LONGLAC CENTURY CLUB enbership restiictéd to units having not less than 100 safe days without an 'On=duty disabling lost-time accident. y in case of ties, largest units are anesed sted first, (Mt Unit Safe Days Unit Safe, Days 1, Administration Office 468 10. Steam and Recovery AS): 2. Hotel A68 il. Kiln, Caustic & Evaps, 415 3. Technical Department - 468 12. Structural © 359 4, \arehouse 468 13, Digest., Br. Stock & Screens 290 5. Bleachery 468 14, Wood Yard 265 6, Electrical 468 15, Pipefitters 235 7, Engineering Office 468 16, Wood Room 204 8, Hospital 468 17. Buildings & Grounds L195 9, Serviee Operations 460 18, Mechanical 193 IN THE DOG HOUSE (Reserved for units with less than 100 safe days) Machine Room = 62 0-0-0 BIG GAME SEASON OPENED What noted trapper in town successfully baited and trapped the wily skunk which had made residence under the Nurses! Quarters??? Unfortunately, he did not get a "scent" for his troubles -- but has been promised unlimited free back rubs in the future, by the grateful nurses. o-O0-0 ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH Friday, February 24th -- 7:30 p,m, - Stations of the Cross and benediction, Sunday, February 26th -- 8300 and 10:00 a.m, ~ Mass. 7:30 p.m. - Rosary, Sermon and Benediction, Wednesday, March lst -- 7330 p,m. - Rosary, Sermon and Benediction, o-0-0 ST. MARTIN'S LADIES' GUILD The regular monthly meeting of the St, Martin's Ladies! Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Knauff, 131 Birch Cres- cent on Thursday, February 23rd at 8:00 p.m. 0-0-0 I AM FIRE = SS I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world, I have destroyed more men than all the wars of the Nations. I spare no one, and I find my victims among the rich and the poor alike, the young and the old, the strong and the weak. Widows and orphans all know me, I massacre thousands upon thousands of wage earners in a year. I am everywhere ~ in the home, in the factory, on the sea and in the air, I destroy, crush and maim, I give nothing and take all, I am your worst enemy ~ FIRE. 0-0-0 FOR SLE 1938 Ford 4 door sedan. Apply to Carl Sou hety Room 1, Camp 104, FOR SALE 1949 Evinrude sportwin outboard motor, 3.3 H.P., used about 20 hours only. Very reasonable. Apply to M, Vanatter, Imperial Bank. TOST One Shaeffer Deluxe fountain pen - Reward, Return to L, Martin, Hudson's Bay Co, LOST One ring of keys betweén Post Office and the Townsite, Please return to Mrs. F, Brewster, House No, 50, WANTED One or two rooms by young couple - day worker, Reply to J. Cumming, Room 2; Dorm, 103 or Maintenance Department, o-0=0 THe BIG CONTEST STARTS ON MARCH 1ST