Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 8 Jun 1922, p. 1

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"THE L Leaper -- ---- CHE Yol. XVl., No, 4 Li, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE] 8.h, 1922. em, $1.00 a year in Advance Good Roads As annonnced in last week's Leader, a meeting was held in the Two Mac's Hall en Friday evening te discuss the question of getting something done this coming sum- mer on tne road south from this village to the Winchester boundary te cennect up with the highway at the bridge and at the bounaary. The attosdance was not as large as could be expected, but what was lacking in numbers was made np in enthusiasm, Quite a number from Marion~ vilie, including Rev, Fr, Olivier, were present, to endorse any and all efforis tending towards the hastening of work on the road, Mr, J. A, Gemble occupied the chdir, and Mr, C, F. McArthur acted as secretary. Brief addresses were giyen by Rev. Fr. Oiivier, Adelard Marion, Mederic Marion, ~-Geo, Dagenais, eo. Sutherland, Stanley Stephen- son, Dr. Macdougall, Robt. Fraser and others, All were agreed that thts was the cosnecting limk which would make this the main artery of travel between the entire country south and east to Ottawa, and because of its importance, should take pre- cedence over all other roads in the matter of getting work dene, Qo Your Coiumn Help to make it interesting i Aint 4 We believe we are safe in say- ing that Miss Morris carries off the palm for the first locally grown ripe tomato cf the season, On presented to Miss Annie Macphail a; smali, but fully tipened tomato which had grown in the home garden, she Monday been This is certainly early, Quite sports suddenly developed an 1u- a number of our local terest in their friends in Otiawa cn Sunday. We are informed by grapervine telegraph that some of them visited Cennaught Park, and after a survey of the bang-tails, decided that the was not propitious to morigage the family time plate. Mr. H. G, Bigelow and family motored to Smith's Falls on Sun- | day lasi, They wereaccompanied on the return trip by Mr. Bigelow's brother; who is spendirg a few days in town. Mrs. G, Stonier. who has been The question of its importance t focal which was lost sight in ti gond to the greater pumber, In the light ofthefacts presented at this meeling, this road should be made atonce, Without it, two industries, of excellent roads lead to nowhere, industries operate under a severe handicap, and those, who of neces- sity are compelled to travel ower it, | suffer loss in yehicles, time and Jiorapar, a nd ith it. these two roads would it ' be connected, industries would be relieved, and people would start start out with some assurande of getting home the same day. After discussion, it was decided to appoint a committee eomposed of about ten members, represent. ative of "all sections of tha road, to prepare a memor,al to prssent to the Counties' Council at their June meeting, this memorial to be prepared and copies made and sent by mail to each individual member of the Counties' Council, Rev. Fr, Olivier was chosen as chairman, and the meeting ad- journed, : We believe this to be a start in the right direction, and if followed p will give results. Let's all get e u behind and push, A meeting was held in the Parish Hall, Marionville, last night to coafirm the action taken at the meeting in Russell, About 100 people were present and enthusiastically endorsed the proposed methods of getting the work started. Rev. Fr, Olivier presided, and addressas were delivered gy Reeve Emard, Deputy-reeve Hume, John Cumming; deputy-reeve of Win. chester township, Andrew Walker, Dr. Proudfoot anp othcrs. and all agreed that the road was badly needed, and promised that all the influnce and power at their dis- posal to help the good work along, Mr, G, F, McArthur, secretary of the committee, submitted a copy of 2the proposed resolutions, and gach one as it was read was im: smediately endorsed by the crowd. Every man present was fully aware of what the road would mean to him personally, and thus being alive toits advantages, ware én favor of any method which will Seip