Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 10 Jul 1941, p. 8

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THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1941 a RUSSELL LEADER CLASSIFIED ADVTS. HARDWOOD FOR SALE. -- JNO. H. EASTMAN. FOR SALE One 2-months' old Purebred Jer- sey Calf, male. Priced reasonably. Apply to S. M. Barkley, Vars, Ont.,] Phone 610 R 4. FOR SALE-- 40 acres of standing Hay, Alfalfa and Timothy, mix- ed. Apply Robert Brunton, Mar- velville, Ont. FOR SALE-- 15 acres of Standing Alfalfa Hey. Apply Mr. John Buckingham, R.R. No. 2, Russell. WANTED ALL KINDS OF LIVE POULTRY any time; also Feed Bags and Hides. Highest Cash Prices paid. Phone 86, Morrisburg. BARKLEY'S Meat Market Morrisburg, Ont. Buyer for Dominion Poultry and Egg Traders, Montreal. c25tf Purebred Holstein Bulls We have three young bulls on hand now all from good dams that are R.O.P. test. 1--This calf has over 1000 Ibs. of butter on both his grandams-- price $35.00. 2--A good young bull from a grand-daughter of King Bessie Ormsby Pietertye 4th and sired by the same sire. The dam is producing 8--This bull is from a daughter of Raymondale Ideal Successor and ghe in turn is a daughter of Montoic Pathfinder, the best blood lines at Mont Victoria Farms. He is sired by King Bessie. Price $50.00. Apply to WILSONDALE FARM, Kenmore, Ont. ALMOST A NON-ESSENTIAL i (Ottawa Citizen) A western editor apologizing for omitting the bridegroom's name from a wedding report, but also fail- ed to mention it in the explanation. There are so many more important 'things to remember about a wed- din2, he probably couian't find any- one who recalled the fellow's name. Would you count the cost of Free- dom in a concentration camp, With soul and body quaking to a Nazi sentry's tramp? Where the shriek of tortured man- kind and the hissing of the lash is the Gestapo's 'New Order' for the word or thought that's rash! ______ Would you count the cost of sparing to that child you love so well A life of Nazi slavery--A Nazi world of Hell? The shadow of the Swastika defilement of the Soul... __ With a Hitler for a God and a Val- halla for a goal! Would you count the cost of lending every dollar you can save To destroy this Nazi tyranny that would thus your world enslave? If you "wouldn't--then it's up to YOU to PLEDGE YOUR SAV- INGIS NOW With Liberty your future and your children's to endow! e 2 Pee 0e% ¢% e% dec eco ctor' RA ER WI) + BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 3 2A METCALFE Miss Dorothy Gracie, of Schu- macher, Ont., was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Cowan during the past week. Mrs. Lottie Dow who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Rol- ston during the past few months, left on Friday to spend the summer in Ingersoll. Mrs. C. Stableford and daughter Gail, of Port Huron, Mich., have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. York, during the past fort- night. Mrs: B. L. Reaney left last week for Rowassan, Ont., where she ex- pects to spend part of the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Hilton McKeown, of Phoenix, Ariz., have been guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKeown during the past ten days. Miss Mary Byers returned to Cornwall General Hospital on Sun- day after three weeks holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Byers Mr. and Mrs. Earl Craig and fa- mily, of Stratford, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Craig and other rela- tives here. Mrs. Lorne Petticrew and daugh- ter Marilyn, of Ottawa, have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Latimer during the week. Mrs. Lorne Henderson, of Mont- real, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Skuce, of Fort Wil- liam, spent a day last week with friends here. Mr. Gerald Thomas, of Ottawa, is spending a week's holiday with his aunt, Miss Ida Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cryderman, of Ingersoll, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dow. Miss May Dunne, of Britannia, caught the bride's bouquet at the Rombough -- Craig wedding on Thursday. Mr. Roger Warner, of Newington, recently engaged as Principal of Metcalfe Public 'School, has resigned the position, as he plans to enter the R.C.A.F. The annual memorial and decora- tion service will be held in Metcalfe United cemetery on Sunday, July 13th, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Kenneth Cooper who has join- ed the R.C.A.F. was a guest of honor recently when friends the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cooper, and presented him with a substantial purse as a farewell gift. Dr. H. McKeown, of Phoenix, Ariz., who has been a guest in our village, gave an illustrated travelogue in the Twn Hall on Monday night to a capacity audience. Scenes of