Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 11 Dec 1924, p. 1

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E RusseLL LEADER. e. XVI, No 34 RUSSELL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th 1924 Your Column St. AnJrew's Church Sunday Schocl will hold their Christma ntertainment on Tuesday evenr ing, December 23rd. 10s We have just secured theagenc for a complete line of Christmas cards of English make. Their de- signs are exclusive and in order to have your name and address print- ed before Xmas you should call and see them. The prices are right, The annual Bazaar and chiaen dinner of the Ladies Mary's church, which was helein the Forester"s Ha'l on Saturday atternoon and evening was guile Guild of St. successful, irr hae Femon »tl ilaS (°F 3 Miss Margeret Car engaged as teacher in the Cla ties after the Chrtstmas holidays. Mrs. W.W, Kiakade, of Pliia delphia' retrace to her h Saturhay, after spending a of weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs, K, M. Dalgleish, Elwood Cochrane exhibited sou pure bred Shropshire iambs att! Qtiawa Winter Fair and secu ev fair share of prizas, Good boy, i wood, In comnectien with the ra ansatlantic tests last week seve: local isiructenis were success tulin raising British and Comin talstations, Mr, J.D rar and Mr. T. C. Switzer gov several Brite ish stations. 1 grcces- 20 trou he work, a good 11.7 re Luo will never bz =u-cune It'is a goov thing Provideuce ctearsd the sicewalks as gnow shovels were «pau: quantity in : good filainy qu Mr. Guo Sutheriznd -enent! Tuesday iv Onuwa and wdjeceny| points, Having sold Gig farm. Mr. Joho Aaderson, who lives on the old Gillissie place in the village oi Kenmore, will sell his farm stock anb implements by public auttion on Monday, Dec. 22nd, at 12 o'clock sharp. Thos. Irving, auc. t oaneer, We have given fair n tice, and have alrcady turned over = large number of past due accounteto a collection agency Oa sobscrip- tigns alone we haae nearly 1060 years in arrears, We jelieve they uf] mean to pay, but we might statve ta dealh, Mas. Cha-j's Hanson viii audtiou suk BY Mista one on plements cn tv. Vmes Bu: bage line, I tg: oi Clon - on Frida, Sha: ver, shard, jo. fam 7 cer, Havihg' vo that S. Latimeat vistealfe, vw far sate by ; nl ne auciien 4 oo stockofhorscs, cows, pigs, poul try, feed, 'afm machiner , aad household goods on Saturday, Dec 20th at 1 o'clock p.m. Dowser, auctivneer, James PF. Felton Pablic Scheel wii) held ® Chrisimos estartainment inthe school ea' Desember 27th. ® Sge Kesterten's advt. for wal tof Hodhefag 79 OUigf an agrecmidney coudlel of Nova Scotia wi! | Casselman and there. Wearesarry fortge change {but 13 no ay ve {or the best, Mrs. H, A. Cherry, Mr. After bein8 closed for several months the Publis Library willbe opened on Monday, Dec. 15th, in the Scout Hall. Competent pers sons in charge. The Ar nual Cnndoy School En- tertainment of St. Mary's Sunday School will be held in the Forester Hallon Monday evening, Dec. 22, Harry Carscadden will hold his CARD OF THANKS Mrs, slark Booth and family wish to express their sincere thanns and and neighbors for the shown and kindacss sympathy expressed {during the illness asd death of the hasband and father. Mr.: H. A. Cordell and Mrs. no=rroned shooting match at Ar. drew Fitzpatriok's cn Saturday afternoon, Dec. 13th, Pgolshoot-| ing, 10 toa pool, 25 ceutsa shot. | Mr. Alex.' McKe:rzct if speuding the day in Ottawa. 1d Club Meeting of | the Russeil Cuiling Club will be held ie the Fouder Office on Fri- uay (tomoicow) evoning at 8.00: o'clogk. Election of officers and The Annnal : rocher business, Public Schooland will start bet ie - ay | 5) 3 he USduhit bs 5 isthe ra: eoy the Bal k thdraws from, tne Hechelaga faom day, Dec. 154 Mr. and MisW. P Cherry, Mr, and Mrs. David Stearns' Mr, and and Mrs. james Adams ane Mrs R.W. Cher ry motored to Stittsville cu Tues- js 9th. to their graudmotk- er's funeral. Mrs. Robt, Cherry, who was in her 98th year. She was ong of ti.e early residents ot dtitts- yille Many of her friends and neighbors