Croret Sunday, October 28, 1951 9:30 asm. -- Sinduy Sehool 11:00 a.m. - Divine Worship Sermon Topic "Our Protestant Heritage", The evening services will be resumed on Sunday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m. Wayside Pulpit "Truth, like iodine, hurts, * helps when it 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS Hours: Monday & Wednesday - 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday - 7 to 9 p.m. Continuation of last week's list of books donated by Joe Butler: The Sunlit Field - Lucy Kennedy, 'The glows ing story of how Po and Larry, Brooklyn and baseball, and America itself all struggled to grow up with their hopes and dreams. The City in the Dawn - Hervey Allen. A Saga of colonial times - in Pennsylvania, the Ohio country and New York State, The Impudent Rifle - Dick Pearce. A story of fronticr Army life in the American Souths west, Proud New Flags - F. Van Wyck Mason. The seldom-told story of the navel war between the Northern Union and the Southern Confed= eracy. Vinegnr Hill - Franklin Coen, Tells the story of 2 Southern election and the fiery passions it fanned, The Infinite Woman - Edison Marshell. Asa starting point for his story, Mr. Marshal has taken the life of the great dancer and courtesan, Lola Montez. The Library will be closed to the public the week of October 29th while the books are being moved to the new location previously occupied by the Improvement District, 0-0-0 ARTIN'S. PARISH Saturde October 27, 1951 Confessions - 3 to 4 p.m. 7 40 G p.m. Sunday, October 28, 1951, Feast of Christ The King Masses - 8:15 and 10:00 Ushers - Roger Bequlicu Anthony DeLaronde Rosary and Benediction - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 31, 1951. Eve of All Saints Day of fast and abstinence, Confessions - 3 to 4 only Thursday, November 1, 1951. Feast of All Snints Holy Day of Obligation Masses - 7 and 8 gel Renewal of Mission to be preached by Father Gallery of the Redemptorist Fathers November 11, 1951. O,0-o Saturday Matinee - October 27/51 - 2:00 "Stars In My Crown" with Joel MeCrea, Drew and Dean Stockwell. Saturday Evening - October 2 +30 "The Red Danube" starring Walter Pidgeon, Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh. An exciting story of post-war Vienna end the conflict between Russian and British officials over the repatriation of displaced persons, A British Colonel and his staff with the help of the Mother Superior of a Vienna convent pool their resources in an attempt to pre- vent the Russians from forcing a girl to return to the country she despises, Ellen o-0-0 It takes two to make a marriage. A&A single girl and an anxious mother, 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S S..FETY SLOG..N 9200 a, em, October 29th to 9:00 a.m, November 5th 'Satety Benefits Everyone" Shy met ees tee tt tl AP $s Te