Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 11 Dec 1924, p. 5

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2 JOHNF. GIBSON #finufacturer and Importer of Marble and Granite Monaments, Cemztery Feaces, Copings, etc, "Scotch]Granites a specialty, Shops at Winchester, Ont. Paoaz2 75 P. O. Box 28 Remember That vou hive § in Russell Graduate Opricia and an Expert Watchmalkier, who _will guarantee Po a Perfect Satisfaction at Reasonable Rates LOUIS "GAULIN BIGELOW'S DRUG STORE RUSSELL, GNTARIO PUT YOUR MONEY In the New Issue of WALL PAPER I have just received 75 samples of the newest line of Wallpaper, which I am offering at an excep- tional paice for the uext few weeks Do not wait for the spring to come around. as by having your work done now you can save from $2.00 to $5.00 per room. Special Offer for the Next Six Weeks Only I will furnish all paper fand labor for any room in your bouse frow $5.00 io $7,00 complete and guar- antee complete satisfaction. 10 per cent. Discount If ycu wish to hang your own paper I will give a discennt of 15 ver cent. on anv of tyese books, This isa very good line from 8 to 25 cenis per singie rell. You can order these goodr now ior spring delivery. Pay when you get tkem = Thanking you for dastpatropage and wishing you the oempliments of the season, E E. Kesterton Pinter and Dacoralor International Machines to Ths ¢nnouuce to the Farming Public o % 3 SE r Undrsigned, Cwishes] Ontario Bonds HE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOUR ;MONEY (yet particulars from | ARTHUR FLYNN or Duncan McArthur Rassell, Ont. For Sale To settfd an estate the farm be {ow is for sale at once, One hundred acres on the St, Lawrence, iust one fu. ~--~ town with High and Public S thools and Z.T.R. station. 98 an =~ under _ealtivation and free {rom st.."°s, The price is $3400 cash and 33000 on a 'ong mortgage if desired, Write at once if interested to James Morrison: Iroquois. Ont. FARM FOR SHYLE OR RENT Lot 1, Con. 2, Tp.of Russell, "5 acres goad gravel leam, well wult, fenced and waterad. Nice sucar bush on the ploce. With or without stock. Price reasonable. God terms for quiek sale. Milten Black. $hone 6035-15 Russell hy] LICENSED AUC FIONEER For Provinces of ONTARIO & Quebec In future I intend to devote all «my time to auctioreering. Sales of .a1f kinds handled. Pare bred stock Terms reasonable a specialty. THOS. IRVING : WM ORREIBURY Phone 7q WANTED--Life Gompany with 'Head Cfficeat Wat contems- plates opening an Agency at Rus~- sell. One representative wanted for this locality. Good opportun ity for right man, with Distric Office supervision and assistance. Write P.O. Box 175, Waterjeo, 'Gnt. arlao Easy Notice !! ° 'Boots and Harness Repaired a Na | Satisfaction Guaranteed Prompt Service 'G. May, Ist Ave., Russell BUILDING FOR SALE Two or three buildings, a shed, a bara ang stable, "Flip lumb adil good. and ihe Meildiigh o aii siee, Qe hav ne In Whos, Prico sig¥y A fees ry PT " {the Townships of Russell and | Osgoode that he has been appoint~ | ed agent for this District for International i. Co. Machinery; And that he is now prepared to suppiy their nzeds for any'and all kiods of Seeding," flaying land Harvesting Machinery. A Full Line of Repairs, Repairs trictly cash. Cali, phone or write to THOS, C. SWITZER ARTHUR FLYNN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Coaveyancer, Etc. RUSSELL = -- --t ONT Russell Office open on Wednesdays in new Flynn Block, Broadway. | Mozzy te Lean on Easy Terms on : -Farm Propaisty E.J, MURPHY V S., VD, Beginning Monday April {st {923, and every Monday thereafter wil! be at The Commercial House, Russell, from 10 a,m. to 4 p,m Special attentida to Vetermnarv Dentistry. Phone 138 METCALFE Haying and Harves epiilari bok ting "ole Now is the time to think your rexuirements in Haying a Harvesting Implements. I amstill in the business agd can attend to your wants.on shot notice, Frost & Wood Farm Implements For all purposes our specialty ~ See us for your requirements. J. A, Burningham Russell, Oub, Phone 23 Box 134 Pigs For Sale Eight Shoats weighing about 100 Ibs. cach, alse Tamworth broed ews. --apply te Jehan Hill Mprvelville gh Harvester HONOR ROLL ory November Report S, S. No. 1. Russell Sr. IV x Eric Carscadden, x Russell Hay, xEva Stearns ane xMary Stearns equal, x Howar! Arbuthnot, John Cheney. [1I-=x Julia Groves. x Leon Belisle. nat, Helena Shepherd Russell La- tour, Thelma Arbuthnot, John Gra: ham, Cecil Hitsgan, I--x Robert Stearns, x Harold Stearns, x Donald Cummimg, Carl Black, Kenneth Black. Sr. Pr.