Hees FIRST AID ROOM NOW IN PERMANENT LOCATION The Mill First Aid Room, has been moved. now to its permanent location in the Aluminum Building, just east of the Main Locker Room, next to the Lab, It will be open during the following © hours: ; : Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 pom, Saturday 8:00 a.ms to 12:00 noon First Aid Kits, for use only when the First 4id Room is closed, are located in the foremen's offices throughout the mill. Don't take a chance with infection. Have all injuries no matter how slight treated immediately. 0-0-0 A REMINDER TO BLUE GROSS SUBSCRIBERS All Subscribers in the Plan for Hospital Care in LongLac's Group 7348 are asked to note that March 15th is our date for changes in contracts. At that time your contract could be altered from public ward to semi-private coverage (the type of accommodation we have at Terrace Bay), or any dependents may be added or deleted on your contract. If you have any alterations to make, please notify the Personnel Department not later than January 24th. 0-0-0 BADMINTON RESUMES JANUARY jgth All members of the Terrace Bay Badminton Club are hereby advised that badminton will again be resumed at the Recreation Hall on Wednesday, January 19th, by which time the new floor will have been completed. onOee SAFETY SHOES During the past few days, many LongLac employees have had the opportunity of participating in the first wide-scale effort to introduce safety shoes into the new mill, and the results have been very gratifying. At the west end of the main locker room, a manufacturer's representative has spent many hours exhibiting a wide line of safety shoes and boots, and orders have been taken which should be. filled within the next 10 days to 2 weeks, When the shoes arrive, they will be distributed from the warehouse, and employees who have ordered them will be advised by a time-card note or phone call, Of interest to employees who were measured for shoes, but who did not order them is the fact that the shoe sizes of all employees measured will be kept on file at the Personnel Office where shoes may be ordered by contacting Fred Soughton (Local 46). Of importance to all who will be wearing safety boots in the mill in the damp or wet places is the fact that treatment of the boots with saddle soap or any good waterproofing for leather will assure prolonged wear. The safety shoes which are being sold at less than cost to the Company, give toe protection against weights ranging up to 5000 lbs. 9-0-0 TERRACE BAY VISITORS (Each week we will be pleased to publish the names of visitors to Terrace Bay, providing such information is in the hands of the Editor not later than 8:00 a.m, each Wednesday) . Mr, Mike Miller of Resource, Sask., visited the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. J. Wellings over the Xmas holidays. 0-0-0 Recent visitors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Boudreau, 157 Birch Crescent were Hugh's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Boudreau of Wexford, Ontario and Gertrude Bougie, Reg. N. of Montreal. 0-0-0 HOTEL TERRACE MEAL HOURS Week-days Breakfast 6:30 a.m. to Luncheon 12:00 noon to Dinner 6:00 p.m, to Luncheon 12:00 noon to 9 Hn 1 Sundays and Holidays Breakfast 8:00 a.m, to 9: BE Dinner 5:30" pamy Abal7