Page 4 CURLING CLUB NETS fll vise interested in entering the Novelli... Bonspicl cormiencing on or about the 15th of Deccmber arc asked to turn their names in to any of the Exccutive om. any of the Mocbership Comaittce as soon as possible. If we are fortu= nate enough to get a spell of cold weather the ice may be ready sooner than expected, 'Don't forget - $1.00 ber person is the entry fee for this Bonspicl and anyone may enter, If you decide to join for the season the $1.00 will bo deducted from the $7 30 aiuwel' fee. LL). those interested in joining for:the season are asked to fill in the question naire below and turn it in to any of the membership committee before Deccrber 7the bier ace ak RR RS Rt a ee ala eke Jaa el 7 li mds nme ian SF lm ie: Oca ns a a ae A a SSR ARC, | HR a LS SAR RR ce i er FA POSITION ON TEAM = SKIP... cocceevcve etl RDesseeseres Vg ICON WS $e Gia & bias wie wis Dore ia'e' sb cuetaun em WOULD YOU PREFER MIXED TELMS? _ MIXED... eeoresece ieee ehDLES & MEN SEPARA Be. 6 eereeeeee pig DO YOU WANT TO PLAY ON REGULAR TE/M OR SPARE? = SPARE ee ccccee eee o sRHGUL Rec ceereccecsee Mombership Coruzittee = Chairman = Bill Bailey = Members - Runic Ostling, Ray Witiians, Irene Goodfellow and Ed Pinneeulte Coming Events: - The gala Now Year's Eve Ball under the euspices of the Terrace Bay Curling Clube A swell evening is planned with noise makers, novelties, etc., with music supplied by an excellent. orchestra from the Lakehead. Wateh tho 'Nows" for further announcements. 0-0-0 BOWLING The Terrace Baz Bowling Aley opening has been postponed awaiting completion of the alleys. A wood start has been made, and we should be rolling the first week in Decciber. The ontry date for teams in the Bowling Leagucs has becn extended to Novenber 28th, All entries should be put in the boxes situated at Mill Tine Clock, Post Office an Hucson's Bay Store or handed to a League Officiole At the first meeting of the Terrace Bay Bowling Association, it was decided to charge »75¢ per worsen entry fee and bowling will be .20¢ per line plus 5¢ per linc Zor prize money. The ontry fco and the 5¢ per line will go towards a banquet and prizes at the end of the season, WATCH THE "NEWS" FOR OPENING CEREMONIES", 0-0-0 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE On the evening of Novazber 17th, the Woucn's Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of livs. Gordon Rovlandson, The guest speeker for the evening was Miss Beryl McGillis, Intexior Decorator, from the main store of the Hudson's Bay Compeny, Winnipeg. Miss McGillis save a most interesting and informative talk on interior decorating and displayed samples of drapery and upholstery materials, She also discussed generously home decorating problems which were brought forth by various members, The evening closed with a vote of thenks to Miss McGillis, oxtcided by Mrs. He Marsh, and light refreshments were served. Members are urged to attend next month's neetin:,.vhich is to be a special Christians prosramme, and which will be held at the home of Mrse Fe 0. Sovchtor on Deceiver LSth at 8200 ere o-0=0 ST, MARTIN'S LADIES GUILD The Ladios of tho Guild renind you of the attractive Doli.ts Tea Party being olenned for Saturday, December LOth, to be held in the Lobby of Hotc]. Terrace. This will be your opportunity to pick up some attrac- tive Christmas sifts, so be sure to attend, Wetch next wock's "News" for further announcé- ments » O-O=0 RIFLE CLUB At a necting of the newly formed club, held on Siuiday, November 20th, it was decided to have the Club oper every Tuesday anc. Toursdey from 7:00 pym, till 10:50 "ere A decision was also reached on the age for membérship, which has now been re- duced to include boys who have reached their 16th birthday, In this respect, attention of the parents is dravm to the fact that.a strict safety programme is in force at all times in the building. Al. sharpshooters are reminded that thare will be another chicken shoot on Thursday night. :