Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Feb 1948, p. 8

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Legion Hall Thief Gets $250 Cash Breaking the locks on the bev- rage room door and a box con- taining receipts, a thief got away with over $250 cash when he robbed the Legion Hall. Entry was made by way of the coal shute sometime Friday night. The robbery was not noticed until next morning when steward C. P. Mackie arrived for work. Police are continuing their inves- tigation, There was not sufficient evidence to lead to an immediate arrest. Red Cross Meeting At St. Jude's Feb. 20 CARLTON GREEN 'Dr. S. A. MacGregor, chairman Osteopath dental committee, Ontario divis- 21 Division Street ion, Red Cross, will address a ny evening by appointment | meeting in St. Jude's parish hall 'Wed. afternoons, all day [on Friday, Feb, 20, at 830 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Parents, teachers, members of all Phone 826 service = organizations, school boards and town and township I.O.D.E. Meeting councils are invited to attend by (continued from page 1) February bth, 194g oo Thursday, WAVID AND GOLIATH CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Office: 189" Colborne St. E. Telephones: Office B82) 126 Duncas St., Cor. Spruce . C. L. OLIVER Accounting and Auditing, Business Systems Installed. Income Tax Returns Office at Oakville Hotel P.O. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 HAUGHTON C. LAIRD Optometrist - Optician Office in residence-- 173 Colborne St. Phone 1117 Eyes examined - Lenses prescribed GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 keshore West, Oakville RE HEDDLE & RYRIE DUNBAR M. HEDDLE ROSS RYRIE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Office: Colborne St. Tel. Oak. 65 Dunbar M. Heddle, Res. 701 Ross Ryrie, Clarkson 111 T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street East Oakville - - - - Phone 532 19 Melinda St. Toronto - - - - Adelaide 2761 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 DR. MAURICE E. LUNAU Physician & Surgeon Office Hours: Afternoon -- 1.30 - 4.00 Evenings -- 7.00 - 8.30 or by appointment Phone 500 Church and Thomas Sts. I Se le Ut Residence 837 AT THE BARGAIN COUNTER 143 Colborne St. You can buy: Pianos, Gram- ophones, Health Ray Artic- les, Furniture, Stoves, Guns, Ranges, Skates, Clocks, Books, Lamps, and Trunks. Many useful articles New and Used at a Bargain GORDON BARTHOLOMEW Dump and General Trucking Firewood, Posts, Sand and Gravel. LOWER MIDDLE ROAD Phone 342-W-13 the local Red Cross society. The prevalence of dental dis- ease, particularly among child- ren is causing grave concern to health organizaations across Can- da, Realizing the seriousness of this increasing source of many other diseases the Canadian Red ELECTRIC WELDING Acettylene Welding - Cutting Anytime Anywhere Portable Equipment T. LATTA Phone 6 - Jerry's Garage --Seibel in The Richmond Times-Dispatch Oil Burner Blast J. A. Whalen, Balsam Drive, attempting to restart his oil suitable theatre. sponsoring films more for children at the local Mrs. Robert Hunter, welfare secretary, reported that milk is being supplied daily to the 41 pupils of the adopted school, Five Former Trafalgar Resident Dies Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIVALS Oakville Ha Society PHONE 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated FOR SALE No. 1 body HARDWOOD, cut any length. Gordon Bartholomew, Phone 842-W-13. c ER PRESS, hand model, fair condition, $15. Phone 879. JACKET HEATER suitable for good-sized house. In good con- dition, Phone 379, Delegates Protest (continued from page 1) do about it. v:arned Mr, Morrow before he not be able to get these services. Mr. Morrow said he had no one to blame but himself. Mayor Whitaker explained the situation with regards to Glou- cester St. which at present be- Town Clerk Byers said he had started to build that he might layettes were supplied. and her daughter, Infants' the Halton pital. made. and knitted articles, $308, and 20 good used articles, warded to for ship- longs to the Bank of C He pointed out that the town and Comey wanted to assume joint TWO SHARES Oakville Golf Club and one share Oakville Club. Phone 367. 