ae 4 ' te 3 3 nse serettteastssee: Sea fS 383 oe on = 3. aise ae == Se Volume 4. No, 28 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY July 14, 1949 ROCKETTES WIN TWO The unbeaten Port Arthur Rockettes came to town last Sunday and ~ clearly demonstrated why they are one of the best teams in Ontario, The local girls went down to defeat 24-4 and 11-1. After a bad case of jitters in the > first game, our young ladies settled down and played a reputable ball game in the nite cap, In the end game the Rockettes ace left handed hurler continued along her unbeaten path, which has extended to 16 games, Hy After the evening game the Rockettes were entertained at a. luncheon in the Legion Club House. 0-0-0 NEW SAFETY CONTEST TO CET UNDERWAY AUGUST 1ST It was decided at the Union-Management Accident Prevention Committee meeting held yesterday, that a new Safety Contest would get underway on August lst and run for a three-month period, The contest, based on frequency of disabling injuries, will be oper~ ated along lines similar to the three-month contest which ended June lst, with National Safety Council standards being used as a basis for deLormining each accident which, of course, must be of the "on duty" type. It was also proposed that a prize of $150.00 should go to the winning unit. In the event of a tie awards shall be equal but not ne= cessarily duplicated, Prizes for the winners of the first contest have now been selected from samples procured and orders for the prizes placed. Jacknives were selected for men and compacts for the ladies of the two units which tied for first place with perfect records. It is expected that the prizes will be available for distribution next weck, 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN CONTEST (Next Week's slogan = July 18th to July Se eee Foam mee a eee aaa ae nN "ANY JCB IS A SAFE JOB FOR CAREFUL WORKMEN" = ------_------|__»__»__ SSS Any LongLac employee may win the prize money by knowing the above slogan. 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY TO MEET SCHREIBER IN HARDBALL G/MB FRIDAY NIGHT Terrace Bay's hardball team ' will again meet Schreiber in a game scheduled for Friday night in Schreiber at 6:30 pem, (July 15th). This will be the eighth encounter for the two teams this season with Terrace Bay having won 5 of the previous 7 games games played, the last game by a 12~3 count on July lst. It is reported that Schreiber has again rearranged their line-up in an effort to find a winning combination and the Friday evening game should, therefore, be well worth seeing. OnD=0 : LONGLAC EMPLOYEES URGED TO HAVE BLOOD TYPED This is not an appeal for employees to-give a blood transfusion at this time but it is an earnest request for all LongLac anployees to have their blood typed so that the infore mation will be available in case of emergency, No one knows when an emergency may arise in whieh the transfusion of blood may prove to be a life saving factor, It is therefore important that, in a community such as ours, every effort should be made to have on re-= cord the blood types of as many persons as possible, As a matter of fact any one of us might require a blood transfusion at any time and the information as to our blood type could 'save valuable time and perhaps our own life, Having our blood typed serves two pure poses ~ we might save somcone else's life or our own, i _ Typing blood is a very simple operation and arrangements may be made by contacte ing the Plant Nurse, Miss Betty Cunningham in the First Aid Room. (Local 50),