to better conditions. fn closing, Fr. Oiivier referred 49 th> uaanimous spirit which prevailed amongst the people at both ends of the read, and express- ep his pleasures that both races could work so harmoniously for a £LOmMOn CAUSE. The "(ull text of the memorial will appear in next week's issue of visiting Mrs, Kinchen, has returu- h ~ } £1 i e Dr fa . J. urch, Ottawa, wili p 5, Mainw n the Methodist Church on Friday, June 9th, ed 1ome in Toronto. T D ut on a play matic Club of Dominion | | | b | 5 r vols} aring's Man - at Besides the play a program will be provided by Mr. Roy Carson, solo: p J d an Adn:issicn ist r-- . . cents. if eteriarn meu the auspices of the worth League, The L'Orignal Advocate las! week celebrated its 35th anniver- .ary. We extend eur congratu- lations. his trotting mare, Lady Rex, to Mr, Plumb, of Finch, who intends to keep her as a brood mare, Mr. Hallville, on Saturday, to vote on John MeGregor went to the question of building a consoli- The is so dated school in that seotion. feeling over this question that was gathered in. intense every available vote We have no Jexperience in the matter of water-bound macadam, but a large nuwber of the rate- payers are complaining that not enough water is being used to make a good binder. If thisis true, and we have no reason to doubt it, the matter should be brought to the attention eof the proper authorities before any more of the public money is wasted in this manner, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Cumming were in Spencerville the last of week, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt Bruce, whose {sen has just under- gone an operation for appendicitis in Brockville Hospital. We are pleased to report that the operation was successful, and the yonng lad progressing nicely. A number of the rcsidents on Broadway complain that motorists ruuning with their cut-outs wide open disturb their slumbers, This practice shouid be stopped, We would be pleased if they ceuld be persuaded to take their dust along with them, Colonel Tom Loves, of Montreal. was the ,guest of Miss Muriel dhe Leader. Ld Harrington on Monday, John Cameron has disposed of The Gaiety Get us Trio, the local dance orchestra fille} engage- ments at Matcalfe and Carlsbad Sprinns last week. This organiz- atien is becoming popular Ac property at a close price i$ offered Mrs. B, W. Murray, who owns the building at nN 1ar ace to secure an sucellent local imvesrors. the oorner of Castor and Broadway will be in town on Monday, Juze 12tir, to consider cffere for this r valuable commercial site The Sacrament of *T® Lord's e din St. An 's Caurch cn vhet thirtcen new mambers were recived inte i tull communicn, five of vhom were young, men from ths Excelsior Young Men's Bible Class > Rew. which is N. D. Patterson. This makes a total of thirty-six additions qf member- hip of St, Andrew ch since T taught by the pastor I the present pastor tank charge, twelve and a balf monjusago. In the evening Mr, Pattersen preached on '*Jesus' teaching! concerning sin." There was no ice in the Mefwdist church on Siinday even- Ser ing, dwing te the abstace of the pastor at thalanfs ; a At Managers of St. Andr X meeting 'of on Monday evening, 4 were made for July 2nd, when R&VS christ B. A, of Ottawa, will bethe special preacher Erskine Church. ie ie, en Friday evening, 'baal that the m a appcared Chestervi only to learn upor citizens of the said the coming visit. This was diffi material gentleman in that town, and upon oa nf search being made pf the principal business places, it was found that postersannouncing the play eral citizens expressedtheir regrets aud one representing the Womens' Institute invited she' visitors to return ic the near fulure under its auspices. The dramatis personae returned without unpacking, arriv- ing in Russell atan early hour of the evening, with a elear conr science, feeling that they had dona their part, eyen if a citizen, or citizens of Chesterville; had not done likewise. Alex. Gillissie, who fives a mile south-east of Kenmore, being com- pelied to. retire gn account of ill health, is offering his farm, stock and implements for