= oo Vy # I 7 i rd ? { } bot 4 a Te --ret et ans Yoi. XVI., No. 37 RUSSELL, ONT.,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1921. $1.00 a year in Advance Messers D, P. { McDiarmid, C. F. and D. McArthur attended the funeral of the late Da- . held at Cas- rizley, Duncan mase Racine M, P sieman on Monday, On Thursday night of last week Damase Racina M. P. P. The death of Damase Racine M. L. A, for the County of Russell 1o- ok place on Friday Dec, 2nd at the age ot £7, g The deceased had been suffering Mr. Alex Vachon traveller for Prov-| ost and Allard, by two} ii beral speakers, wr accompanied ho had been ad-| dressing a meeting at Marrionville were returning vo the city about 2, p.m, when in the vicinity of Billin- | i | | for a animber of years from Kidney troubl: only by geod habitsand ca- i reful living was his life prolonged be was taken tothe Water Street hosnital on Nov. 22th for treatme- at. bu: Praemonia developed and brought his earthly career to aclose rs Bridge, tha steering gear of th- F £3 x SR . che represented the County of Russ-| e1r car refused to work suddeniye swirving to one side, voliing down an embankment a distance of twen- ty five say gh the car was a total wreck the ped with only a few able to preceed feet, strange to althou- occupants esca bruises aud were on foot to the city, Mrs Thorburn of Ottawa, addre- ssed the women of Russell, on Mo- nday afternoon in the Foresters Ha- il, in the interest of the liberal car. i didate and delivered a very fine a- dress, a fluzat speaker with a plez- sing personallity and a knowledge 'of her subject which was apprecia- ted by her audience. Mrs Duncan McDiarmid was the presiding off- cer. AN APOLOGY FOR A SLANDEROUS STATMENT Elder }. McEwen, Esq., Russell Ont Dear Sir: { have discussed the i haye instituted against Yor Hender- me wi son and he has advised me thatthe decent sia to do is.to retract nd apologize every ¢ word that was toes by m ati is alleged was uttered by with fe wiig, I never had any knowledge of any imregular Or tmproper conduct on her part with Dr, Ballantyne or with any ore else and regret excee- gly having made the statements i did to Andrew Walker, R, P. Ha: 1 am quite will din yes and otherr. ing to go with you to these gentle- men and tell them without any res rvation whatsoever that'll had no foundation whatever for the state- ments 1 made and of which your wife complains in Her action aga~ ost me and | want sofaraslam ab i le to correct anywhere and everywh ecz any impressions | may have cre ated to the contrary. Yours truly (Signed) C. E, McCatirey. nection with the above ap- ology, C. E. McCaffrey paid all olicitor,s and Court costs, E. J. McEwen. 17] rarded Heavy Damages Clergyman A Rev rv Dr, Clearer, Pastor of Brid- ge St, Methodist Church Belleville was oer $7000 damages last week against the Standard Paving Co. for painful injuries received wh- en hie was thwown from a bicycle owiog to a hole on Bridge Street which was being paved by the Co- mpany, Negligence on the part of the Company in not protecting she Hole was proven, A similiaraot- son may be brought upon our Cou- nc here by some pedestrian injur- ed by loose boards in some of the siie walks on side streets, as some bave had scraped shins already and next it may be a sprained ankle or broken leg. the Oniario Legislature for cars during which per ein p- Ne: - seycuicen y 10d be always hadthe best interests of bis constituency at heart, a man of with sound judgment he amassed a goodly sharo of this worids goods, a friend 'to every person whether they were for or against him ia pol- who tical life. a consistant liberal granted to others the same rights to their heuest political belies alths ough they might differ from those held by himself, he was at his best in his own beme where every one was accorded a whole hearted wel- 'whose departure willbe mourned by | his sorrewing family and a wide ci cle of friends, as well as the Cou- aty of Russell at large The funeral was helc¢ n Monday | in the Roman Catholic church 1t Rev, Archi bishop Gauthier of} wa conducting the 3 Eta anion: Son SR, 2 cenifrom f Ment outside places triby AIRS OF 1} service .at onto! Ss Were present to pay tas ite of oct to mor~ ne. 2 Cy Yamase Raci body was conveyed to the Cemeiry. where intereinont to Ma The young preparations for the Xmas concert, arvelville News people are making Miss Susan Robinson hasreturn- ed home aft in the city, A number of young poeple atten. last er spending a few days ded the dance held at Vernon week, Mr, James Clayton has been en- gaged as foreman on Mr, A, T, Br- unton's farm, Mr. ]. 