Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 10 Jul 1941, p. 1

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ad gel ' Ps C tl ee | ) € h RUSSELL, An ' ONT. Russell Leader SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT PRESCOTT, THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1941 NO. 28 MEN'S SEPARATE PANTS -- Summer weight pants $2.98 and $3.90 per pairg!| Regular cloth "i : eee. $2.25 to $5.50 a pai BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS -- We have a very nice assortment of Boys' suits at moderate prices. Died / LADIES' HOSIERY -- Penman's Chiffon Hose at the old price _ ie. 79¢ pair Penman's Semi-Service at the old price . 85¢ a pai Other lines of Silk Hose from 25c¢ up. Ladies' and Children's Silk Anklets ____________________ 25¢c a pai MARSH MALLOWS _____ eee 1<1b. bag 2 Below are a few of our prices for July 12 and 14, Cash or gs. 5¢ CANNED PEAS 20-0z. tins 2 for 21 MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR 7b. bag 27 MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD a. 2s. for 2 SUGAR 10 lbs. 79¢ - COOKIES 2 lbs. for 2 Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 23c¢ Corn Syrup 5-lb. pails 5 LIGHT HONEY 4-b.tms ....... 45 SEALER RUBBERS .. 7c dozen PARAWAX _____ -- NEW CABBAGE CARROTS LETTUCE Ete. -- Clark's Pork & Beans, tall tins, 2 for 25¢ TWO-IN-ONE BUG DEATH Also CLIMAX and KING BUG KILLER McARTHUR - WARNER General Merchants and Funeral Directors PHONE 11 24-Hour Ambulance Service a -- A THE PICADILLY THEATRE WILLIAMSBURG Matinee at 3 p.m., Wed, and Sat. only This Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 10, 11, 12-- "THE SINGING HILL" -- Starring Gene Autry, with Smiley Burnette and Mary Lee. Featuring the season's newest song hits, with thrills, action and comedy. Three shows, night of July 12th. ALSO--Exclusive pictures of the. LOUIS--CONN heavy- weigit fight. 13 rounds of the fastest action in the mos: gruelling combat ever seen in any ring. The most sensational fight ever filmed. » Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14, 15, 16-- "COMRADE X"--.\ sizzling satire directed at the "oviets --With Russia now so prominent, CCMRADE X is a timely and interesting feature. Starring Clarke Gable and Heddy Lamarr. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 17, 18, 19-- "FLIGHT COMMAND"--Starring Robert Taylor, Ruth 5 Hussey and Walter Pidgeon. 0 00.00% 0s% <0 e%c% 0% o%0s% s% "0s 0% 20 % o, 0 Poafoc®s Peebe ites 2, SP 0u%0e%0 7045042042020 4%.4% +26 204004202 420 %e% Foc os': DERN RIX IXEX IX IN IX IX CX EX XE I 030 30 30 a aXe Xa XE XXX SX EXE X SX SX Xe XXX CR) 2000000000004 07 o& sensi ss : i INSURANCE ¥ Automobile Insurance--Special Rates to Agriculturists. 3 2 . 3 3 | am prepared to insure your hold- } : ings in the following classes of Fire Insur- $ ance: Tariff, Non Tariff, and Mutual. ~~ § : Iwill give the Maximum Service at the § + Minimum Cost. Call or write for information & $ % % ¢ DONALD DOW, Kenmore, Ont. : ¥ Phone Metcalfe, Rural, 47-R, 34. EMBRUN SHOE SHOP NEW HARNESS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. DOUBLLE HARNESS, Complete $40.00 SINGLE HARNESS $23.00 and $25.00 BOOTS and SHOES SHOES AND HARNESS REPAIRED. LEO BISSONNETTE. ET Do You Want To BUY, SELL, RENT, OR TRADE? AN ADVERTISEMENT WILL TELL WHAT YOU HAVE --ON HAND AND-- Leader Ads Do Not Cost - They Pay. t Carrie E. Wynn, Weds I | fingertip :leng. H. Dougal Campbell St. Paul's and St. Andrew's Uni- ted Church, Russell, was the seene of a July wedding at four o'clock 'on Saturday afterneen, solemnized by Rev. Thomas McNaught, of = Miss Carrie Ella Wynn, diughter of Mrs. Wynn gd the late Mi. Edward Wynn of Russell, to Mr. X. Dougal Camp- bell, son of Mr. sad Mrs. Campbéll, of Ottawa. Miss 'Gwendolyn Gauiodger pre- sided at the organ, and Mrs. Arthur | Watson, cousin of tle prile. sang "Because" during the'ignin of the register. a The bride was ¢ by her brother, M ) and was attended by#kir E. Cecil Adams, Ott ; of-honor, and by her cousin, Mildred Wynn, Brockville, brides maid. The grociai was attendeq p, his brother, Mr. Charles C. Cares bell, of