GUYS & GALS TOGETHER pote Peso dy The Recreation Hall has formed the scene of several impromptu jam sessions - during the past two weeks. It secms when the orchestra plans a rehearsal, word gets around and the local jivesters are out to strut their wares over the dance floor, Above the scraping and shuffling of feet can be heard that music that mkes you want to dance, offered by a jam organization composed of piano accordion, © violin, oe gaitar and piano, It's rusic for dances eee and oy Peey enjoys themselves, DOE NEW WING Stee FOR. BEC HALL + .. Though it is still. in the design stage the "ows" hag some information a which will gladden the hearts of all its readers. A new wing wih. soon: be added ta the Recreation Hell, ne REC HALT NEWS Senih dng this weck movie nights. dt the abordation Hall will be as-- follows : Monday, 'lacsday, Friday and Saturday, On Sunday evenirg at 7:30 p.m a serics of shorts will be shown; addmission free, On Wednesday and Thursday evenings the hal is open to evefyone, Facilities aro provided for billiards, checkers, chess, ping "and cere Gomer ; ea or uM vows Shigeru 2a! Af HE NOvEES (eee ee PALER Es GRR LEE Sis o ; Fontinned at the Recreation Movie Tot). fonday ondithesdiy sveeihen, April rh is. "Swing Hostess", This masical romance stats Martha Tilton in the vocals, Accompanying shorts are a Viva "Yillie Whopper cartoon of a Mexican barroom: brawl and. a comedy dapieting the perils of process. porving dn a hospital, 1 cn putday: ata Saturday. g7ronings" Aprix neh. lane '2th, "Rhythm. 'Road Up", will be' showing » This is a western musical with the Hoosier Hot 'Shots of Nationa Barn Daice tame and "the Pied Pipers". Also Accompanying shorts, Fred yitanne and Paulette Go@dard star te second Chorus", billed for. we and Tuosday, .April 14th and (ith, with a Popeye cartoon as an added attraction 'tit "Fighting ee at BANK sours George Coulter, Teporial Beni mmager at. Tormee bay has requested that. wo. : publish the. Hoeven 'Bonk hours 3 : - Monday 'through Friday: : 9300 aem, to 12100 noott a . 1200 p.m, to 3:00 Dem 6: 00 p.m, to ue OO psm, On Pe oy : Dee only, in addition to regular hours the donk will be. open from 5: 0 " Pam, $0. 78 200 p.m, ee é boom aes See ae . ee We woudd Like. to welooné two young, Indies who hav recently jotted: our Terrace 'Hog "tmily, Margaret Dadds 'and fmne-Wallic, Margaret hails: 'from Kapuskasing, Anne is fx Ellis, Antero, Hope you like it here elrist :