8, Mc ess trip. Cormick is home on a busin Mr, john Hil is making his reg- ular trips south. Mr, 'Niliiam Hume is recovering after being severely burned when his barn took fire a few days ago. Miss Ruby Heney attended Mr, A. Belisle's sale and reports 'straw advanoing in price, Whats wrong with the quartette? We never more, hear from them any Mr. -Jobn Fader goes through town quite often. Miss Jean Duncan is sper few weeks in the city, ding a Mrs Barber of Ottawa has retur- ned home after spending a time, wi- «th her parents' Mr, and Mrs C, Mc- Vey. Mr, George Hay is making his regular trips to the Castor, The undersigned will be at the Commercial Hotel Russell, after Nov, 21st for a few days, for the putpose of culling Poultry Flocks for none-layers, it does not pay to feed none-laying hens, {locks culled "4 charge of five cents for each bird, orders may te left with D, P, Gormley,--Andrew Mason Opportunity. (Experimenta Farms Nete). With tive stock farming tributing factor the agric in land of a permanent typeo ulture, there should never bea time when the nead curtail his breeding opportrn. lities or lose sight of his goal--qua- | lity live stock for efficient product- {ton In periods of low prices, it is 'soinetimes necessary a r the farmer (to neglect the future in crder to take care of the present, It may good business ability coupled | come, in every respect a gentleman | The! to a ren were pre- rom, Te N=) breeder teal, Ontat a, and other |ineNi J for a farmer who be necessary cks apital to follow methods wh- change 'under other tt in follow a sys oan condirior eral, 'if adwisible to ! stock farming thar will steady and aver increasing return. be is hardli ing | Such returns can not 1 for when the breeder stock of questionable productivity 2 and working on an "in and out' system . Under such a system, 33 ont is usually versa (Ca ths { hand, the breeder who hast | ality, productive stock [1d oi ips bis reward when the [ply and ¢ wnerative Jevel, "in? to live s ro affictent to stay | 3 1 348 fort should be bent increase the i | efficiency of the tock, who did roi « pesid of his . ¥ . cient stock when prices for meat were at a high level golden opportunity, but it is no re- asen why he should let them con- 1g to eat their heads off now, a 3 - Ouid, 10 many cases, be more economical to give them away than to keep them, It would decd if the foregoing picture had not | ts sunny £3 as ne, live stocks must be contin lo and | ually Shing = outside his own herds flocks for new blond if he is to con- tinue effecting improvement, Therein lies the sunny side, for! even the breeder of high-class ato.) ck bas been hit, through not so ha-. rd as the breeder of mediocre stock | and he bas had tO the fallin demand by a reduction of prices, As a consequence breeding stock of a quality to bring about rapid improvement in the average herd| can be obtained at reason- This is particularly ep and swine and toa lesser degree of cattle and horses Any farmer or breeder who feels or knows that he is handicapped present conditiens by the lack of productivity or quality in his stock, should take Steps immediate- or flock able prices. true of shz under the iy to secure improved sires to put at the head of h's herds and flocks, doubtly, there no way in which improvement can be brought Un is more thoroughly and more econom- ically than through the use of imp- roved sires, If you have been usi- ng scrubs. replace them by pure- breeds of the highest quality obta- inable, If you