Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 13 Jan 1938, p. 8

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providing employment for nent users of Alberta coal, Burn Alberta Coal AND HELP CANADIAN Every time an Ontario householder purchases a ton of coal mined outside of Canada he is depriving Cana- dian workmen of an opportunity to earn an honest dollar. By buying ALBERTA COAL, Ontario coal consumers are assured that 100 per cent. of their fuel money is re- maining in Canada, and that somewhere in Canada it is trainmen who move the fuel, and also the employees in various lines of industry which supply the equipment to the Canadian mines. In the past few years thousands of Ontario householders have become perma- service considered, they have found it a more desirable fuel than they formerly used. Try a Quantity and Be Convinced -- Buy Canadian ! For Sale By J. H. TWEED - - le. a CS a re. el -------- INDUSTRY Canadian miners, Canadian necessary because price, quality and - = Russell, Ont. In The Churches ST. MARY'S CHURCH Russell, Ont. Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Second Sunday after Epiphany January 16th, 1938 11 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Sunday School. SAINT JA CHURCH Edwards, Ontario Second Sunday after Epiphany January 16th, 1938 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, Jan. 16th, 1938 11.00 a.m.--*"My Church." 7.30 p.m.--Public Worship. Sunday School 10 a.m. Annual Congregational on Wednesday, Jan. 19th. WEEK OF PRAYER During the week of prayer the meetings were held in the Presby- terian Church on Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings. On Tuesday evening the meeting opened by a song service led by Rev. Daniels with a joint choir and Mrs. Thos. Harrington as pianist. A solo was rendered by Robert McNaught, accompanied by Miss G. Gaukrodger, after which Rev. McNaught led in the prayer. The service was conducted by Rev. Bun., pastor of Metcalfe United Church, text being on "Prayer." Thursday evening opened by a song service and a mixed choir in attend ance. A duet was rendered by Miss M. Harrington and Mr. Wm. Willis, accompanied by Mrs. Thos. Harring- ton. Rev. McNaught conducted "the service, speaking on "Christianity." Meeting Greek sculptors were responsible for many works of art centuries be- fore the birth of Christ, that mo- dern artists are still trying to better If a man smokes in the house and his wife is afraid her curtains will be ruined, he should be obliging and take them down. " Hl " { The pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China were said to have been built during periods of depression to relieve unemploy- ment. Russell United Church Annual Meeting North News ltems W.M.S. INSTALLATION The W.M.S. of the United Church met on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Ed. Eastman. The officers were installed by Mrs. J. A. Gamble. The president, Mrs. Steele presided over the business. Mrs. Alex Me- Keracher had charge of the Study Book and Mrs. D. A. McGregor led the worship service, assisted by Mrs. John Boyd. Mrs. T. McNaught spoke on the new allocation which was accepted by the Society. i Y.P.U. BUSINESS MEETING The Young People's Union of Rus- sell United Church met en Monday evening: The president, Georgie Cherry, presided for the business period. The treasurer's report showed. $17.00 given to Western re- lief; $10 to Missionary and Mainten- ance Fund and $10 to local church support, besides money spent on Union activities. = Miss Lois Scott, | Christian Fellowship convener, then' took charge of the meeting, assisted by Edna Curry and Howard Hamil. | ton. The topic was "False Prophsis.'| M.B. INSTALLATION The installation service for the of-| ficers of the Mission Band of the Rus- sell United Church took place on Sun- day morning, conducted by .the leader Miss Lowrie. The new officers are: President, ! Dorothy Twiname; Vice-Pres., Helen Stephenson; Secy., Keith Boyd and Treasurer, Fay Stephenson. The president then presided for the busi- ness period and the worship service in which she was assisted by Jessica Trainor. North Russell Y.P.S. The North Russell Y.P.S. held their citizenship meeting at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamilton on Friday evening, Jan. 7th, with the | president Clelland Hamilton in charge. The meeting was opend by singing | , "Fight the Good Fight" followed by , | the Lord's Prayer in unison. The! i Scripture Lesson was read by Thomas i Buckingham. After the business session Beulah Shelp, the Citizenship convener, pre- sented a very interesting program. