ane LAKEHEAD = TERRACE BAY BUS SERVICE INAUGURATED . Page Five te On Tuesday, June 24th, bus service was inaugurated between Terrace Bay and the Lakehead by International Transit Limited. The driver on the first regular run was Buddy Cava, Bus Schedule is as follows: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - Leaves Port Arthur 10:00 a.m,; arrives Terraee Bay ! 3:00 p.m. ; Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Leaves Terrace Bay 7:00 a.m.;3 arrives Port Arthur 11:30 a.m, Special bus leaves Terrace Bay Saturday afternoon at 3:30 p.m.3 arrives Pcrt Arthur 8:00 p.m. Fares: Terrace Bay tc Port Arthur - Adults - Single $4.15, Return $7.55. Weekend (Friday ncon - Tuesday mcrning) $6.20 Children = From 5 years and under 12 years - 1/2 fare. No charge for children under 5 years if seats are not occupied by them, -cOo= HOLIDAY - JULY 1ST July lst, Dominion Day in Canada will be observed as a holiday thrcughout the project at Terrace Bay. Special events are being planned regarding which announcements will be posted later in the week, -c00- GRUESOME BUT TRUE If the bodies cf all the people killed in Canada in one year were stacked in a single column, the column would be a mile high. BE SAFETY CONSCIOUS, -c0Oo- WOODLANDS LOG By Len Christianson Visitcrs to Terrace Bay from Longlac, Ontaric, were Mr. Ira Campbell and Mr. A.D.K.Switzer of our Longlac, Ontario, Wcocdlands Department, They were here on business eoneerning river improvements and clearing operations. As the job progresses we will likely be seeing more of these two gentlemen, ; John Smith has been transferred to Terrace Bay Woodlands Department for the summer months. He will be scaling and measuring clearing areas and also doing some instrument work on the future reservcir. Don Campbell is starting on the job of building up the firewood supply fcr Terrace Bay and hopes to be functioning to capacity in a couple cf weeks. If it's a cold winter or a mild winter, it's immaterial tc him. He knows where he can get the wherewithal tc keep all and sundry warm, Despite the damp weather of the past two days, this is very bad weather for forest fires. Please keep that in mind at all times, This sandy soil drys up moisture quickly. -o0c= CHURCH SERVICES - Sunday, June 29th in the Recreation Hall 9:00 a.m. - Protestant Service conducted by Rev. A. F. Lavender of Schreiber. 10:30 a.m. - Roman Cathclic Mass, celebrated by Rev. Father E. M. Skillen of Schreiber. -c0o- &_NEW NURSE Miss Barbara Haywood, R.N., of Toronto and Dunnville, Ontario, is now a member of the Nursing Staff at Terrace Bay Hospital. Barb. just recently graduated from Tcorcnto Western Hospital. NOTICE TO TOWNSITE RESIDENTS If you are saving magazines and similar reading material for the hospital patients, you will be interested to know that arrangements have been made tc have a company truck call at eac! home to pick up your contributions on the FIRST MONDAY of each month. -o0c=