Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 13 Jan 1938, p. 6

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Serial Story ica A = sed g Fashions Recipes Page of Interest to Women nae Orange Pekoe Bind SALADS TEA Sharon "Wynne DEBUTANTE [en SHAM Visitor A few days after they were settled, Pa Needham unexpectedly turned up. "For goodness sake!" Mrs. Need- ham gasped. : "I came along with the horses, Ma. Anyway, 'twas pretty gnesome at th ranch. Thought" maybe your Tnterest in the horses proved you was hanker- in' to get back." "It certainly does not," ped. "And there's another thing that brought me," Pa continued. "Some- thing I want to talk to Gay about." "What!" Mrs. Needham picicusly. "About that purifyin' plant, There's a lot of sickness this year. That ir- rigatin' water never was so bad. nt Gay might like to put up some money" Ma snap- asked sus- "lI would!" Gay said quickly, but her inother interposed. 'Nonsense! You need your money for othcr things." And that seemed to settle it. "How long will you be here, John?" Mrs. (Needham asked her husband. "Guess I'll be leavin' tomorrow." "Why don't you stay, Daddy?' Gay pleaded.' - ; But Mrs. Needham again objected. 'Why, look at him, Those clothes, that hat! He'd disgrace us. No it's better, John, for you to go back to the ranch." Pa swallowed. hard. "Guess you are right, Ma. But first, I think I'll amble down to Virginny to see Celia at that school. There's something about her letters--she's restless and unhappy. I'll stop down there and see her, and then, I'll go back and stay where 1 belong." "Take Jock With You" Mrs. Nesdham was thoughtful for a few minutes. "I wonder," she said slowly "wheth- er it wouldn't be a good idea to take Jock with you." She looked at Ler husband. * "He's been drinking too much, and gambling, and there's an actress who--seems to be a bad in- fluence, If he'd go back to the ranch for a few months--I'm worried about him. Oh, sometimes I wish we'd nev- er come East!" The sudden her WOMEN WHO SUFFER OMEN who suffer in si- lence often pay a double penalty for wearing this gag of unselfishness or silly pride. Pain- ful periods are nature's warning that something is wrong and needs immediate attention. Growing girls as well as women often are sufferers irom female frregularities. They find Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription a dependable tonic. Read what Mrs. E. Etheridge, Gleichen, Alta, said: "In my opinion there is no better fd for women and girls than Dr. intensity of ierce's Favorite Prescription. Before I fin- hed taking one bottle of the 'Prescription' can glways depend upon the 'Prescription' to five relief." Buy of your druggist now. noted its value for painful periods. mother's voice made Gay look at her sharply. "Why don't you chuck it all and come home?' Pa pleaded. "We can't, Pa. We've a year's con- tract with Van Gordon." "I see. Well, I'll see what I can do about Jock anyway." But later, when Pa saw Jock, his hope that the boy might go home with him was quickly dispelled. "Not as long as I can toddle about Broadway," Jock answered. Pa did succeed, however, in mak- ing the boy sit down and listen to him and, before he finished, Jock's bored air had left him. Finally he took his father's hand. "You're right, Dad, about all "of us," he said huskily, "But I've some gambling debts. I couldn't leave now. In a few months--maybe . . ." They stood then, face to face, hands clasped--nearer to each other than they had been for a long time. Then Jock went out, and Pa dropped wear- ily into a chair. CHAPTER VII A few days later, Pa Needham reached home after a most unsatis- factory visit with Celia. "Muley," one of his cowboys, met him at the depot. "Half this country's got typhoid," Muley glumly informed him, "and they say Celia's friend, Dick Myers, is in a critical condition." Pa was shocked. er?' he queried. "Yep." "You'd better drop me off at the Myers' place," Pa said quietly. Later, when he looked at Dick My- ers' fever-flushed face, and heard him muttering, "Celia"--talking to her in his delirium--Pa turned away with tears in his eyes. He made tracks for the barn, where sitting on an upturned barrel, he whittled furiously. Mingled with Dick's fevered cries, were the words of Celia when he had visited her. "Please take me home with you, Daddy . . . I hate it here... and--and I must see Dick!" He had done his best to comfort her, to per- suade her to stick it out because of "Irrigatin 'wat- her mother's wishes. "Huh," he now mused, whittling slower and slower, Then, he threw the stick away and hurried back to the house. "Want to put in a call," he said to Mrs. Celia." A few days after that telephone conversation, Gay received an air-mail letter from her sister. "lI just want you to know," it be- gan, "that I'm home and married to Dick Myers, who may die of typhoid. It's your fault, Gay -- yours and Mother's. It's the irrigation water, of course ..." There was much more --all a bitter denunciation. Gay cried for several minutes after finishing the letter, Then, determin- edly, she phoned the trust company that handled her money, and instruct- ed that thirty thousand dollars Be sent to her father at once. She followed that with a wire to her father to start plang for the purifying plant. long-distance Myers. 