25p11 DRESSED BOILING AND-- ity for the street, but were prevented from doing so at present. He suggested to Mr. Morrow the only other course ROASTING FOWL-- Phone 30, Oakville Fish and Poultry. 25c¢11 open to him except waiting until the stalemate at present existing THOR ELECTRIC Foldaway Ironer, 60-cycle. Call New Tor- onto Zone 6703. Good: as new. 25p 1947 AUSTIN 10. Black sedan in excellent condition, Very econ- omical to run. Parts for Austins are now readily available in the Toronto area, Telephone 216. 35c11 EASY WASHING MACHINE $50.00; 4-burner electric stove, low oven, $30.00; wicker baby carriage, $10.00; 'General Hlect- the road was broken, would be for him to. get an ease- ment from some other property holder which would enable him to connect with existing sewers. Tom Blakelock spoke in sup- port of Mr. Morrow, pointing out there was only 100 feet separat- ing the Morrow property from sewers already running up Glou- cester Street. the Seamans' Amenities fund and $30 to Polish relief, ing a member, Mrs. Alex Tilley, on the provincial council and on the National Film Board, during the year Mrs, Tilley was made a life-member of the chap- ment overseas. Since May, twenty- two 20-pound food parcels had been sent to Britain. Also three Christmas parcels were sent to former members now living in England. $100 was donated to British and European Childrens' Relief Medical care was provided for a mother knit- ted garments were donated to County Childrens' Aid society. $360 was donated to the Oakville Temporary hos. Five welfare visits were Miss Helen Gordon, post-war convener, reported that 259 sewn valued at Cross society is sponsoring a drive against this threat to the present and future health of Can- adian children. On Feb. 20, Dr. MacGregor will outline the part the Red Cross will play in this drive. Halton County Presbytery Meets valued at $54.50 had been for-|myecqey the Halton County Pres. ytery meeting memorialized the Dominion government to amend the criminal sweepstakes and lotteries illegal whether for church or charitable purposes, A resolution brought in by the Pensions Fund committee recom- mended an increase in the grant b, fund; $1.00 was also donated to At St. John's United church on code to make all burner on Thursday morning caused excess oil in the furnace to explode which caused a chim- ney fire that was quickly under control by the Trafalgar Fire Brigade. There was no material damage, and investigation re- vealed a faulty control had cau- sed the dangerous flow of excess oil, Dense smoke was mostly re- stricted to the cellar and the family were forced to vacate the house for only a short time. to beneficiaries of the fund. Maint Born in Trafalgar 69 years ag Charles Ambrose Shea died in §t, Michael's hospital, Toronto, Tuesday. A son of the late Mp and Mrs. Thomas Shea, formerly of Trafalgar, he resided for some years in Toronto and Detroit. Re. | turning to Oakville, he was for some years in the painting and decorating business, before re. turning to Toronto where he re sided for the last ten years, Requiem Mass will be held in St. Andrew's Roman Catholic church on Friday at 10 am. ui will' be made in St The y and ance fund reported an increase of $1,000 for 1947. The Presby- tery endorsed a call extended by the Milton United church to Rev. J. L. Blair of Ailsa Craig. Mr. Blair will take charge on April 1. Rev. N. J. Truax of Carlisle pre- sided. Mary's cemetery. He is survived by his wie, the former Ethel O'Hara, of Trafd: gar; two brothers, Thomas B, Shea, Trafalgar, J. P. Shea d Detroit; and two sisters, Mi Julia Shea, Detroit and Mrs. Wi liam Sanford of Hornby. The chapter is honored in hav- and ter. " Mrs. Eyre Davis thanked the executive and members for their ric radio pl tion, $50.00. Phone 221-W. c40 a request for over-time pay for chief of "IT PAYS to shop at Scade's Grocery, 114 Dundas. Phone 505 COD. orders promptly taken care of. See page 5. 35c11 FEMALE HELP WANTED $70 per month. Wanted, wom- an for general housework, live in. No small children, Phone 131. 