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of "Rise up, O Men of God." | HARDWARE - We have purchased the entire stock of Pumps and Pump Accessories formerly at Embrun, and will now carry a full line of Beatty Bros. Pumps, Fittings, Washers, Ete. Lumber of all kinds in stock. Sash and Door factory --~Sheet Rock, Wall Board, Paints and Varnishes Brushes -- Oil -- Putty -- Glass -- Ete. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED EUGENE Telephone R 54 LUMBER - PAINTS stocked by Mr. W. D. Dupuis Ete. Sherwin Williams -- DAOQUST Embrun, Ont. Flee deeded doedeodedeedodrdodedededdedoododedododedudedrtedodtodedndodoododododrodniodoindedntod . PEARSON'S FARM REMEDIES--For the farmer who re- quires only a small amount of stock food, we list the following : Condition Powder 60c; Poultry Tonic 60c; Hog Tonic 60c; Louse Powder 30c; rafedasieaedd & Pearson's Spray for lice $1 gal. can. 3 well tried products. 3 Dri Kill, Cooper's Warble 3 When in Need of Veterinary Supplies of Any Kind % Consult Your Family Druggist. 3 : i J. L STEELE, Remember we also sell Cooper's Phm. B., Russell, Ont. 00%. %<% Peete Pesteitotete 2s 0 e% 4% 00% 4% %0 sbeebs 0 ee octet te cece ®ects este te Post XX a a a a aaa CX SX RRR Stock Tonic 60c; AEA aas = All of these are > %% o! ed the regular meeting of the Mar- | the members assembled for the first ; 'meeting of the year. ea a la ese oo 4 | winter school, gave an interesting re- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES | period was supervised | Bauker and Harold Brunton. oo 0, ot Fly Powder and Sabadilla. -, o , , a! ° 0 sole eles ° a . Je 0 og Brelale °, * * I speed on the flat part was 16 miles | miles per hour, Russell United Church The annual congregational mect- ing of the North Russell United Church was held in the church on Jan. 38rd with a good attendance present. The 'meeting was presided over by the pastor, Rev. J. G. Patterson who expressed his appreciation of the co-operation and kindness of the con- gregation during the past year of his ministry in the charge. The various reports of the dif- ferent branches of the congregation were then received. The report" of the W.A. ws given by Miss Matilda Hitsman. The President of W.M.S. Miss M. James gave the report of this branch. The report of the Sun- day School and Y.P.S. was given by Clelland Hamilton. The Sec.-Treas of the congregation D. Bradley, gave the financial report of the church. All reports were very favorable and showed marked progress during 1937. The congregation hope to cele- brate the Golden Jubilee of the church this year and a special com- mittee was appointed to make ar- range ments for the celebration. With the united efforts of all members they are looking forward to one of the best years in the church's historv North Russell W. A. Elects Officers The December meeting of the North Russell United Church Wo- man's Association was held on Thursday evening, Dec. 30th at the home of Miss Matilda Hitsman with the president Mrs. Herbert James presiding. After the devotional and business period the annual election of officers took place, last year's executive all being re-elected. President--Mrs. Herbert James. Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Wm. Burton. Sec.--Mrs. Robert Morrice. Treasurer--Miss Matilda Hitsman Mrs. Ernest Hamilton was. elected convener of the sick committee. Lunch was served and a social evening enjoyed by all. Contest prize was won by Mrs. Joan Morrice and Mr. Carman James Annual Meeting of Kenmore Y.P.S. The annual meeting of Kenmore Y.P.S. was held on Tuesday, Jan. 4th. The following officers for 1938 were elected: Hon. Pres., Rev. A. M. Wootton. President, Jack Blacklock. Vice.-Pres., Archie Park. 1st Convenor, Vera Loney. -- Vice Convenor, Bessie Park. 2nd Convenor, Margaret Park. Vice Convenor, Lula Curry. 3rd Convenor, Harold Warren. Vice Convenor, Keith Little. 