Rochester, N.Y. Those a», tending the guests were Mr. E. Ce-j;. Adams, of Ottawa, and Mr. Claucs W. Campbell, of Rochester, N.Y. A floor-length gown:of white 'over taffeta was worn byi#= .. net Designed with a fitted sug bride. tilly lace insets a" ~~ .Chan- skirt and f= -orne/ the ffant Her coronet yond th: i ea and her yen "2S of white tienias of white tulle was of roses, acelia and American" 'Beauty shower effect com?PY's breath in we he ind Fe bo was of Dik nev un; Joce fashioned with a Youffant sk; d a fitted bodice. She was w. 20 2 e of blue larkspur 7 amg 1 COrone que ind her arm bou- and bouvardia. "Ben, Sarkep Peter #. chosen a gown of blue chiffon, fash-| ioned with a high : ' ted sleeves and a fo kine, lose lit + " 4 ey coroniéy Was ou whit? flowers and she carried an a, bouquet of "been visiting Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick ted Church mans sk . | siending a few holidays the guest of My. and Mrs. John Harrington. l:oending a few holidays the guest of guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble. ' ¥ * * * . mether, Mrs, J Local and Personal Pte. William May, R.E.S.C., has been transferred to Deibert, N.B. #* * * Pte. Hugh Campbell of Cornwall, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. D. Campbell. 3 Pa * = * . Mrs. Gilliard, of Ottawa, who has has returned home. * * * Miss Mary Campbell of Rock- cliffe, is spending a few holidays with her mother, Mrs. D. Campbell. ® x 0X "Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson of Cornwall, were visitors at the Uni- e on Saturday last. * * Bar. Guy Pelton of Windsor, is 4 * * * Mrs. Garland Hall and son Jim are - ling a few holidays in Ottawa, SPeN... © Mise Vie Olsen. the guests oy us - 3 * * * Mrs. Reg Montpetit, of Iroquois,' Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cockwell. Rev, J. L. Bradley has resumed his dities after spending a few holidays at Bristol Lodge, Que. * * [3 Miss Catharine MacKeracher, of Ottawa, spent the week-end the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shelp. * * * Mrs. Donald Gamble, of Maxville, Ont. is spending a few holidays the Tpr. Fred Latour, Debert, N:B. is spending his leave the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Latour. ? * x ow Drv. David Kerr, of Debert, N.B. is spending a leave the guest of his as. Kerr, * * * Miss Roberts, of Cornwall, has Calla lilies, blue larke..; 2nd bou- vardia. Two nieces of he bride, little Misses Shirley Ader rve and Phyllis, Wynn, of Rugsel;, were T Beaygy roses and bouvardia. After the ceremony . a reception was held and later the bride and | bridegroom left on a short motor: trip. They will take up residence at 188 Lake St., St. Catharines. i For travelling the bride«domiied an eusemble of white crepe Wik «hich the wore red and blue acct ser ec | Out-of-town guests present were | Mr. and Mrs. Christie Wynn, of South Mountain; Mrs. Andrew Wynn and Miss Mildred Wynn, of Brock- ville; Mr. and Mrs. John Queale, of | Cornwall; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cra- ven and Miss Mabel Craven, North Gower; Mrs. Thomas Riddell, Mr. Eldon Riddell and Mr. and Mrs. Emp- sey, all of Mountain; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Campbell, all of Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Harold Palmer, Mr. Don- ald Palmer and Miss Ruth Dashney, all of Ottawa. WEDDING BUCKINGHAM--FARROW At the home of the bride's parents the marriage was solemnized last Wednesday of Miss Marjorie Kath- erine Farrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Farrow, of Vanguard, Sask., to William Lloyd Buckingham of Russell, Ont. Rev. F. A. Clare of- ficiated. Under a floral arch of pink and white flowers and before a banking of roses the marriage was Fe t tI | fl gins. Dressed alike, "they | e g frocks of blue taffeta an rrigd bouquets of American her holidays the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gamble. . * * i Mis Seharte, ngs Bridge, ding a fo days | ' Wallace Johnston, " erland, Phoebe and Eunice visited i Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harris of Kingston returned to her duties after