Hono- lulu, Arizona, and many other Ame- color, all pictures having 'been taken by Dr. McKeown during the course of his travels. Proceeds went to the Metcalfe unit of the Red Cross So- ciety. Mrs. J. E. Craig and Mrs. C. E. L. Morrow were joint hostesses re- cently at the home of the former, for a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Ida Craig, whose marriage took place on Thursday. About fifty guests were present, and the gifts in an attractively decorated basket, gathered at rican places were shown in techni- WEDDING ROMBOUGH--CRAIG Metcalfe United Church was the setting for an attractive wedding on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. when Miss Ida Emeline 'Craig, eldest daughter of Harry D. and the late Mrs. Craig, was married to Seeley Wilbert Rom- bough, of St. Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rombough, of Rus- sell. Rev. H. A. Bunt officiated and Miss Vivien Craig, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. The church was decorated for occasion with delphiniums and ferns. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a floor-length gown of white silk organza over taf- feta, made with full softly pleated skirt and long sleeves. Italian quilting finished the girdle anil shoulders and the V neck was held with a clasp of pearls. Her full length veil of embroidered net was arranged with pleated frill and coronet of or- ange blossoms. 'She carried a shower buquet of Sweetheart roses and bou- vardia with white satin streamers. The bridesmaid, Miss Hilda Har- rison, of Metcalfe, wore a floor- length dress of orchid silk net with wide lace panels, over taffeta, a small mgdel headdress of flowers and tulle and she carried an arm bou- quet of Talisman roses and bouvardia Little Miss Shirley Baxter, of Ottawa as flower girl, was charming in a floor length gown of pale orchid lace over silk. She wore long lace mit- tens and a halo of flowers and car- ried a Colonial nosegay. The groom was attended by his brother Arnold Rombough, of St. Catharines, and Wesley Rombough, of Kingston, and J. Eldon Craig, of Metcalfe, were ushers. PANA Master Fred Farmer, of Ottawa, is holidaying with his aunt, Mrs. Fred Latimer. Mrs. Ernest Hamilton Anderson spent the Montreal. Mr. Russell Stanley, of Toronto, and Mrs. week-end in YOUR COMMUNITY'S spent a few days recently at the home of his uncle, Mr. Edgar Stan- ley. are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Thos. Harrington. Mr. Wm. Rivers and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elison and family, of Gouver- neur, N.Y., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert James. Mrs. J. R. Morrow and Mr. Stanley Morrow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. MeGreggor, Felton. Mrs. Moffatt of Norwich, Ont., is the guest of her nephew Mr. Richard Morrow. WESTMINSTER We are very sorry to report that Mr. Earl Franklin lost his house and fire on June 26th. Five years ago he had the same misfortune. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fitzgerald and son George, of Parent, Que. have been visiting friends and here this past week. Mr. Carey, former McGill College, of Mr. S. Swerdfager on Sunday. student a Sunday caller around here. this week. Following the ceremony a rece tion was held at the home of the bride's father for about seventy guests and later, Mr. and Mrs. Rom- bough left on a motor trip to Eas- tern points. For travelling the bride wore a smart crepe ensemble in or- med mohair hat and the same shades. residence in St. Catharines. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rombough, Mrs. M. Burrell, Fort Erie; Mr. and Mrs. D. Rombough, Mr. M. Rombough, accessories in E. Rombough, Prescott; Mr. and A. Wallace, Capreol; N. Rombough, Mr. Loucks, Russell; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baxter, Britannia; Mr. and Mus. | C. V. Craig Mr. J. M. Craig, C. T. Craig, huyband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dryman, Ottawa. ~~ MARVELVILLE Everett and Floyd, of North Russell, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman MeCormick. Quite a number of the folks from were pfesented by Miss Ann Thomp- son and Master Douglas Craig. An enjoyable evening was spent, part of the program being a mock wedding arranged by intimate friends of the bride-elect. Dainty refreshments were served. EDWARDS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butler and family and Mr. Harry Battison spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell's. A Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ladouceur and son, Mrs. Albert Ladouceur and Miss Christina Ladouceur spent Sunday afternoon at Long Island and other points. Mr. Duncan MacNeil and Mr. A 6% 6% 6% 0 asa a8 oO, 3 DIRECTORY 20620400 620.6% 420.4% 0704%04% 620% «206% e%<%0c%a®s c®oc®e Seba': Qodoosdradreirairaioaisnionionioniononodstocdredradeafatatontontes E. H. CHARLESON, B.A. LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2-5355 OPP ddedededy Seleileodsdsdofede ded McILRAITH & McILRAITH Barristers and Soliciters 66 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wedresday afternoon Duncan A. Mellraith, K.C. Rah 00a a a Sa Sa ar aia ad George J. Mecllraith Bickerton, Spencerville, are s 2 Po e% 2% 20% e%e% Poe' CCR 3 0.0. 