Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1931, p. 4

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EE e-- - = DECEMBER REPORT RUSSELL P. S. Sr. IV Shirley Rembough............ 87 Edna Rombough............. 82 Kenneth Campbell............ 78 Archie Eadie...... Een 0 76 Arthur May. ......... ii oe. 75 Ir. Iv Marion Buckingham. :....... 90 Helen: Waddell: cov. ........ 89! NOTICE TO CR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims ag- Osgoode in the County of Carle- ton. Farmer, deceased, who died en or abut the 15th. day of No solicitorsfor the -execntors of 'the said estate; a sta'ement of their claim or claims duly verified, af- t2r which date the said executors will profeed to distribute the as-- sets. of the said estate among the parties entitled tbereto having regard only to snch claims as shall then have been filed. Dated at Ottawa, this 18th. dav of December. 1931. Honeywell, Wilson & McDougall 46 Elgin St., Ottawa Ont Solicitars fcr the Executors MORTGAGE SA E U | ER aud by virtue of the| powers c tained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the tine _f{ ca'e, th r: will be offered for sale by public auction on Monday, the 11th. day ef Jan- uary, 1932, at the hour of 10.30 n the foremcon, at the residence af H A. Brisson, Embrun, Ontar- ie. the following propertv, namely; The South-east quarter of Lot 14 in the Eighth Cen~ession of the Township of Russell, in the Coun. ty of Russel',containing 5@ acres, nie: @ or less. On the said preperty there are said to be erected a fraine house abeut 20 feet by 24 feet one and one hal' storevs hi h with frame woo lshed and summer kitchen at tached about twenty feet by forty feel an a frame barn about thirty feet by forty feet, but the Vendor does 1 ot guarantee the coraect- forme Carson: ..ovevverie....83 Alex Forsythe ......... .. --82 Harold Cordell. ..... oi... ... 79 Mary Boothe... ... 9 ~ Hector Laplante............. 78 Margaret Gamble. ....v...... 76 Grace Craham. ..... we ia eat 69 Jean Hamiiton............: ..€8 Maynard Rombough.......... 67 Gordon Arbuthnot. ........... 57 Ormord Cralg............... 66 Joba Gault....... .....c.s.e 55 %ames McGregor............. 62 Eric Twiname.... ........... 60 Donel. Boland. .............. 60 Vivian lake... oi. ........ 59 Eleanor Morrow. ............. 55 R. C. Dillabough Principal Sr. MI Edish Pillay... 0. 88 Foster Kerr......c.ivvneven.., 82 Maygjorie E stman............ 7 Biilie Cochrane............... 74 Helena Eadie... .... cov n.s 72 Sadia Reothe «on oc. ivviivin 62 Finer long... oi iivve. 0. 58 Belew Burns ...... ........... 50 John Hitsmar.... ........... 50 Jr. 1H : Keuneth Miler. ... ......... 87 Btewart loug ............... 85 Ayrslee MacEwen..... ...... 84 Sarah Grabem. .. ........... 83 Robeet Long. ..... ovis 82 Frank Forsvthe. ......... 52 Denald Blois. ....... ....... 82 Thyra Warner... «..cooen.. 78 Jack McArttu .... o.oo... 78 Billie Atkinson... .. ...«... es. 77 Paul Gormley. ....coonevnn... 76 David Rera. . . .....icuvin 3 Liovd Curry ......cacsessrs . : Stephen Graham..... LEU 727 Eva Buckingham, ........ ... 72 Sela Waddoll................ 70 i'altem Campbell ............ 68 Lloyd Loucks............. ..67 Elbusra Littie. .............. 67 Muriel Hamilten.......... .. 66 Ewart Campbell ............. 63 Gordon Little. ...... EE xr 60 Dera Boland... ............. 59 Dorothy Lake............... 59 Flora C. Wood Teacher SR. .PRIMER Lois Presley, Nerma $tephenson, Audrey MacEwea, Shirley Steels, 1 oris Sullivan, @lea Miller, Bob. by Forsythe. Denald Graham Kath een Loucks, Smyrl Cochrane, Ber- y! Grebam, Violet May (absent) JR. PRIMER Margaret Rombasghh, dna Steph- enson Alice Pillar, Harrtet East. man, Mabe! Carson, Billie Camp- bell, Eunice Sutherland, Donald Grakam, Evefett Graham, Mere- did Rembeugh. Heather Buckley and Lhcien Laplante (equal), Mar. garet Boland, Merton Lake, Muriel Harten, Guy Harrington, Rddie: Boethe, Reyden Leng A. CLASS Qeerge Young and Marjorie Hits. mag prometed to Jr. Primer. Noroem roll. .c.oooeeee cues Avervge Attendance... .... He'és W. Edwards : Teacher ...82 ..30 ness of these particulars as to which inte ding purchasers should sa isly themselves by inspection of the property. Fer terms and conditions of sale apply to H. A. Brisson, Embrun, Ontario, er to the undersigned. Da od December 14th., 1981. Blake, Lash, /.nglin & Cassels, Solicitors for the Veador EDI ORS! ainst the-est te of Geoige: Henry [= McGirr, late of the Township of | vember: 1931, are reguiredon or} - 193%; ¥o-ser to the undessigned| I ¥ ' i # This is the time of year whem we turn with a warm bhandclasp to those whose courlesy and co-operetfon Fave meant so much te us duribg the preceding twelve mouths, Busine s is forgotton 'or the moment and good willl prompts us to extend to you the age old wish for <very bhappivess this Chrislmas and increased prosperity tor Lhe New Year. 4 McArthur-Warner Limited ARTRURFLYNN Barrister Soliciter, Notary, Conveyaneer Etc. Russell Office open Wednesdays athe Flynn Block on Broa ® ay Money te loar on easy term . on Farm Property RUSSELL ONT Russell Bra cc of the "ntarie Plowmen Association had a very | successful Annual Meeting when the following officers were electhd, Hon Pres., N. J. McCormick Pse ., F ed Scott 1st Vice Pies., Lorne Graham 20d. Vice Pres., Atthur Long Sec.-Treas., C. H, Stewart Auditor. J. A. Gamble. A. T. Brunton, T. Wade, H, Rob ingen, W. Bothe, H. Cherry C. F. McArthur. J. M. Cumming «. Coshrane. Alex Litrle, E. A Hamilton, W. Lit:le, H. Hume. W. MeCormick. Directors, B. C. Little, G. Hay. y 1932 Chevrolet Shows Many Advancements THE SPECIAL SEDAN This 1932 Chevrolet special sedan, typical of the models just presented to * the public, shows the new lines of beauty which are characteristic. The effect of stream-lining is noticed, and also the new front 'end, with doors in hood, single- piece bumper, double tie-bar, dual horns, In the lower picture is shown the instru- § ment panel. Notice the free - wheeling control button. It is announced that the 1932 Chevrolet engine is 20 per cent. greater in power and there are many | of which is the combination of syncro- hein for the first time in any car as other mechanical improvements, the chief | mesh transmission with simplified free- | standard equipment. SEL a Si FY LE aoe Te

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