--x Joh- Hitsman, x Lillian Wade, Katie Cumming, George Shepherd. Helen Holeman, Jennie McLaren. Jr. Pr.--Donald Hay, Gordon Ar- buthnot, Hugh Comming. Ftta Stearns. x Denotes perfect attendance Mabel M. Carkner Teacher VARS ' Mr, Reuben Howard has Mr, Frank Webb asassistant in his shop Mr. Russ Lemon has teturued from Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall had tea at Mr. Robert Cook,s en Thursday eveuing, Soda Biscuit is an evening ealler at Tanher and Shaws, What'sthe idea? x : Ton ; Mr. Howard James drives a lot 1 norte of Vars on Sunday. Eiss Lena Cook spent Sunday at Mrs, Lmut's, North Vars. Mr. Will Brooks still stieks ar- cuhd the Free end Easy. Wedding bells have beer ring. Ig in our vicinity when "Rnscell AM - > et = siooanan, of Russell. was married waon Wednesday of last week. 'A recention was hrid at the groem's home the same evening, when a host of friends andneighbers gath- ered to wish the youg couple happ- ness and prosperity Mr, and Mrs, Monahan have takes up residence at Edwardsr The members of L. QO. L. o! Ed. wards held their annual meeting on Wednesdoy evening of last week with a very large gathering, sever- al visiting brethren beiug present and allreports showed that the past year had been avery successful one One ofthe old and much respect ed residents of this district passed away at his home here Saturday mosning' Nov, 22nd,, in the pur- sen of Mr, C lin Patterson, whe who bad spent most of his life in this vicinity,? com ng here when yuite a young man with his wifc from Lower Canada, where he suc- cessfully carried on s blacksmiths {trade along with his sbn David! He was 73 years old and died atter a short illness, having previous to this enjoyea good health, Thelate Mr. Patterson was much respect. edby all. The burial took place Tuesduy afterncoa to Hawthorne cemetery, condycted 'by Rev, Mr, Morgan, pastor of Edwsrds Angli. can Church. Besides his widow there survive his daughter, Mrs. Ed Lorey. of Moose Jaw, who was present at the funeral, two sons, David on the homestead, Arceieon the adjoining farm, Mr. T. Tomalty spent the week- end in the city the guest of his son Guy, Misg Verna Mitchell is visiting friends at Richmond and Nosik Gower, : y Foxes oar report edie be snrym II--YllaShepherd, Donald Arbuth- | | where tollowing the religicus sit to Miss Gri fith, of Vars. in Otta.| ous in this vicinity, sevsral farmer$ having lost geese and chicksns Mrs Stringer, of Montreal, is visiting her sister, Mrs Colon Pat- terson, The little daughter of Cyrus Lat- imer, who was kicked in fhe face hy a horse, isslowly improving. DE ENTERED INTO REST Mr, Mark Boothe The funeral of the late Mark | Booth took place from his latehome on Fridayafternoon. Deceased who was 82 years of age, had lived for the greater part of his life in tbis communizy,and was most highly. respected. He was of a retiring disposition, andalthough not prominent in pub lic at{airs, his support could always be eounted on foe anv worthy ob- ject. He was nnited in marijage to Miss Burch, who suavives, also two daughte:s, Mas. Fred Loucks Rus- se'l, and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Canna- more, and one son, William, on the farm at home. Besides these, he leaves to mourn, two brotners, Mr, Jas. Booth and Mr. Henry Booth, both of Russell, The funeral was held in the Meth. ---- Besidss her daugh-er Mrs» Hods- gins, she Jeaves to mourn, two sise ters, Mrs. Jas. Brunton, Marvels ville, and Mrs. Peter McKeown,of Osgoode. and four