe Repair Shop Hours. will be from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. until August 28th, o-0-0 BROWNIE NEWS Any Golden Hand Brownie or Golden Bar Brownie wishing to be tested for the Swimmers. Proficiency Badge please contact her Brown Owl this week, Requirements for the Swim Test is as follows: 1. Swim 25 yards breast stroke or crawl. 2e Tread water for 30 seconds. 3. Swim 15 yards on her back with hands on hips, 4. Dive or jump into water from board, bank or boat, 0-0-0 OCTOBER 7 - 13 IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK LET'S MAKE EVERY WEEK A FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, SAFETY SLOGAN Peay Woon fagut 26th 1956 fo sty Non Manet 28, 1956, YOU RE. NOwSMF ER | PR eee tam dee at Untine oo oncom