4th Convenor, Anne MacKinkade. Vice Convenor, Harold Dempsey. Secretary, Aletha Whitteker. Treasurer, Jean Anderson. Pianist Margaret Park. Assistant, Aletha Whitteker. Press Secretary, Dorothy Lemoine. Drama Committee, Jack Blacklock, Archie Park and Rev. A. M. Wootton. Marvelville Y.P.S. A short but impressive re-dedica- tion service under the leadership of the president, Margaret Little, mark- velville Young People's Society held Friday evening of last week, when Following the business period, Os- car Hill, the delegate to the Ottawa port of the lectures and work under- taken at the school. The recreation by Agnes FIGURE IT OUT Answer to Last Week's Puzzler-- Cow Sense As the train goes two bridge lengths less one foot, while the cow goes half a bridge length, less 5 feet, and as the train would go 8 bridge lengths, less 3 inches, while the cow went half a bridge length, plus 4 feet 9 inches, we see that the train would go 5 bridge lengths, less 15 inches, while the cow went 1 bridge length, less 3 inches. Thus the train travels 5 times as fast as the cow, therefore 2 bridge lengths less 1 foot is equal to 2 and a 1-2 bridee lengths, less 25 feet. Hence, half a bridge length is 24 feet and the whole length is 48 feet. WORDS A Kayak is an Arctic canoe; a Kulak is a rich Russian peasant. TRY THIS ONE--No. 3 What 4 numbers, either added or multiplied together, will produce the same result? Thus: A plus B plus C vlus D equals A multiplied by B, multiplied by C. multiplied by D. Can you substitute whole numbers for the above 4 letters. TRY THIS ONE--No. 6 A bicycle racer kept himself in condition by racing around a home- made track. One stretch was hilly and the racer found that it taok him 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete a circuit of the course. His rate of per Lour, while uphill his rate was 12 and down hill 24 les per hour. What was the dis- tance around the course? WORDS Miss Grace Webster, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Steele * * * Beatrice McGovern has left for Iroquois Falls. * * * 'Mrs. Thos. McNaught travelled to Vernon and Metcalfe this week and addressed the W.M.S. of each place. * * * "Arthur Latimer spent Christmas day at the home of Archie Cameron, Carlsbad Springs. * Beatrice McGovern, of Carlsbad Springs, spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shelp's, of Russell. * Swlow Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott and Douglas were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harrington. * * * Mrs. Allen Swerdfager, of More- wood, was the guest of Mrs. M. Moke last week. . * * * Curling is in full swing with both the men's club and the ladies' club rounding into the midwinter series. * * * Stewart Shelp, Jim Profit, of Ed- wards, and Beatrice McGovern spent New Years at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cornell's, of Carlspad, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sully made a farewell call on Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Loucks, on their way to embark for Bombay, India. : = x x Rev. Thos. McNaught went to Ver- non: last Sunday afternoon and held a Communion Serviee for the United Church congregation there. * * Miss Kathleen Dugdale has return- ed to Ottawa to resume her studies at a business college, after having spent the holiday season in Russell with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Dugdale. 2 The above is our list of pers»nals and as you can see it is rather short-- Local readers please let us know what that friend was who visited you. Help make this column newsy and in- teresting. Give us a little help and we will appreciate it very much. SUNDAY INDISPOSITION Morbus sabbaticus, or 'Sunday sickness, a disease peculiar to church members. The attack comes on suddenly every Sunday; no symp- toms are felt on Saturday night; the patient sleeps well and wakes feeling well; eats a hearty break- fst, but about church time the at- tack comes on and continues until the services are over for the morn ing. Then the patient feels easy and eats a hearty dinner. In the af- noon he feels much better, and is le to take a walk, talk about poli- tics, and read the Sunday pavers; he eats a hearty supper. but about church time he has another attack and stays at home. He retires ear- ly, sleeps well and wakes up on Monday morning refreshed and able to go to work, and does not Lave any symptoms of the disease untii the following Sunday. The peculiar features are as follows: 1--It always attacks the church. 2--It never makes its appearance except on the Sabbath. 