spend- ing a Sg ond the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Py Mr. «nd Mrs. George Duquette and far ily, of Larder Lake, are holi- daying, the guests of Mrs. Wm. Fitz- patriek. dd © 2 = Miss Marg Gamble, nurse-in-train- i4 =i Cornwall General, is spending oberts. * * the guest of lier cousin, Sheila John- ston. * * Mrs. S. Fisher and little son "Wally" spent the week-end in Rus- sell the guest of her parents, Mrs. * % * . Mrs. Basil Strader, her two sons and Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Gilson of Brinsten, and Mr. Charles Suther- land were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutherland * x * Word has been received here of the safe arrival in England of Pte. Leslie Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnston. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fitzpatrick of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suth- where Miss Phoebe will remain for the months of July, and August. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. McNaught, Mr. A. Russel McNaught, Mrs. Ed- ward Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrington, all of of Boston, Mass. were visitors at the United Church .manse here for the week-end. solemnized. Miss Welwyna Clare as the soloist sang "At Dawn." 'Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by Miss Win- nifred Farrow as bridesmaid, and Mr. Bruce Saunders attended as best man A frock of heavenly blue chiffon was worn by the bride. Her acces- sories were white and her corsage bouquet was of Sweetheart roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Winnifred Farrow wore a gown of Queen's blue sheer with white accessories and her corsage bouquet was of Ophelia roses and Swansonia. A reception was held following the ceremony and later the couple left on their wedding trip to Clearwater Beach. The bride travelled in a frock of printed crepe with which she wore white accessories. They will reside at Vanguard, Sask. Out-of-town guests were Rev. F. A. Clare, Miss Welwyna Clare, Mr. Victor Clare, Mrs. C. N. Mullins and Miss Anne Mullins, of Vancouver; Miss Winnifred Farrow, of Regina: Mr. Bruce Saunders, of Regina; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell, of Hazlet. | APPRECIATION We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, sympathy, floral and spiritual offerings ve- ceived in our recent bereavement. --ALICE GORMLEY and Family. Drudgery is as necessary to call out the treasures of the mind as harrowing and planting those of the earth, : ln Nice %. Sigler Weds at Edwards T [TE 3 Rev. i. Bradley officiated at e quiet wedding ceremony in St. James' Church, Edwards, on Sat- urday, when Alice Elizabeth, eldest daughter of ™y. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley, became the bride of Mr. Robert Trevor Mills Piper, only son of Mrs. Robert Piper and the late Mr. Piper, of Ramsayville. ning a gala night for their munity folk at Dr. Macdougall Park. ! Anyone who attended first social on the evergreen planted grounds and saw the unveiling the cairn, will be anxious to XIX xxx xxx xxx xxx rxxxxxxxi % EVERY DAY STATIONERY--Good quality writing paper, either Linen or Vellum, Pads 25¢ and 15¢ each; Envelopes 15¢ pkg. Boxed Stationery 50c box; Correspondence Cards and Envelopes 50c a box. HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW DENTAL LIQUID ?-- Called PLUS -- has xi' the brightening and cleaning action of either paste or powder. Price-25¢ bottle. FOR SUMMER coug!S AND C BRONCHIAL COUGH SY® UF: i le. for both adults and children; Price 50c a bott PURCHASE DRUG REQUIREM: "NTS AT YOUR DRUG STORE J. L STEELE, Phm.B,- Russell, Ont. | Community Social at | Russell Vilage Macdougall Park Women's Institute Tents : A large number of members. 