COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, June 3, 1 5, 1956 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP i What shall I POR gat my child about God" " There. will be no evening service. The Sunday School will. be bag oa closed until the seccnd Sunday in September, at which date, the pt. evening service will also be resumed, i / 0-0-0 LADIES AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held in the. Sommunity Church on Monday, June 4 at 8:15, Mrs. R,. Cotton and her committee will have charge of the program. All members and friends are welcome. o-0--o LIBRARY NEWS Miss" Bungle s Book ~ D,E,Stevenson iss Bunele, a maiden lady, living in a hacen English village, loses her money. Casting about in her mind for ways and means of renewing her fortunes she, decides to write a book about her friends and neighbours in the village using the pen name of John Smith. To her amazement the book becomes a best seller. Her fortune is made but the village of Silverstream is in a furor. The villagers decide to horse- whip "John Smith" as soon as he is tracked down, . Fae ebaer an amusing book, Fortune is a Woman _ - Winston Graham Oliver Branwell first met Sarah before the war when he chanced upon her trying to fix a flat tire on her car... Years later working as an insurance adjuster he met her again while investigating a small fire in her husband's home Lowis Manor, He became quite friendly with the Moretons but felt something was radically wrong in this household. While the occupants were away he broke. into the Manor to find an in- geniously planned fire in the cellar and a corpse in the living room. ee S@ent. on next col.) uo| See, yo Page 2 ST. MARTIN'S PARISH © Saturday, June 2, 1956 Confessions 3-h pom. a 7-8 om. Sunday, June 3, 1956 ee Masses 8:15 a.m. 10:00. a.m. "--~_ Mass during the week will be f at 8/00 a,m, and on Saturday at 8:30-a,m, There will be Rosary & Benediction Friday night at 74390 Dem, 0-0-0 C. W. L. News Anyone interested please note the annual Spiritual Retreat for Catholic ladies, married or single, will be held. at St. Joseph's Boarding School, Fort William, Ont. on Friday, June 15th until Sunday, June 17th, Please phone, 383 for any information regarding reservations for the Retreat, 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS (cont, ) Fortune is a Woman evidence plainly showed that fraud was involved implicating Sarah. The events that occur before the case is solved make this a suspenseful and interesting story. LIBRARY HOURS Monday and Wednesday afternoons 2: 30, i 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 0-0-0 LOST At Separate School small boy's brown jacket with white trim. Finder please phone 577. 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon May 31st, 1956 to Thursday noon June 7th, 1956 'SAF a LS N@OmoAe Jefe NT