CHILDREN'S CHRISTIM.S P.nTIES J11 details are now complete for the staging of the two children's Christmas Parties on Saturdey, December 22nd, The afternoon party starting at 2:30 p.m. will enter to the children in the age group of 0-8 years of age. The Company bus will start to make trips through the Townsite at 1:45 to pick up the smaller children and their escorts. It will make as many trips as is necessary between that time and 2:30. There will be Carol singing, ice crean, presents for all and topped-off of course by a visit from everybody's friend, that genial old gent -- Santa Claus! The evening party for the older age group of 9 - 16 years will get underway at 7:00 p.m. and from then until 9:00 p.m. the recreation Hnll will be the setting for a real Christmes Party... fll parents and adults sre requested to use lots of discretion with regard to the use of the bus during the cefternoon trips as the prime purpose of using the bus is to bring as many wee tots .s is possible to the --er 0-0-0 FIRST N.S.H.L. @ME IN MARATHON S..TURDLY The Terrace Bay Rockets under the leadership of Jim Cumming will get the 19S2- 52 hockcy season underway on Sunday, Dec, 23rd in Marathon when they teke on the Mercury's in the season's curtain rniser, There will be quite a few new faces added to the lins-up this yecr and with those added to the veterans returning from last year, it is expected that the Rockets will be weoli worthy of our support. Harold Marsh advises that he still has 6 rnilrond tickets left (at . special club rate) for any hockey fans who focl that they'd like to make the trip to Marnthon to support the boys. 0-0-0 i, WORD OF CLUTIONY For 2 s:fe and happy Christmas season, motcrists are asked to use care and caution when driving, If you drive, don't drink. if youndrink, don't drive, o-0-0 Page 3 HOTEL T&RRCE Christmas Day .. Dining Room Hours i Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 p.m, Dinner 5:30 = 7:00 p.m. Price per person = $1.75 Table Reservetion required for dinner, Bookings to be in not later that Saturday, December 22nd, Menu -- Stuffed Celery - Olives - Waldorf Salad Tomato Juice Fruit Cocktail Crecle Soup Roast Young Tom Turkey - Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Sauce Roast Sirloin of Beef - Horseradish Brussels Sprouts - Cauliflower 2u Gratin Croquette or Jacket Potatoes Plum Pudding Brandy Sruce Maple Nut Sundae Mince Pies Christmas Cake Seotch Woodcock Pickles Nuts Fruit Coffee The above menu will prevail for both mid- day and evening mecls, 0-0-0 GUNNERS! COLUMN Tuesdny evening wound up the pre- Christmas parades. There was a rifle shoot at the Indoor itange for prizes, the high being won by B.Q.M.S. Stan Hodgkiss 2nd the low by B.S.M. John Falzetta. This was a novelty shoot and was followed by a smoker. The next Parade will be held on Tuesdry, January 8th, 1952, <t 1915 hours when an interesting evening has been planned, o-0-0 S.LARY CHEQUES The next pay-day for all salaried personnel will be on Friday, December 28th, Cheques received cn that date will be the cheques that would normally be issued on Jenuary 5th in the case of monthly and semi-monthly paid personnel, o=-0-0 SEASON'S GREETINGS From The CORPOR..TION OF THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF TURR..CD B..Y H, ©, Laundy - J, Jessop - Chairman Vice Chairman Trustees Secty,-Treasurer