3 Russell horticulturists | cisitors attended * the July le. n 'of the W.I. held at the home of Mrs." Jim Hay with Mrs. L. A. Harring- ton, the president in the chair. After the transaction ef routine business Mrs. Tace Wade, convener of Health and Child Webgare, took charge of the meeting. Miss Lowrie read a are now vacationing from, "ye U.S _paper on "Patriotism" which p= ; Canad: Ty -S- | appropriate for Dominion Day. Due eT ee evening's. special attraction-- "Re. 1x piano by. shel mother, Js. Geb. solved the girls of our grandmoter's' Hay. Mrs. Wade gave an interesting day were superior to the girls of our report on the 25th anniversary of gay. i be In sharge 3 oe | The Lady Stanley Hospital gradua- ae The a Thos Has bald 5 the Chetan re. ro w nsie. : ently. Mrs. Wade also - youngsters are to be heard one ay hoon dental clinics in the schools. at Central Canada Exhibition. It was decided to hold sewing meet~ Other items of interest will \e | ings each Friday until the quilts talks byoM: Melaitns MPS iam were finished. July 4th at Mrs. L A. 'est, «Loe » Beye Se EM n an u a o sell County. If weather proves | atkwers y favorable July 16th, the social will Mrs. Wade tested the intelligence be held July 18th at 8 p.m. of the audience regarding Heme Nursing. Refreshments were served W.M.S. United Church by the hostesses, Mrs. Jim Hay and Mrs. Tace Wade. The August meet- ing to be held at the home of Mrs. The W.M.S. of the United Church |Tace Wade on August § at 2.30 p.m. at Russell entertained the members : of the Baby Band and their mothers, and the members of the Mission Band, at their meeting on Wednes- day, July 2nd, at the church hall Mrs. H. M. Snell, vice-president of the Auxiliary, welcomed the visitors and then Mrs. John Boland, Baby Band secretary, took charge of the meeting. Lantern slides of babies of other lands were shown and several! While of the mothers took part in explain- | ing the pictures. Mrs. Boland told a story of a missionary and Mrs. Me-| Naught spoke a few words on tie "Responsibility of. Mc¢thers". Mr. T'- K. Gerard, of Ottawa, Presbyterial Secretary, brought the greetings of the Presbytery and spoke on the work of the Band. At the close of the meeting refreshments were! served. : OLDS--We suggest using our It is effective and can be used ® oeleadeilodo eds load aloaeo els 2S Xoo <3 BDO AXXXET/XXXD are plan- com- last year's of ; keep be evening of July 16th free to meet their 01d friends, several of whom ~ IN MEMORIAM BRADLEY--In loving memory of Phyllis Clara who passed away July 15th, 1940. : Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger upon this earth we stay. -- Father, Mother and Sister, IN MEMORIAM TI In fond and lovir memory of a dear little playmat Phyllis Bradley, who went home' tu Jesus, one'year ago. "Of such i the Kingdom of Heaven." -----Aynslee Lola Morrow. TT i i 2 " 3 2 3 Annual Memorial Service - Louck's Cemetery 3 & : Ounday July13at230 pm. (5.T.) : -------- 3 The Special Speaker will be $ REV. DONALD MUNROE of Carleton Place 3 assisted by local clergy : The Russell Students' Band and a Union Choir pt Will Be in Attendance 3 & ETT TTT TTT TT TTT GOOD RECONDITIONED USED CARS 1937 STUDEBAKER COUPE * 1936 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER COACH 1932 FORD V8 COACH 1931 BUICK COACH Given in marréage by her father, ! the bride was gowned in a street! length frock of blue sheer, ,over matching taffeta. Her accessories | were in white and her corsage bou- ouet was of pink roses and bridal' wreath. She carried ma white prayer : book which had been carried by her mother on her wedding day. Miss Edith Stanley, as bridesmaid for her sister, was id salmon pink sheer, over matching taffeta. Her accessories were in white, and her corsage bouquet was of pink roses and fern. Mr. Ross Browne was the best man, and Miss Ida Piper, sister | of the bridegroom, played the wed-: ding music. Following the ceremeny a recep- tion was held for the immediate relatives, at the home of the bride's parents. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Piper left for a wedding trip to Toronto and points west. On their return they will reside at Ramsayville. 4 as GOOD USED TRUCK -- 1935 CHEVROLET MAPLELEAF 21; Ton Long Wheelbase Also New Chevrolet and Oldsmobiles n STOCK MOTOR McARTHUR 'Siigs CHEVROLET -- BUICK -- OLDSMOBILE G.M. C.. TRUCK DEALER RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 44

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