50c9-10 GIRL. WANTED for general housework, live in. Three child- ren, Phone 1237-W. 35c11 WORK WANTED CARPENTER repair _ Work, modern cupboards. Phone 97-J. 9-10 WANTED police end of the force, Councillor Black said he felt Chief Derry should not be paid over-time as heads of other de- partments did not receive such tion during the year. might have matters settled, thus saving not only a great deal of their time but also of council's. The matter of an exit right of-way for the Oakville dairy was pay. prom- ised to bring in a report at the next meeting. Councillor Black said, "I certainly don't want to sce the over-time of the other men held up. But I think the chief's should be." Councillor Milne said he had received from the C.N.R. a trans- cription of the recent meeting held by the Publicitt committee. It appeared to him to be unbiased with all details recorded. He 'also proposed that copies of the minu- tes of council meetings should be ANY PERSON in learning to play the clarinet is asked to contact Mr. L. Hunt, 35 Herald Ave, or A. E. Whitaker, interested sent to within one week of each meeting. It was his contention that this would be of assistance to committee chairmen secretary Oakville Citizens' Band. 50c10-12 and members in keeping track and an agreement to satisfactory to Mr. Cooper, own- er, and the town was arrived at. This involved the granting of a right-of-way by both parties over. It's At their properties. H. GRENIS Piano Tuner 30 years experience 18 years with Heintzman Co 7 years with CO, S. MacDon- 1d. Pianos tuned, cleaned, de- mothed and repaired. 239 Quebec Ave, Toronto Phone LYndhurst 7363 Leave orders at Grinham's Book Shop Phone 693-W Not Difficult For You To Choose VALENTINES KEENAN'S OVER 560 TITLES 1000 Different Kinds WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ... BETWEEN TORONTO and HAMILTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of JAMES S. EARL, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of James S. Earl, late of the City of Lake- land, Polk County, Florida, one of the United States of America, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of Janu- ary, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to Angus McMillan, Sol- Administrator with Will deceased, on or before the 15th day of March, 1948, full partic- ulars of their claims, IMMEDIATELY after the 15th day of March, 1948, the assets of the said deceased will be distribu- ted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Ad- ministrator with Will annexed shall then have notice. DATED at Oakville, Ontario, this 26th = of January, 1948. ANGUS McMILLAN, Solotte 139 Colborne Street East, OAKVILLE, Ontario. 1¢10-12 of what they were to do. A putting this in ef- fect was passed, Councillor Devenish mentioned the fire hazard at Victoria Hall caused by parked cars, and Mayor Whitaker informed him two cars had been towed away that night and police would continue to keep after the matter, A bylaw proposed by Coun- cillor Black and seconded by Councillor Hunter to control in- stallation of oil burners and oil- storage tanks in town was pas- sed. A request had been received from the Ontario Fire Marshall that such control be imposed. Daylight saving starts April 25 and continues until September 26, in Oakville this year as a result of council's action. Councillor Hunter spoke con- cerning delegations. He made it clear what he said had nothing to do with that night's delegation, and that council was always glad to see them, But it was his feel- ing council should not be blamed for things when people, by con- tacting the correct committee, DEVON ICE CREAM BRICKS--In flavors of Vanilla, Fr. Fruit, Three Flavor Choe. Sherbet Centre, Weekly Special. each 26c BULK--Vanilla in pint cartons . . each 30c ORANGE SHERBERT In handy pint cartons each 30c TAKE HOME SUN- DAES--Choice of four flavors 2 for 25¢ ICE CREAM PIES-- Weekly choice of flavor each 45c NUT ROLL -- A real treat each 40c Orders taken for party Ice Cream Cakes and Moulds Exclusive in Oakville at - Clark's Drug Store Colborne &t. Ph. 248 ""CANADA'S Coutt's and Rust Craft FINEST" Golden Virginia Cigarettes Still at the old price 33c package PHONE 1103-W. KEENAN"S Smoke and Gift Shop OAKVILLE

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