RECIPE OF THE WEEK WHOLE SHRIMP IN BATTER 1-1/2 cups flour 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder L/h tsp, salt 1 egg x cup milk 2 5-3/h oz cans (2 cups) shrimp Tartar Sauce Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, Beat egg; add milk, Add to dry -- ingredients; beat smooth, Dip shrimp singly in batter. Fry in shallow fat or salad oil heated to 375°F, 2-3 min., or until brown, Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with sauce. TARTAR SAUCE aE cup mayonnaise or salad dressing tbs. chopped parsley tbs, chopped pickle tbs. chopped capers tbs, chopped stuffed olives tsp. onion juice Combine mayonnaise or salad dressing, parsley, pickle, capers, olives and onion mace, . Chill, Serve, PREP HH 0-0-0 7 HOUSEHOLD HINTS If you want to keep egg yolks in- definitely, place them in a dish of cold water and set them in your refrigerator, This will also prevent them from drying Out. Standing on a folded bath mat while ironing is less tiresome than standing on a hard floor, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Page 4 A surprise Baby Shower was held Wed- nesday evening, October 26th at the home of Mrs. Win McKechnie with Mrs. Vivian Hanna as guest of honour, Seated under a canopy Mrs, Hanna received many beautiful gifts from a pink and blue decorated bassinette as a welcome from her numerous friends to her newly chosen daughter Roslynne. Bingo was enjoyid with all the prizes received later turned over to Roslynne,. Co-hostesses Mrs, Bill Wainikka and Mrs. Murray Dorman assisted Mrs, McKechnie with the entertainment and with the luncheon at the clase of the evening. Mrs. A. W. Harris left Monday for her home in Toronto following a week's visit with her daughter Audrey Rowley and family, Audrey also had her sister, Mrs. P. Burns with children Donny and Trudy arriving from Chapleau for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wainwright were happy to be present during the Commencement Exer- cises at the Port Arthur Technical School last Friday, October 28th, when their daughter Myrna received her diploma, and to attend the tea following. Mrs. E. Montey and son Brian of Eagle . River, Ont. spent the weekend visiting with the Larsons, Berndtssons and Gerlach families, Mr, and Mrs, George Maitland and Mr, Ab Farrow attended the Annual Meeting of the Port Arthur Horticultural Society last Friday evening. Mrs, Helen Fedun with Veronica and Donny returned home Saturday from Keewatin, Ont. where they had spent the previous two weeks and attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Joan Huchulak to Mr, Bill Gala, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bradley are spending the week in Duluth, Minnesota. Miss Lucille Jolin is a patient in McKellar Hospital, Fort William and reported progressing favourably, Commissioner Maitland of the North Shors District was present last Saturday afternoon, at the Lake. i Area Conference of the Girl Guide Association held in St. Andrews Pres-- byterian Church, Fort William, Mrs. Sam Zielke entertained Tuesday after- noon, Nov, lst for two of her children, Shirley Flo who is five and Carol Gay who will be four. Eighteen young guests were invited and enjoyed listening to some children's records before the birthday cake and luncheon, Jean and Pringle Plummer arrived home Saturday, from three week!s vacation spent in Montreal, Ottawa and the Gatineau district visiting with friends and relatives, On their return they brought their daughter (Cont. on page 8)