SPORE. CLUB Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesley on the birth of a baby daughter on Thursdey, January 25th; Mr. and Mrs. zlbert Cadieux on the arrival of a son on Thursday, January 25th, and also to Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Denny on the acquisition of a daughter on Wednesday, January 31st. 0-0-0 HOCKEY GME SUNDAY (Cont'd from P.1) Last weck's lucky hockey supporters were Mike Hunt with first prize and .lbert James, 2nd prize. Next 'Wednesday night some very inte- resting films entitled "Hockey Cavalcade" and "Sports Cavalende* will be shown in the .rmouries starting at 7:30 p.m. sharp. 411 hockey plnyers, would-be hockey players and fans are cordially invited to attend, admission will be free. o-0-0 OT TH MOVIES Saturdey evenin Februa 3rd - "KILL THE UMPIRE" starring "illiam Bendix, the umpire who saw double. ADDED - "HIS B..THING BEAUTY". ; Saturday Matinee ~ "CHA TTERBOX" co- sterring Joe EB. Brown and Judy Canova. 0-0-0 CABARET DANCE Yes, folks, I guess you have all heard about the St. Valentine's Cabaret Dance to be held Friday, February 16th. This dance is being sponsored by the Terrace Bay Hockey Club. ife promise a fun packed pro- gramme with lots of refreshments and sur- - prises for all, The dance will be held at the Recreation Hall from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 aem.-, with music by the NORTHERN KNIGHTS. Refreshments will be served ONLY from 9:00 pem. to 11:00 p.m., So reserve your tables now and come out real early to join in the fun, Tables may be reserved only by ticket holders. The tickets will be sold by any member of the HOCKEY CLUB at $3.00 per couple. Dress is optional, so folks, get your baby sitters reserved and make your party now. Reservations must be confirmed and paid for by Tuesday noon, February 13Gb o~-0-0 THE STAG OF STAGS Well, we have a lot of news, about that monstrous stag coming ®p on February 23rd. But we are not going 2 say too much as yet for we feel that woe®@® is coming is much better as a surprise. We can tell you one thing though, it is something diffe- rent, especially for the men folks of our little .town. Page 3 LONGLAC 2nd IN NORTHWESTERN ONT.RIO S.FETY CONTEST ; During the six month period from July 1st to December 31st, 1950, the North- western Branch of the Ontario Pulp and 'Paper Mekers' Safety association opernted its first Inter-Mill Safety Contest with _ ten mills involved. , Victors in the contest were .bitibi Power and Paper Company, Fort Willicm. During the contest period they worked 323,62) hours with just one two-day accident for 2 frequency rate of 3.09 and a limited severity of .006, LongLac ended up in the 2nd rung with 2 accidents and 20 lost working deys during 702,062 man hours for a 2.8h frequency rate and .028 severity rete. The contest wes based on Limited Severity. Commencing February 1st, a new con- test will get underway, this time based on Frequency Rate. It also will lest for a 6-month period. Standings in the last contest were as follows: Leci- Frequency Limited Name dents Rate Severity fbitibi --- Ft. Wn, 3.09 006 TOMA WAG et wy 2 2.84 028 fbitibi-Thunder Bay 4 Guay Ohh Great Lakes-Ft. Wm. 7 5.81 2059 Brompton-Red Rock 6 10.45 gas, O & M --- Kenora 7 10.04 14,6 Marathon litlls - Marathon 13 15.16 oon Provincial-P..rthur 8 L238 20h O&M -Ft. Frences es 11.82 Baus Dryden Paper-Dryden _13 Zeek 2 300 10-MILL TOLL 72 10.34 0136 0-0-0 NEY PRODUCTION RECORD IS SET ». hearty pet on the back to each ond every LongLac employee who contributed in some way in establishing a brand new record. Our former record of 370.4 tons was made on jugust 20, 1950. With a record of 380.37 tons set on January 27, 1951, we. have a greater challenge than ever. To quote "Commander" Gord Rowl-ndson of the Pup Brigade, "It won't be the permanent record" we may rest assured that such confidence will be rewarded by renewed determination and effort by all. sgein, Congratuls tions! 0-0-0 Li.UNDRY NO IN NORTH C/MP Laundry patrons are asked to plense note that the laundry office was moved from its loe-tion in §. Camp to - new loc tion in N, Camp next to the Dom. Ct. Warehouse .nd Butcher Shop.