in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 14 ,2 02 2 | 18 LUXURY LIVING IN NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE OPEN HOUSE Saturday, July 16th and Sunday, July 17th 12pm-2pm 1917 sq ft. UNITS STARTING AT $1,495,000* occupancy fall 2022 246 FOUR MILE CREEK RD NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE VINEYARDSQUARE.CA *Introductory Offer Halton Healthcare has appointed three new mem- bers to its board of direc- tors. The new members in- clude Robert Aziz and Ka- ren McClure, as well as Sa- mantha Horn, who will serve as the board's vice chair for a one-year term. McClure has been the chief investment officer of Canada's Digital Technolo- gy SuperCluster since 2018 and prior to that held the position of vice-president of general and advanced di- agnostics and director of the office of strategy man- agement at LifeLabs Medi- cal Laboratory Services. She also serves on the National Research Coun- cil's International Adviso- ry Committee on TRIUMF, Canada's subatomic phys- ics research centre and serves as executive lead of the Program Investment Committee on Canada's Digital Technology Super- cluster's Board. Horn is a partner in the Toronto office of Stikeman Elliott LLP where she has practiced corporate and commercial law for more than 29 years. She received the Wom- en's Executive Network's Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award in the 'KPMG Professionals' category for 2014, 2015 and 2016. Aziz has been the chief operating officer of the On- tario Municipal Employ- ment Retirement System (OMERS) and the presi- dent of OMERS Investment Management since 2020. He was a member of the Oakville Hospital Founda- tion Board from 1992 to 2003, and has also served on the boards of the Hospi- tal for Sick Children Foun- dation and the Lighthouse for Grieving Children. The board also thanked John W. Nyholt and Lau- rent Thibault, who com- pleted their terms and have now stepped down from the board. Halton Healthcare is governed by a voluntary board of directors that con- sists of 20 elected and ap- pointed individuals who bring their expertise and experience to hospital gov- ernance on behalf of the communities of Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills. HALTON HEALTHCARE APPOINTS NEW BOARD MEMBERS NEWS SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM A team 'Fire' (red jerseys) player is denied by the team 'Ice' goalie during the Hockey Cares tournament. The youth exchange program featured teenage players on mixed boys/girls teams from Attawapiskat and Oakville playing together on the same team. Graham Paine/Metroland FORGING NEW FRIENDSHIPS