3--The symptoms vary, but it never interferes with the sleep or appetite. Vermin ridden poultry and animals take dollars off every farmer's income. But you can keep your stock free from any kind of vermin . . with | Pearson's Louse Killer. This famous British Spec- ific is specially recommended, for poultry. | .. PEARSONS Louse Killer Made by the makers of "CREOLIN" E-2 TRY IT. T% DEALERS HAVE IT ol What is an Octupus, an Omnibus and as. Bhiwvdovrhizcs and a Blunderbuss. J: L. STEELE, Drugs Russell, Ont. members of, Local and Personal New Challenge Cup For Russell Curlers Russell Curling Club, with a mem- bership of some 70 men and 20 ladies was signally honored when J. E. Kyle, local resident, presented John Gamble, president of the club, with a beautiful Club Challenge Cup, the cup to remain in the local club and to be used as a challenge trophy among the various rinks comwosing the Russell Club. The holding team skipped by the president, M. W. Gam- ble, Leslie Lemond, Harry Slaughter and John Twiname, Jr., will hold the cup until defeated by some other rink and it is understood that the last team to win the cup at the end of the current season will have their names engraved on it. The trophy was presented by Mr. Kyle who has been an enthusiastic curler and supporter of the local club for 25 years and he has been keenly active in the erection of the new curling rink, which was com- pleted last year and is one of the finest buildings housing two rinks in Eastern Ontario. METCALFE Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Craig spent the week-end with friends 3t North Gower. Mrs. Campbell, of Admaston, was a week-end guest of Rev. H. A. and Mrs. Bunt, at the parsonage. The Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Alex Latimer on Monday ievening with 20 ladies attending. The prize for highest score was won by Mrs. Walter Palmer. At lunch hour the hostess was assisted by Mrs. J. A. Waddell and Miss Pear] Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. James Mullins are quietly celebrating the 60th anniver- sary of their marriage on Tuesday, Jan, 18th at the home of their son, Mr. Angus Mullins. Married in St. Mary's Church, Gloucester, by Rev. Father Desoire, on January 18th, 1878, Mr. and Mrs. Mullins have resided in this distriet the greater part of their lives. They have ten children living, four daughters: Sister Jane Frances of the Sisters of the Immaculate Concep- tion; Mrs. F. Astels, of Baie Comeau, Que.; Mrs. J. P. Manion and Miss Alice, of Ottawa; six sons: James. Frank and William, of Ottawa; Fred of Montreal; Angus of Metcalfe. It is expected that all the family will be present on this anniversary occasion, which is unique in the history of the district. Mr. and Mrs. Mullins will attend a Thanksgiving Mass in the parish church here on Tuesday morn- ipg and during the atfernoon and evening will be "at home' to their friends. 4--It never lasts more than twen- ty-four hours. 5--It generally of the family. 6--No physician is ever called. attacks the head ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER of Section 469, subsection (9) of "The Municipal Act", and IN THE MATTER of the applica- tion of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Osgoode for relief from its obligation to re-build a certain bridge over the north branch of the Castor River on Lot 23 in the 11th Conces- sion of the said Township, in the County of Carleton. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday, the Twenty-first Day,. of January, A.D., 1938, at the hour of Two o'clock in the Afternoon at the Court House in the City f Ottawa, for the hearing of all parties interested, in support of or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this 30th day of December, A.D., 1937. (Sgd.) M. B. SANDERSON, c-1-2 Acting Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS COUNTY OF RUSSELL Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario to me directed and delivered against the goods, zhat- tels, lands and Tenements of Ame- dee Fortier wherein Zenaide Chau- rette Vachon is the Plaintiff and Lumina Chaurette Fortier, the De- fendant as well as in her capacity as executrix and Universal legatee un- der the last Wil land Testament of Amedee Fortier I have taken in exc- cution and will offer in the Court House. in the Town of L'Orignal on Tuesday, t'e 1st day of February, AD. 1938, at the hour of 1.39 o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the