0 : - ' pend- Cooioalonle doe ilenletenlenleidenlsndends feds ds ds dede doe ing some holidays with the former's C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Bickerton. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, | or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tal. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 80 Coralodesfoafpafsaodfsadoadrafsaoafadodoiocirifeatoifoioidododods Qoidralodrifodedfododsadociralsaodddondrifodrfeodedetrdedrd 8 EY Rev. J. L. Bradl ffici | o.9 ° lo. bradley officiated and Beattie's Eye Service § |i, lo, Fiver presided ache , : 3 |organ. The bride wore an attrac- J % tive afternoon dress in poudre blue 462 Bronson Ave., 4 | shade with a large picture hat in Cor. Gladstone, # | White, and was attended by her sis- 4 % | ter, Miss Edith Stanley, who wore a OTTAWA, ONTARIO. & Soshiine of sheer in a pretty rose % | sha 1 Scientific Eye Examinations & lie Eat Me Ron Specialists on all Visual and 3 After the cere BOOM. Muscular Eye Defects. + mony a wedding sup- y & | per was served at the home of the T. T. Beattie, Reg. Optometrist. 4 | bride's parents. Later Mr. and Mrs Kathleen M. Rollins, 3 Piper left on a short trip and on Reg. Optometrist. % | their ret tie at Long Island on Tuesday. some time in Cornwall. a few days Gilmore Wyman. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley to Robert Trevor, only son of the late Robert and Mrs. Piper was solemnized in St. James can Church on Saturday after Goadodofrododofofofrdririododedodeds ville, Lloyd Tierney, of Wilmo, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. Gerald Tierney, Niagara Falls, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Art McCooeye and family have returned home from a visit with friends in the Hamilton district. Miss Viola Ladouceur and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wyman made a business trip to Wilno, on Monday. ' Master Neil Campbell, of Haw-! thorne, is holidaying with friends here. Master Ross W. days with friends Mrs, Jas. Beatrice, visi yman spent couple 5 at Billings Bridge. Christie and daughter, ted with Mr. J. Chris- Mrs. John Campbell is spending Mrs. A. Leizert and grandson Bert Mrs. Robert Cook, of Vars, spent with her daughter, Mrs. PIPER--STANLEY The marriage of Alice Elizabeth, Angli- noon. urn will reside at Ramsay- here attended the lawn social July | 1st at the home of A. Craig, | more, and report a very | time. | + Mr. Wm. Brunton, Calgary, joined the colors and who has been in Mont- real for the past two months, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brunton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ellena Rae, of Ottawa, week-end at the home of Mrs. Robt. Brunton. enjoyable Brunton and spent the Mr. and | at the home of her brother, Mr. D. { J. Hill. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jack Stearns had the misfortune to fall last week while driving the horses on the hay fork and dislocated her shoulder bone. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hetener and Laurien, of Smiths Falls, spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. Ken. Brunton has returned home for the summer vacation. Miss Vera Brunton is spending some time camping near Montreal. Miss Grace McVey, of Brampton, is spending her vacation at the home of her father, J. B, McVey. Mr. and Mrs. D. Swerdfager, of Ottawa, spent a day at the home of Mr. Wm. Wood. Miss Agnes Barber, of Ottawa, at- tended the Y. P, banquet here Thursday night. The banquet was a great success. A number of the ladies attended the W. A. meeting at North Russell on Wednesday evening and report an enjoyable time. Mr. ad Mrs. Earl Wynn attended Mr. Wynn's sister Carrie's wedding in Russell on Saturday. We under- stand little Phyllis was flower girl. Mrs. John Robb and Miss Muriel Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Me- Cormick last Monday night. Kenneth Fader spent ni>ht with Glenn Fader. Mrs. Wm. Fader is spending some time with friends at Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott Stanley and girls Maybelle and Marjorie spent the past week-end with friends in Mont- treal. Mr. Russell Stanley, of Toronto. spent a few days last week at the home of his uncle, Wilmott Stanley. Miss Marion Barber spent a day in the Capital last week. Congratulations are in order for 'nez and Jack Hume, K. Robinson, R. Sharp for passing their exams. in Grade 8, also for Jas. McVey who was recommended. