SOFTBALL FIN.LS START TONIGHT Now that the Salaried team have been eliminated from the play-off race by the Engineering team in 2 straight gemes by scores of 12 - 7 nnd 18 - 10, the Engineers will now take on the Townsite squad in a best of five series for the championship. The first game will get underway at 6:30 p.m. sharp tonight at the school diamond and the second gome will be played Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. All players are requested to be at the diamond by 6 o'clock in order thet these games may get started on time and be completed before dark, 0-0-0 PORT .RTHUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VISITS TERRCE BLY On Wednesday, iugust 22nd, we were fevoured with 2 visit by a group of 40 members of the Port Arthur Chamber of Com- merece, headed by their President Gordon F,. McDougell1, who is General Manager of the Port Arthur Shipbuilding Co, i. few of the visitors arrived on Tues~ day evening and did a bit of sight-seeing on their own, The main body of the party arrived on Wednesday morning nd after a luncheon at Hotel Terrace they were taken on a tour of the Townsite end the Mill dur- ing which time they expressed their amaze- ment end delight cbout such items as our Hotel, new Hospital, Shopping Centre, School, our houses, the new C,P,.R, Station, the swimming facilities, cleanliness of the Mill, etc. Included in the party were Mr. R. J. Prettie, Provincial Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Mr. W. R. Gibson, President of the Northwestern .ssociation of Chambers of Commerce and Alderman George Wardrope of Port srthur, 0-0-0 °° CERD Oa aw iS re I would like to express my Sincere | | pppreciation and thenks to Dr, McCausland, the nurses at the Hospital and all of those kind people who were so thought- ful of me during my recent illness. Mrs. Kay Weppler o-0-0 FOR S..LE Girl's Bicycle - just like new - $30.00, ipply to Ww. Vezina - Dorm, 105, Room 6, between 6 and 7 in the evenings. 0-0-0 SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS Page 4 WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY? With the summer almost gone, maybe now would be a good time to sit down and think a little while about some sort of e hobby to while away the long winter months indoors, (That is of course, if your cxlendar isn't already filled up.) Many hours of pleasure can be derived from a hobby that you can turn to when everything else in life seems to be boring. Hobbies don't hnve to be expensive or require a lot of equipment to be set up, some of the most interesting hobbies are the most inexponsivo, o-0-0 SPEEDING IN THE TOWNSITE While the conduct of most drivers in the Townsite is generally considered to be pretty good, there is still room for impro- vement on the part of e few, especially at some of the intersections where there are blind corners" It should be remembered that we have in excess of 400 children in the Townsite and their safety should always rate high on our priority list, 0-0-0 Jenkins was always trying to borrow money. One morning he tackled an acquaint- ance in the street beforethe latter had a chance to escape. "I scy, old man," began Jenkins, "I'm in a terrible fix, I want some money badly, and I haven't the slight- est idea where I'm going to get it." "Glad to hear it my boy, " replicd the other, promptly. "I was afraid you might have an idea you could borrow it from me," o-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Torrace Bey News must be handled in one of the following ways: Placed in one of the T.B, Newsboxes located at the Mill Time Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, Placed in the Post Office. Delivered by hand to either the Recreation Office or the Personnel Office. No matter what system you choose, the material must be at of these places NOT LATER THN 12:00 NOON ON 'ED- NESDAY! Material for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Dontt wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please, The fact that Wednesday noon is the deadline for cll news doesn't mean that we won't accept it before that time, you can't get your news in too early for us. 0-0-0