brotyers, James onthe homestead, Asthut, of Mars velville, William, of Winchester and Johnin in lhe west. : Among thosepresent wereiriendss from Shawviile, Iroquois, Brock villeand Oltawa, The many triends extend sympa" tBy ro the bereaved. ---- It isa isignificant fact that the Family Heraid and Weekly Star ¢* Montreal has more readers in On ario than any other paper of its class® Ontario farmers and otheg folk take the Family Herald and Weekly Star year after year bee cause it gives by far the greates® value obtainable anywhere, The market news and prices in thc Fame ily Heraid are the most complete& and up to date available, and if res ainsthe services and contribu * cn# of the foremost agriculturists is Ontario. The magazine and nawss sections are brimful of the choice est reading for each member of the amily. Thisyearthe Family Her= ald will give away ten thousand odist Church conducted by Rev. J. B. Howe, assisted by Rev, PT, P. i Shaver, a former pastor. Thesermon was practical and ull of assurance to those whomourn Interment was made in the fam- | ily plot in the adjpining cem:terv vice, the last rites of tte Orange Order were exemylified by North Russell Lodge, of which he was a member, Floral tributes were laid on the casket from The Family, Mr. Jas. Booth aud family North Ruassell Lodge and Mr, and Mrs. S. H Cross Farm Point. The funeral cortége was very large, all his many relatives and friends attending to pay their last The sorrowing friends are tend. ered the sympathy of the comm- unity iu this their hour of sorrow, i Mrs, B. Scharf There passed away at Brockville on S.turday. a much respected resident of this community* in the person of Margaret Hay, relict of the late Beecham Scharf. Deceased had nct bsen in good health tor some time, and a few weeks ago was taken to the hosp- ital fer treatment, but gradually grew wosse until death came Born in Russell, at the home- stead' obout three miles south of town, she grew to womanhood and married Mr, Beecham Scharf, who predeceased ber about 26 years ago. They resided in Russell where her husband wasin business, ¢mnd im fh, espects. | dollars in priz s, a beautiful calans dar and picture, and other valuable rewards to subscribers. A catae logue of rewards will be sent free of charge toany addszss. No words can do justice to the excellence o he Family Herald. t need Toh DL in Be Re nis i eiepnone Numbper for Station-to-Station calls' "You don't "If 1 could remember his number I would make my call Station-to-Station and save money." This subscriber had the wrong idea. He didn't need lo know the number of the = distant telephone. All he needed to say te the Long Distance operator was: "1 will speak to any- cne ab " (then give her the name of the persou who has the telephone and the address too, i re knew it). Perbaps this will enable YOU to use the lower Station-to-Statio: rate more frequently. remained here after her husband's death untilabout eighl years zgo when she went te live with her on. ly daughter, Mrs. Hodgins. Every Bell Telephone isa Long Distance Station During he: residenec nsre she made many warm friends, who gave her a warm welcome whan shz re turned each year for a short visit: The remains were brought to Russel! on'tne morning train Mon- day, and service 'was held in St. An rew's Church by Rev. Ccwan, Brockville, who delivered a nos excellent address. : The psll-bearers were six neph- ews, MessLs. Walter, Thomas and Edward Fitzsimmons, George Hay George McKeown and Colin say: Iatermeot was made in the fem ily plot in Louck,scemetary. A large attendance at the funer- al testified 10 fe asteim inwhice she wis eld: La TSS BROWN BROTHERS RURSERI/ES THE OLD RELIABLE Their trees and plants grew Place your order now for spring elivery. Gousrnmest igspected. | RRTHUR McGRE60OR {Rgenf. Russcll so Agri for White Flame Law gs Burner _ RE A---------------------------------- NOTICE I Bave winter Storage for eight: or tem €ars, Carsat owser s riske [°3 T.A, Carson

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