turned out to pa: Jans : } Ic TATA 5} ers were Mes.e s. {A.Cherro, sivid Argme, Conese { sigue, R. Ca stheart' and Russel Cl herry, grandckiicren of the de. seu, Many flo al offerings were Toe Jose) cxhiosion tthe Ste [taw Veiner Tair tact wees cleaned fap a goo « e of ths prizes, lo powdery, Buacae Cumming G Pill and jas. Fitz- geod showing, on three firsis, with Ruth Har- vestcr, whila John Haiti also" won ar, Lewin MoCaffres natrick all made a C, E. McCaffrey u a medal, anda cup wi h Foxy Lambert. Mr, Thos, McDonald, a mc:§ respected farmer near Kenmore, died suddenly on>unrday afternoon He had been about as usual slidsy and had not complained uniil late in the afternoon and died as he was about to lie down, He was the father of Mr, John C. McDon. FE | ase! , we are [ Lp dle \a ouigarp dab lish WILLIAMS DrdIG CQ OF CANADA PRESCOTT © OMTARIO A nite¢ elean preparation, It sosthes i gi and wit "4, heir many friends for sympathy |and floral offerings received dnr- Zi, | rich of the Bank closing on Mos -! 1 ® record strain. Dowser and family wish to thank {ing their recent bereavement, alSo fis the kindness extended to ou; oyed one during hc long illness In loviag memory of our dear fetber, Rooert Wade, who passed laway Dec, 12, 1923, | Jue by ous wecross the river. 'Oue by one we're passing O'er, Un:by oae the crow fis ade given, 'OU. the bright and happy shore. Daughtess, RUSSELL . ORCHESTRA i " pres ey TE Featuring the Latest Dance Music Music for All Occasions Any Number of Pieces Desired One of the Bes Dance Orchestras in Eastern Oarario Geo. J-uss, Director For engagemenrs apply to L. A. Parridgton, Russell yFheone Day 60, Night 42 [0 T. A. Boyles. J y - -- XY £37 cagurey ICH to, hil your ovders ivr Maple Wood atthe following Clinton Muies HOUSE FOR SALE Gord 8.roomed house on Broad- way. Good cement celler. good weil and good lot. This house is well buiit, warm an i comfortable, and will makezn ideal home, The owner has good ra3ason for seiljng. For further information apply to the Leader office. FOR [ALE Eleven lots cn the east side of Fiost Ave. in the Village of Rus- sell. Make me an offer for onelot of the whole amount. Thos, G, Clifford, South Indian, Inf, - " --- wn FOR SALE 100 acre fara f for sale ove mie aad a quartersiraigbt north of Rus. ell Village , with High avd Public Schools, and fear. fifth: of a mile rom the C. M, P. milk pliant and N.Y, C. station, Apply to Chas. Beo h- Russeli Las Cockerls For gale A limited number of Bred. to-lay Barreo Reek cockerels ;rom high Fiue birds for mat- | ing--Appl¥ to sin i 3 ! appreciation to tbeir many friends give you a machine to suit your purse. demonstraticn. $1.50 a Year in Advance A Radio for Xmas 3 ALwihtes Kent, Federal and ' Radiola IIIA We have secured the agency for these sets and can Ask us for a When better Radio is made we will sell it alt Our Garagei under the managimert of McDcnald Bros is equizped to bandle your Beitery work, tothre chargii; and storing. Sattsractory service guaranteed. Listait ws Gia L S.L, Batteries, THOS. C. SWITZER Also Agent for Dodge Cars SY S----"_ SO prices, Choice Bod: 7ood $5.00 per cord," Cver 20 cords $4.50 delivered, $4.00 pci cure in thy! bush. 4 R.R. 2, Russell Battery. - Pring Ey 3 I ma A. T. Boston Phone 908, r § : P prs ou Srether gauge : BUILDING MATERIAL A Full Stock of Lum- ber, Lath and Shingles constantly on hand. A WALKER: & SON LI DEZLERS IN LUMEER, FEED AND COALTE / oft X { \ 5 -- HAV. UR BATTERIES GARED FOR A mtn, 7 XS EMP "eee 0 EY Bs | : the life; of yous yous vg then (0 J. H, Beni jiten. Chaigirgar | Proper winter storage prooigs ental Battery Sesvice, High-test Gas] Mobile Oils® and A Anti-Freeze Tires and Accessories. Het Shots and Radio Batteries Steam Heated Garage after Nov. 1st. D. A. McArthur] To o------ 7 Unt¥ § of MO ELS a= iy ; es aa i A PE "AAT 4 a Tea C W. tavite you tojicall' ana anspect thef New Models for 1924, which are 'now eonldisplay at our Show}Qooms, Bredway; Nouth, D. W. Rebertson . Asieorized" Diner, Real)

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