Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 9 Dec 1926, p. 1

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ye - tire this year, U X\ INo. 36 P-- _ RUSSELL! ONT, THURSDAY, DEC; Oth 1926 ~-- Your Column 'The Adventures "of Grandpa' 'will be repeated in MacEwen's Ha [fps and one horse by public auc- on Friddy evening, BEC. 10th This is at the urgert recusst of a large number, who were unable tr attend the first time, Admission the sams as before, Remember the date, Mrs. Wm. Loucks and Miss An. na are spending a month with fricadsin Ottawa and Nepeantewn- ship, Owing to the big year Mr. D. W 'Robertson has had in the Ford business, the company has extend- ed his te:ritory to include Vars and surrounding conntry. Mr. Jos. York crs sold his farm at the Stonc School to Mr. Gilbert Anderson, who has had it rented for the past couple of years. Mr. An-- derson has sold the bush om the farm to Mr. Ray Thompson, who is busy gutting it down and will sel] the wood. "The three trustees of our village are unanimous in their desire tore- 1ltis new up to momo other citizens to assume the borden, The job is not one tbat appeals to many but is a necessity | §f we desire te rnp our own affairs. Let us get busy and get some good men to stand aud give tbem ow 'delp. The Hydro business adds to Ape work but if the right men are sMected, the work ean be carried ©a with uo friction, There are sov- el mea who aspirg tq the position bad let us select business mens why ean bring to the position some a- bility to deal with any question which may adse. a We have had 2 number efi, cases of petty theiviog during the past few weeks, and we are of the opin. on that means must se adopted to put alstep to it. Several clothes Buoes have had articles removed and wood piles have suffered. Weare also told of people being awaken-- . &d by intruders among their poul- try. The trend ofthe times seems to be towards loose idzas as te what constitues propertv rights A good cure for this is a shot gun Yeaded and applied to those part- jes. Nothing will awaken their ideas hetter, "nd we think it would not be amiss ia these cases. Laugh and grow tal'! See "The Adventures of Grakdpa", to morrow evening, pide things and early buying will] Foster-- Baldrey Don't forget the annual meeting of the Plowmen's Association at Gormley's Hotel on Saturday night at8p.m, Evefyone interested in in plowing and the future of our farm toysis cordially invited to al- tend. » ; Qwing to his receat ijfness and not being able to care for hisstock Mr. Chester Loucks will sell 16 tion on Friday, Dec. 17th, Ross Morrow, euction€er. moving to Saskatchewan ina "-Wihold a concert in MacEwen's ball weeks and will sell his household] on Friday eveuing. Dec. 17, when goods by publc auctisn oun Friday. | the Motewood Young People will Dec 10th at d o'cloek. A lot of|preseat tha play *Thegath Acrost useful articles are offered. Segithe Hill', Seebilis qills for particulars. Angus Cam-| ye yadies' Aid of St. Andrew's eron auclioneer. church, Metcalfe, will bold their We were susprised on Saturday anauoi bazaar and concert ia 'the last by a call from Mr. Ford Gar-| Town Hall, Metcalfe, on Friday scadden, whe has been absent for|evening, Dec, 17th." Bazasr from a number of ygors, We were sur- 4to8 p. m. and lunch served from prisod and pleased 10 lear} that he|5 p. m. Plain and fancy articles had engaged in preachinSthe gos-|ar d home baking will be featureg of pel. He hes just finished a tour-of { {lie bazaar. The concert will start evangelistic work in the Southern fat & b. m, and will be a play entitled States, and is leaving shortly asa' F:rmer Haskins", put co by the mi,sicnary to Africa, We feel lY. P. S, of Marvelyille. Admission sure that his many {rifnds in Rus. | to concert 