ey i Be 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ; : 7 Page Seven On this our . . . 1 Sixty-Ninth Anniversary | 4 15 We Take Pride In Announcing | 8 . Our Appointment As "Dodge & DeSoto I DEALERS nN For The Oakville District ¢ Three Generations of Progress Three generations ago Wm. Whitaker and Sons, Carriage and Wagon Builders, opened their business at the same location where their present- day modern garage is operated. Producing a line of carriages, cutters, buggies, and farm wagons their reputation was soon such that their products found an ever expanding market. To-day there are still farm wagons in use which were produced in their plant at the turn of the century. With the arrival of "Horseless buggies" the firm adjusted their operations to keep pace with the times, until to-day, Wm. Whitaker and Sons, Ltd., is one of the most modern and well- equipped garage businesses in the district. Equipped to handle all types of maintenance and repair work, the shops and personnel are of the highest calibre--in most cases the employees Laying long years of continuous service with the Arm. [|OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT... OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT... | 8 We ave Specialists JER FT OUR BODY & A Complete Stock of : MOTOR TUNE-UP -- BRAKE SERVICE PAINT SHOP GENUINE CHRYSLER PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ; CLUTCH REBUILDING -- RADIATOR SERVICE FOR ALL CHRYSLER VEHICLES : ELECTRICAL STARTING MOTORS . . . is equipped to handle all BODY and al AND. GENERATORS FENDER REPAIRS & SPRAY PAINTING. Whatever You Drive . . . | | Prolong the life and good looks of your MOTOR REPAIRS -- SPRING SERVICE car by giving it the best of care. Minor PODGE, \DE | SOTO, (CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH bruises and scratches grow into big repair DODGE or FARGO TRUCK Our Mechanics are all trained in factory schools jobs when you neglect them. Don't wait and licensed by the Department of Labor. Our ... drive in to-day! Call in at your first opportunity. .We are in a position : : to serve you promptly. Service Truck will answer your call promptly. ASK FOR JIM BARKER ASK FOR BERT WEBB 3 ASK FOR JACK HOPKINS or EARL SMITH A Cordial Welcome is Extended to you to Come and See the 1948 Dodge & DeSoto Passenger Cars and Dodge Trucks Wm. Whitaker & Sons Ltd. Jack Ribble - General Manager Station Road, Oakville Phone 141 This Business Is and Has been Owned and Operated by the Whitaker Family since 1869