'blue THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT | = ASSURANCE POLICY Your 'blue coal' dealer is well- fied and willing b+ Hel gu th lem. Ask hi oF ¢ helptal bookie et t Ald CAE Teet, Ping 3 coal'. § "To A little later, called her back. "We feel it our duty to inform you that, if you keep on spending as you are now, your funds will soon be dis- sipated . . ." Gay hung up wearily, She would have to talk to Jock. His gambling debts were taking on staggering pro- portions. She found him in bed, recovering from a hangover. She gave him Celia's letter. "That crazy kid," he muttered, "As though it's our fault! I would mot even answer that letter." "I already have," Gay replied. "I've sent Pa thirty thousand for the plant and--and--Jock--I want to talk to you..." "Not this morning," Jock groaned, holding his head. "This hangover..." "That's just it," Gay interposed. "You have a hangover every morn- ing." "It's Irene," Jock said miserably, "She's driving me crazy!" "Why don't you quit seeing her?" "I've tried," Jock answered, "but I can't. I'm crazy in love with her. A fellow tries to do the right thing but, with a girl like Irene pulling him on-- oh, what's the use! I'm throwing your the trust company money around like confetti, Gay, but « " "We'll talk about it time," Gay soothed. She left the room, and went down- stairs. She stopped near the library door at the sound of her mother's an- gry voice. (TO BE CONTINUED) some other In Lighter Vein use of hav- don't Traveler 'hat's the ing a time-table if your trains run on it?" Porter--' Now you're all excited. How could you tell they was runnin' late if you didn't have a time-table?" "I go to church because I like to be in a place, once in a while, where men take their hats oil." -- Stanley High. Give Yor Family a Treat In This So Teo Fos / By Anne Adams A gay and youthful dress that adds spice and interest to your every day tasks -- and so easy to make that you will want several in different colours. Really simple to sew is Pattern 4685 but yowll have to wear the dress to appreciate the flattery of that new, up-curving waistline and demure, little collar and bow. Tucks below the yoke add soft charm to the bodice, while the belt frem each side holds the dress in smooth lines. The short puffed sleeves may be slit or not as you choose. For greater simplicity you may omit the ric-rac entirely. Pattern 4685 is available in misses' and women's sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 3 3-8 yards 36 inch fabric and 2 7-8 yards ric-rac. Illustrated step-by-step sew- ing instructions included. $end TWENTY GENTS (20¢) In cols (stamps cannot be accepted) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plain- I 3ze NAME, ADDRESS and the Abs NUMER op So Aas, pred WL Here is an interesting and flavour- ful way of preparing the meat course: Russian Shasslik 12 cubes (11% inch) roast lamb 8 medium-sized tomatoes, quartered 6 small white onions, halved Salt Pepper 14 cup butter 14 cup hot water Arrange lamb, tomato quarters and onion halves alternately on six skew- ers. Sprinkle lightly with salt-and pep- per and broil under a high flame, bast- ing frequently with combined butter and water and turning often, until done. Serve at once. Approximate yield: 6 portions. Sausages for Sunday morning break- fast with waffles, pancakes or toast. Yum! Yum! Try cooking them in this new and interesting way: Sausages Baked in Bananas Six bananas, unpeeled; six to 12 small link sausages (size, 12 to 16 sau- sages to the pound), Slit each ban- ana lengthwise from tip to top to form a pocket, being careful not to cut through the skin on the under side. Place one or two link sausages in the opening of each banana. Arrange the bananas in baking dish, slit side up, and bake in a moderate oven (375 de- grees, F.) about 15 to 20 minutes or until sausages are done. Serves six. Suggestion: To brown sausages, place under broiler two to three minutes af- ter baking, or fry until light brown be- fore inserting into banana for baking. A grond vegetable to use with that bang-up dinner is squash. Dene in the shell it is indeed an appetizing addi- tion. Wiater Squash in The Shell 1 Hubbard squash. 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg Sait and pepper. Milk Part of a sccond squash may be us- ed to malo the shell full. Cut cif the top of a small Hubbard squach, remove geeds and stringy por- fon, Place in a pan to bake or steam (about 2 Lourn) until tender. Remove puip {rem ghell, being careful to keep sheli intact, mash pulp and season. sturn mixture to shell. Smooth the nife, bruck over with milk and beat- "€n ©gc. ACd bits of batter and place | ia oven a few minutes to brown. Eurepean Veal Stew 134 pounds lean veal. IMour, salt, pepper. 