35 and 20 cents, sell join with esiln wishing him ail success in yis new fleld of laber. matic Club will present the most Mr Wm. Frascrfleft the last oj humorous ** Adventures of Grand- the week for Hami'ton, where hejpa", in the Town Hall, Metcalfe, has secured a position for the win-jon Mounay- evening, Dec, 20th?, ter. under the auspices of Metcalfe Curl-. Winter with sleighing has J§r- ing Club. The greatest mirth pro rived and only two weeks to Chrtst voker ever pres.ented You sure mas. : rely The stores arefull of| ion 33and 2ocents, At the Manse give both pou and the merchants Morewood, by 1he Rev. Hagges, a chance. Ssart the Ohristmas{on Nov. 25th., 1926, John B. Fost- spit wow. : er, ealy son of Mr and Mrs. John { il oe was around town the first of tbe J FUSES: daughees of Mr. and Mrs, week. Thisisrhefirst visit he has "5 aldrey. Beth of Chester- made since his accident. Fe 1s Vile Sv.) es pow able to go around withthe a'd| Messrs, Alexander Moffat, VVall- months before he is able to resume | week-end with their auntand uacle work. He suffered a broken arm Mrs. and Mr: George Bush. of and leg as well as & dislocated Newington. shoulder, informs us he Is dOINE! ye gre pleased to be able to say nicely, and hopes to finally reCOVer| hat George Camnle came through sy as to be able to work as usual. his operation for appendicitis in The Literary Society of the Con. goyd shape and is now doing well, tinuation Scheel wilthold their clo- He is expected home to-morrow. sing meeting tor the year on Dec.| Nfs W, W. Kinkaid, of Chi- 24th, in MacEwen and Stephen=| 00, is spendiug a faw weeks with gon's Hall. Watch for posters. her mothor, Mrs, Robt. Kinkaih, The Mission Band of the United|a Kenmore. Church will hold a teaand sale off Word was reezived here this fancy and useful articles and home morning of the cuddes death of made cooking on Saturday, Dec iMy jos. Morris, who expiredwhile 41th., 1926, from 4 o'closk to 7 p.|atter ding a Lodge of Insteaetion m. in the ¢shool-room of St. Paul's!in the Oddfellow's Hall at Sonth | bhurch, Admission 25 cents. Mountaio, He was weil known here, being a brother of the late FORD Caus, Trucks =; and Tractors | » a po ht £ pe] i James Morris. AR NR A I ER EN A EE ATT STN TEA FARM TO RENT. Good clay loam rarm of 170 acres 120 under cultivation, 80 acres of 'bush pasture, Good house and - fair buildings. Reasonable terms to good tenant, : Apply at the [Leader Office . WOOD FOR SALE 5 soft mixed wood Rev. $. B. Howe of Metcalfe isp" The Russell Mockey Club wid The Russell Merrymakers Dra-| Do your Christmas shop get yonr meney's worth. Admiss--| Mr Robert Robinson, of Ottawa Foster, to Madge Leoua Baldrey | of a cane but says it will be"severaitaceand Rayford Maharey speat the} from the | LUMBER, SHINGLES, SH. Christmas Suggestions May we suggest some artieles which make very suilabie gifts at Christmae time, Fancy Stationeey, 75 cects to $4,0() box Bezed Chocolates, 75 cents to $2.00 bex lashlights. $1.50 to $5.00 each Perfume, S0 cents to $2'00 battle Also the following toilet articles -- Toilet Weters, Face Powders loose ' Compacts, Bath Salts. Dusting Powders, Fancy Talcums, Soaps. ete. Toilet Setsin Three Flowess line and also the Ben Hur Line from $1,75 to $6,00 We also have on hand a new Portable | Vistrola as the 'atest records, Come in and sec our assortment of Christmas gifts, STEELE a pod COLD WEATHER This is the time to pay attentéonto your Car ii Anii-Freeze - Tb prevent youf Raltery from freezing Re-chargirgFeileries peed ; a Specially ~ D.A/McARTHUR ® ds rm rs Se A 'D.CARKNER @, Eg Established 1875 nl aie pe finished in solid Walnut at $7.50 and a large salcction Your Druggisé $1,50 a Year in Advang Bb > 2%. 5 3 8 " %

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