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, Ronald and Arnold spent part of Sunday in the Capital. Thursday Hard things are 'put in our way, not to stop us, but to call forth They will take up| week. The church floor St. | Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. E. Craig, | Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Miss | Mrs. B. Wallace, North Gower; Miss Rombough, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Amiei Shelp and sons | Ken- | Mrs. Mary Hume spent a few davs | on | | freshments. pleasant evening. Miss Grace Wylie , spending a few holidays | cousin, Miss Irene Swerdfager. of Ottawa, : ; ; Those who are interested in West- chid and lavender, with wide brim- | minster Church and cemetery made last has been been 'a great improvement on both fixed and the cemetery has cleaned up and levelled. GRAIN MIXTURES AID MILK Cows Must be Kept in Full Produc tion to Meet Cheese Output Promised Britain With a threatened decrease acute pasture conditions counties of Ontario due of the Ontario Department of Agri Mrs. | culture is advising farmers to resort Mr. and Mrs. Harold! to heavier grain feeding to keep up Buckland, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Young- | drought conditions, The Feed Board to be fed. Mr. and Mrs. Simser, of Ottawa, most of his household belongings by relatives of | called at the home Mr. Harold Hill of Montreal, was | Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wylie spent a | few holidays with the Swerdfager's' Nearly everyone from our corner attended the annual lawn social at Pendleton. The Y.P.U. supplied the P- | program while the W.A. provided re- They all report a very js Board as follows: with her in summer milk production owing to in many to near i | Booth - Refreshments. DON'T MISS SECOND ANNUAL SOCIAL DR. MACDOUGALL PARK | Auspices of Russell Horticultural Society Wednesday, July 16th, at 8 P.M. DEBATE -- "Resolved the girls of our Grandmother's Day were superior to the girls of our day." Debaters on both teams will be former residents of Russell. If weather unfavorable social will be held July 18th. ONE BIG EVENT Admission 25¢ the milk flow. This is deemed ab- solutely necessary if Ontario is to do its 70 per cent share in providing | 112,000,000 pounds of Canadian] cheese for Britain. Statistics show that Ontario is down 330,000 pounds of cheese this: year as compared with last year's, 1 production for the first five months. Officials have been hoping the figures { for June will show this deficit wiped out. Reports received by the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture from the heavy cheese-producing counties of Eastern Ontario state that many cheese fac- tory patrons have materially in- creased production per cow by judi- cious grain feeding. While farmers | cannot control pastures owing to | weather conditions, they can control | | supplemental grain feeding, Feed: | Board officials point out. | Grain mixtures for cows on good pasture are recommended by the] i (1) oats 200! | pounds an d barley 100 pounds; (2) | oats 200 pounds, barley 100 pounds ! and wheat 100 pounds; (3) oafs 100 pounds, barley 100 pounds, wheat! -100 pounds, and soybean oilmeal 50 pounds. Grain mixtures for cows on poor to medium pasture: (1) oats pounds, barley 100 pounds, wheat 100 pounds, soybean oilmeal 100! | | FLOW IN DRY SEASON pounds; (2) oats 200 pounds, wheat | 100 pounds; dried brewers' grains, .* 100 pounds and linseed oilmeal 50 | pounds. The above mixtures are considered ideal but if these grains are not available than none at all. The condition of pasture, condi- tion of cow and milk flow should be taken into consideration when de-. ciding the amount of grain mixture IN THE CHURCHES ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RUSSELL Rev. J. L. Bradley, Rector Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 7.830 p.m.--Evening Prayer. ST. JAMES' CHURCH, (Anglican) EDWARDS, ONT. Rev. J. L. Bradley, Rector Fifth Sunday after Trinity 2.15 p.m.--Stinday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, July 13th, 1941 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--"Our and Heritage." 7.30 p.m.--No Evening Service. A Christian Welcome to all. Protestant Faith | The meat was removed and Mrs, MacPherson then served apple pie. 200 "Now children," said Jock, 'wants a piece of pie for a nickel? "who available, it is better to use what are : BUY RAMSAY S RL HIE TO PAINT RIGHT" | es ---- i | i i | ! 1 _ F. C. ELFORD, President courage and strength. -- fm Hin 4 Ur fn y ' \\ \ SS AMIN ALA | granches o! SON NY ~ id Sm T TENTED FAIR EVER HELD IN CANADA PRIZE LIST AND ALL INFORMATION ON REQUEST H. H. McELROY, Secrctary-Manager

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