34 cup butter 2 Oxo cubes 1 small onion, finely chopped 14 teaspcon carraway seeds 15 lemon ke 15 pint sour cream. i Select an inexpensive cut of veal. i Cut in pieces 2 inches square and % ». 5 gariace to a dome shape, score with a FT ro | the other day. i sician to the five sisters, said they « Ideal For Winter Appetites » ineh thick. Coat all over with season- ed flour. Make butter very hot in frying pan and brown meat, with onion, in the hot butter. Add carraway seeds (if you wish to use them), and the lemon (very thinly sliced) and cook a few moments longer, Add cream and Oxo. Transfer to baking dish and cover (or cover frying pan and complete cook- ing very gently, in frying pan); bake in a rather slow oven, 325 F., about 13, to 2 hours, until meat is very ten- , der. Add cream during cooking, if the mixture becomes dry; season further, it necessary. How to Choose A Proper Mate Boston Professor Works Out A Test System to Make Task Easy A Boston University professor has worked out a "yardstick" for picking a mate, says the Sydney Post-Record. Dr. David D. Vaughan, professor of social ethics at the university's school of theology, who drew up the 22-point chart, said one of his students rated two girls by it, proposed to the one with the highest score and was accept- cd. Total Score 100 Each item in the "mate-chart" has a score, the total reaching 100 points, as follows: Health, seven points. Intelligence, family (biological in- heritance), capacity for conjugal ai- fection and personal integrity (faith- fulness), six points each. Age, education, religion and busi- ness ability received five points each. Four points each are awarded to the family (social inheritance); disposi- tion (personality); emotional balance (patience) sense of humour, social- mindedness (unselfishness); sense of responsibility (ambition, self-reliance) appearance (style sense); common in- terests (comradeship) and fornostie interest. Three points each go to artistic and aesthetic interests; wealth and leisure time interests, Royal Training For Quints The Dionne quintuplets are to be trained to withstand the public stare like a "royal family," it was disclosed Dr. A. R. Dafoe, phy- would be educated to understand they are unique--yet to grow normally not- withstanding, just as children of royal families are trained to disregard the public attention they attract. 2-WAY RELIEF FOR THE MISERY OF COLDS Take 2 "ASPIRIN" tablets and drink a full glass of water. Repeat freat- ment in 2 hours. If throat is sore from the cold, crush and stir 3 "ASPIRIN" tablets in 15 glass of water. Gargle twice. This eases threat rawness and sore- ness almost instantly. No family need neglect even minor head colds. Here is what to do: Take two "Aspifin" tablets when you feel a cold gornis on--with a full glass of water. Then repeat, if necessary, according to directions in each package. elief comes rapidly. The "Aspirin" method of relieving colds is the way many doctors approve. You take "Aspirin" for relief -- then if you are not improved promptly, you call the family doctor. © "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get [14 2 TVR \ ; AS P R MADE IN CANADA HOW NURSE CURBED HER RHEUMATIC ACHES Rheumatic Pains are no respecter of age, sex; or social position. Rich men, poor men; women and idle woulsn all J picvide victims for thisdemon of Bech an hen Nurse Isaacson found that she had f Sngled out she set to work and cleared Rheumatic Pains away with Fynnon aw "Iam a private nurse," she writes, "and have had Rheumatism since the War, having got so very wet at night when in charge of tents in the hospital grounds. That started the Rheuma- tism. It got into my hands, showing itself by forming lumps in my finger joints. I showed them to a Nursing Matron and she told me to try Fynnon Salt. Ihave only taken one package and am just starting another, but the lumps are much smaller and you can tell what that means to me in my work. You can bet I shall keep on with Fynnon Salt and sing its praises everys where." Even stubborn cases will generally yield if you take Fynnon Salt every day. Ina few days you will notice a new suppleness in the joints, a blessed freedom from pain. Fynnon Salt, the proven British remedy, is now obtainable at any drug store--75c a large package. If you have _ any difficulty getting supplies, write: Lauren- Agencies, St, Gabriel Street, Montreal, 7 The Spirit of Service for so many of their less fortunate neighbors. +. pit is their habit of public service that impels telephone girls all over the prov- ice to plan good cheer for underprivileged families at Christmas time. This year hundreds of poor families benefited. The girls iin the picture are representative of the thousands of telephone workers whose well-laid plams and well-filled baskets meant a brighter Christmas

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