ecsesestgterecaoners= | 3 eeneeivES sure . aaperasnsnse es saineeneanee nen een Spracesonenmart psaereete™" EASTERN STAR OFFICIAL VISITS SILVER BIRCH LODGE On Thursday, June 10th, Allison Gooch, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, made her official visit to the Silver Birch Chaper No, 264 at Terrace Bay, Peggy Shillinton, Grand Esther,Mae Goodhouse, Grand Marshal, Helen Smith, Grand Adah and Brother Fred Goodhouse, Worthy Patron ' of Ottawa Chapter No. 37 were in the official party. A tea at the home of Worthy Matron 'EH, Rowlandson in the afternoon had been arranged, giving members the opportunity to visit informally with the guests. A lace cloth centred by a bowl of spring flowers high-lighted the tastefully appointed teatable. Pouring were Sister A, Farrow and Sister A, Sinkins, The hostess was assisted by C. Graham, D, Rummery, E, Haughn, T. Young, I, Kemp, I, Marsh and E, Stevens, In the evening the meeting was presided over by W. M, E. Rowlandson and WeP.A. Sinkins, Four new members were welcomed into the Chapter, The honoured guests voiced their appreciation for the welcome received and admiration for the beauty of the townsite and surrounding district. A sincere thanks to all those who helped to make the Annual Strawberry Bridge such an outstanding success, C- 0-0-0 Page 3 FIRE PREVENTION NEWS y Hotel Owners Seek to Outlaw Smoking in Bed Montreal, June 18- Hotel owners sought today to outlaw smoking in bed on grounds it has led to a "steadily increasing loss of human life and damage to hotel property". ' The Canadian Hotel association said in a statement two days before its annual convention scheduled June 20-24 at Muskoka Lakes that it would ask for a criminal code amendment to make smoking in beds a criminal offence, - --- --~ me Close Mills So 2,000 Can Fight Fires Timmins, June 17 - All luwaber and mill operations in the Cochrane-Sudbury districts were stopped today and the mill hands sent to fight forests fires. An estimated 2,000 men are involved, Men fighting an out-of-control for fire in Childerhouse township today were reported overcome by smchn or8 sor. owen ed with medical supplies flown in yesterday when sevcral other fighters ov *tcred burns, officials said here today, Rair which fell on five fires during the night checked them briefly but weary fighters reported the flames still out of control today, E, A, Hall, district forester in the Cochrane area, announced a travel ban on all roads in the Cochrane and Sudbury districts, "People are still coming up here trying to get through, They are being turned back," he aaid, Fires are burning over Childerhous: Reeves, Keefer, Gogama and Kenogami.: - : townships, Hall reported the Childerhousc blaze 'the worst, It is inaccessible by. road and all men and equipment have to be flown in. Low lying clouds as well as the heavy smoke pall increased risks in controlling the blaze today, he said, o-~0~o MIDGET BASEBALL Game postponed Tuesd»y, June 22nd, now scheduled to be nlayed Thursday, June 2ith, 0-0-0 MANY IeRAmtTAe emane mes aan a