above named Amedee Fortier, in, to and out of the following lands and tenements, namely: "Part of W part of N% of W. 3-4 (209 feest square) of lot 17 in the eighth Copression of the Municipali- tv of Cllarence, County of Russell, more particularly described as foi- lows:-- Commencing at a point on .s. of Montreal and Ottawa Railway right-of-way crosses the W. line of s2id let. Thence E. following said © line of said right-of-way 209 feat. Thence S. and parallel with Con. line wn 209 feet. T:ence W. 209 feet. Thence WN. 209 feet to place of begin- ning." Dated at the Sheriff's Office in the Town of L'Orignal, 'this 13th day of October, AD. 1937. A. LANDRIAULT, Sheriff, United Co es of Prescott and Russell. ¢51-52-1-2-3-4 How to Get Bigger Milk & Cream Checks Get more and richer milk from your cows by feeding them Wat- kins Mineralized Stock Tonic. A good milk-producing cow is con- stantly draining her body of minerals. If they are not re- placed, production falls off. Keep production at its peak and get bigger milk and cream checks by feeding Watkins Mineralized Stock Tonie. I'll tell you just how to use it and will guarantee that you get results. You can be the judge. If you are not satisfied, it costs you nothing. You will find that your feed costs are less, particularly in the winter time. Insure all-winter production by feeding Watkins Mineralized Stock Tonic. Wait for my call and let me show you what customers of this Tonie. I also have un- usual bargains in daily-used household necessities. H. J. Beckstead Phone 612-R4 Russell, Ont. think | DISTORTED VIEWPOINT (Winchester Press) The Italian newspaper II Popolo Di Roma this week is said to have accused the United States with co- wardice in connection with the sink- ing of the Panay by Japanese air- craft. It is just possible that both bravery and cowardice are judged by different standards in the United States than they are in Italy. For instance, we cannot imagine our neighbours to the south engaging in such as Ethiopia. redoulrdoalrdeafrddontrcdendedondrenteestoisodsntontontoitroisd OUR CLASSIFIED $ SECTION °o a aR FOR SALE--Skates and boots, size 4 1-2; 15-jewel Swiss movement gold wrist watch; music case (new) and ukelele in case. Apply A. J. Macphail. pd FOR SALE-- Man's racoon coat in perfect condition; also brown imi- tation fur robe-- a bargain. W. H. Harrison, Russell, Ont. p2 1204%06%6%04%06%06% ®0.e%<% « 0.e% So. oegeeeelseloedoodecdoedeedoniodonts work, small family, no children. Write direct to 120 8rd Street Ww., Cornwall, Ont. WANTED: Man for Rawleigh Route. Route will be permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh's Dept. M 1-356 103-A Montreal, Canada. CUSTOM TANNING-- Deer skins, manufacturer of deer skin mitts and gloves, and oak tanned Eng- lish leather for skate straps, also leather laces. Chesley Pillar, Tanner, Russell, Ont. ch1tf 120.420.4200 %04%06%00%¢% 6% %<%.c%s <0 000% 0% ¢%0% 6% ¢%.¢% BS Sa ee Xa Xa aa XIX XXX IU) BUSINESS AND Toe Seeded 3 PROFESSIONAL 3 DIRECTORY ° 20 e%4% 6% 20 e%0e% ee %oe RAS JOHN B. WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Commissioner for Quebec 33 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 - Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters. 190620050 0%06% 6°06 %06%00% % 0% 2% 6%. 2.6% +20 c%0 oe %o ce sta sts 0. 0. Qooesfefeatoadoaosfosfecdedadndeadeifodfocfectentoideidostestededr HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. BO A A A SR A AC A a i J LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur - Hubert Pothier Avocats - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 Qoofoifeifeieioieiodododododocdoctecdoctocdocdosiesiociosieioded E. H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, -©ttawa Telephone 2--3525 Ba a A A MCcILRAITH & McILRAITH Barristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon 2 Dunc. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mc]lraith 100.400 4%00%4%6% 4% 6% 6% ¢%e% 0% <%¢ 0% %0< 0% «os Yost LX EXE XXX EX EXEXIN DIX IX IX IX IX X IX IX XIX TNE X aaa] 100.0%06%.4% 620.0% 4% ¢%0c% ¢0.0%.e% os % CASE a aX Xa XX EX ENIX SX IX IN J. EE JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 : Day and Night KENMORE - . ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 30 the conquest of a helpless nation. MAID WANTED for general house-. cz --

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