sc cn een sche ene ei mt aa a aR A Seelam CULATION IN TERRACE BAY March 17, 1949 pS DOTTED == ga Volume 4, No. 11 CANADIAN LEGION HOLDS FIRST REGULAR MEETING On Monday, March 14th, the first regular meeting of the Terrace Bay Branch of the Canadien Legion was held in the Community Hall with the President, Dr. J. O. Shaunessy, in the chair. A feature of the evening was the presence of Alex Morgun, end Vice-President of the ianitoba Command who stressed the good work thet could be done by the Legion in © new town such as Terrace Bay. During the next two wecks the Membership Committee will be contacting all eligible veterans in the town end any veteran who 4s inadvertently missed is asked to contact ono of the following: Keith Adams, Betty Cunningham, Wilf Ogden, Lorne Woodard or John Jcanneret. . One wing of the old Staff House opposite the hockey rink has been provided by the Company as a Club House for the Legion and as soon as the necessary alterations have been made regular meetings will be held the lst and 4th Monday of the month in this Club House. The next regular mecting will be held at 7:45 pele, March 28th, in the Community Hall. o-0-0 WELLINGS'! RINK WINS TWO CURLING EVENTS The rink skipped by Jack Wellings won two curling events during the pley-offs for the Club Champion- ship and the Open Bonspiel, both of which were completed during the past week, To Jack Wellings! rink goes the Hudson's Bay Trophy for winning the Club Championship which was based on play-offs following regular season play and in a special Open Bonspiel the seme Wellings! rink won top honours and the Imperial Oil Challenge Trophy. Jack's wife Pegey pleys 3rd, Dick Lunbers 2nd and Jock McCall leads, Second spot in the Championship event, and with it the Imperial Bank Trophy, went to Al McColl, whose rink also ineludes Bob Monteith, 3rd, Henry Smith, 2nd, and Cecile icColl lead. In the Consolation event, played in conjunction with the Club Championship, in which all rinks not competing in the Championship event were included, Thor Olsen's rink won the event, with Bev Smiley as runner-up. Thor's rink included Marvin Lemon, 3rd, Ted MeInnis, 2nd, and Cecile Noonan, lead, Curling with Bev Smiley were Ernie Height, 3rd, Lorne Woodard, end, anc Barbara Haughn, lead. Runner-up to Jack Wellings in the Open Bonspicel was Malcolm Craig, with Bob Sheppard, 3rd, Nelson Alien, end, and Eric Heuser, lead. Consolation honours in the Open Bonspiel went to Les Martin's rink, on which Ernie Height played 3rd, John Zonneveldt, end, «nd George Farrand, lead. Runner-up spot in the Consolation was won by Ruth Bangart, whose rink also included Jim Nicolson, Srd, Jim Wickett, 2nd, and Eve 'Jolloshyn, lead. 4& Ladies Bonspiel is plenned for the coming weekend and will probably get under way on Saturday efternoon. The Curling Club Banquet which had been scheduled for Hotel Terrace of Thursday, April 7th, has been deferred duc to the Fashion Show which is scheduled for the Hotel at that time. 0-0-0 GENERAL RECREATION MEETING SCHEDULED FO THURSDAY, MARCH 24 The Provisional Recreation Committee which was established at a general mecting on February e4th has been hard at work during the past month preparing a Draft Constitution which will be submitted to a general meeting of all residents of the Community scheduled for the Terrace Bay Recreation Hall on Thursday evening, March 24th. This Draft Constitution, if ratified, will form the basis of operetion for the Comunity Recreation Program at Turrace Bay. Copies of the Constitution will be distributed to all residents of the Community early next weck, so that everyone will have an opportunity of studying the draft in advance of the general meeting. Included with the Constitution will be a questionaire which everyone is urged to complete. This questionaire will give each and every resident of tho Community en opportunity to Andicate the type of activity which he or she would like to sce developed at Terrace Baj