sale by public auction on Wednesday, June 14, commencing at oneo'clock, sharp. Robert Robinson, of the Ottawa Dairy, spent Sunday at his home here. Messrs. J. E, Hodgson and W. Butler, ot Ottawa, Mr, J. O, Hodgson and family, of Carlsbad Springs, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Har- rington of Pana, were guests of Mr. and Mis. "John Harrington on Sunday. | { \ { ssCranberry Corners," motored to] ' 1 to have received no R¥elligence of cult eo understand. as advertising bad been forwarded to a they had neither seen nor heard of] Seve Ce -- A large audience greeted M, J. O'Brien at the Protestant Rally in the Presbyterian Church, on Tues" day evening. He spcke at Jength on the School Question, and pres seated a great amount of statistics and arguments to uphold his point of were much to tke point and were viewpeint, His arguments presented in an'able manner, Good bagpipe music was rendered by Pipers McVey and Stewart, Jas. Robinsen of Winchester Springs, spent Sunday at his home here. GOODWIN, Mr. G, W. Goodwin, Optician of Ottawa, will be at H, G. Bigelow's rug Store, Russell, on Thursday, June 13th. This will be his last visit for some time, EYE SPECIALIST Your Druggist is More Than a Merchaut Who helps the make home a safer, happier physician " place to live in? Who prepares the prescriptions that turn illness into health and i pain into comfori ? Who spends years in scientific study so that he may serve vou icles of thorcughly tested The managers are asking the con- Chesterville Citizen's Band are gregation to place $5.00 on the | now open for engagements plate as their Anniversary Thank- SOCIALS offering, CELEBRATIONS The dramatis personae of] FAIRS. Etc. | Secretary. Book your ergagements early so as to receive the date you want, DR. S, H. HUTT, Pres EDWARD FLYNN, Sec. --~Your DrucacisT --YoUR DRuUGGIST Terms can be arranged with the --_-- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale--an up-to-date Dwell ing House, eretted teo years. Ali uprto-date= conveniences, Geod well, steble and coach Goced Orchard of 25 young apple trees, kinds of smaft Only 100 yards from one of the best Continuation Schools in Ontario, Apply to WM. OWEN, Kenmore, Ont. garsge, house. all fruits, 8-3-p OIL STOVE FOR SALE A New Perfection Oil Stove, with oven, for sale in geod con- dition, For particulars, apply to Leader Office. 8-3-p } | LOST Between Ormond and Ottawa, on Tuesday, a Gaberdine Spring Coat, contaiding in the pockets, a pass book, wholesaler'sinveice and Ford car invoices, bearing the name of the undersigned, Are- | ward is cffered for recovery, | Notify Russell Leader or | = TO SAM DAVIS 72 Huron St, Toronto 1 | i | | | German Coach Stallion. The Imported German Coach Stai £ | for service during the season of 19- lion, Woodrow Wilson, will be Isaaic Brown Farm ad- pone ¥ swuwjice of a good fail to see him before 'I Mares, R. B, Graham, R 1e village of Russell, part NURSE The undersigned has ointed Sole Agent for the district Brown of of | Welland Nursery Steck can supply' | | Bros, the county | all kinds of fruit trebs smali'tress SE i i ete, apply to Arthur McGregor Russell Ont a HOUSE FOR SAL E < 4 « a ; 4 Residence of the Late George Blair, Metcalfe, Apply to R, A, F. Blair, Metcalfa ATs BIGELOW'S In annouting the Opening by the Ontario Goversment to exa Prompt attention will be gi care, and I respectfully solicit your P, 3.~-It will be a pleasure to meet not, Come in and let us get ANN@UNCING The Opening of an Optical and Watchmaker's Estabiishment In Russell BY LCUIS GAULI making Parlors in connection with Bigelow's Drug Store, Russell, it is essential that you should know that I have been fully licensed My practical experience has extended over eighteen years, while for the past four years | have been Head Watchmaker and Optician for DRUG STORE of my new Optical and Watch- mine eyes and properly fit glasses, Bilsky Ltd., Ottawa, and from experience | am in a position to give guaranteed service and satisfsction, ven to all who entrust work to my patronage. LOUIS GAVLIN you, whether requiring work acqua'ated,

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