have been using purebred sires, have given their pr- ogency a decent and have not ach- ieveC any improvement, then the pursbreds used couiid nut have been of desireable type and quality, Discard them and, when procur- Jing others, demand and get eyen though at greater cost, sires from proven ancestry, The Present As The Construct- {ive Breeder's acting, as it always will, as the main con the upkeep of breeder looked | he wher he should be other igh gqu-| and who ho- | through thick and thin, rea=-, law cf su- mand again raises prices It is not: Every eff. | The | missed a' e a gloomy outlook in~! side as well as its dark . % | Practically every improver of | 1g off in { Tuesday re noch sires While the use of tep is one of the best methods of impr- ovement where capital is limited, the introduction of a few choice fe- males into the herd or flock, where! capital will permit, will bring about | the desired iinprovement much car Let every persen, hen. 3 whe lier, calls himself or he of live is no nobler art g¢ stock '-- than which bendevery effort and grasp the present opportusity to put their herds and tiocks into a siate wi! enable of efficiency th them to produce eco: eS thro- kind of a seasonal or Bring back ind- it | possible to be industricus and not ughout any market situation,' ustry by being landustrious. is accomplish arythi ing, but not so with the cay industrious. ensurc a SALE. r sale a bain 24 by BARN FOR § Fe 36. pine frame, in goo od condition wiil be so- hid cheap. H Apply to i } On 7 | FOR SALE I have for sale a guantity of Ced- ar Kindling, Cedar Wood and Fen- ce Posts, I Ciinton Millac WANTED representative Lai Russ pb YThe Qld i ! C La : 3 es : Ee Rehabiz Fodtill Nurseries 1 to cover surrg Ory. ap. i tendid opening fee the right" man. | Exclusive territory, highest comm-| isstons patd Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ontario, 1 { STRAYED, sulted in a iand siide fo the Liberals, with 120 Liberals El. ected which gives them aclear ma- jority over the Conservative and Farmers party, Hon Charles Mur-- phy was re-elect for the fourth time by a majority of 2424. The lata! Prime Minister H, A, Meighan was defeated ip Portage La Prairie Man Mr, Crearer the leader of the Far- jess party was electe d, the New | Prime Minister Mr. W, L. M, King i i ri 1 i there ! was elected by 1200 majority over Mr. Burrvaby, President of the Un- ited Farmers, who willldose his de- eral with large majorities, The Province of Quebec wirh 65 seats returned 65 Liberals, Nova Scotia with 16 Liberals to the next Parlia- ment. Prince Edward Island with 4 seats elected 4 Liberals, Dundas and Glengarry Elected Farmers, by s mall majerities. Prescott County clected Binett, far mer, over Sabourin and Proulx, beth liberals rcsit, the Ottawa seats going lib. | per pair also a few single receive a limited number { @inted Sole Ao; |» pa ~ 2 ~ srown. Bros, of Well ns LICENSED AUCTIONE For Provinces of) ONTARIO & Quebsac In futare I inteud to devote alt | my time to auctionsering. Sales of all kinds handled. Pure bred stoe ck rl ER a specialty, Terms reasonable THOS. IRVING 33 Cleary Ave., Ottawa. Phone Catling 176 fr a ay Ei PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Dr, D, Wallace, F, AC. Sion merly of Romptville 20 82 Park Avenue, (corner) of Elgin, Street, Ottawa Ont. --_---- ---- ED. -- MUSIC The undersigned is prepared ot" for instruction in Viclin, | theoretical subjedts, those desirous' of taking fr critong in of the above subject, apply at once to -- G. W, Jones Russeli Qat, Ee EL IP ---- any one Riverside Pines Poul try Yards Single Comb White Leghorn Eggs for hatching, Ferris strains ap a = 1 : send for desc; Iptive circulat Mrs. Duncan McDiarmid io 1 nussell Ont, SA NURSERY ra 3 3 1he undersibng od land { Nursery Steck C20 Sur R.Can UE > of Metcalfe abo Strayed unto my premises on or | , Met fe On about Qct. 20th, one two year old Meicalie Ont, > Rr holstein heffer, owner can have sat Phone No. a x = ------ EE AE -- | me for paying this add and expen- . fo? 3 After i 4 hi ine 1% x 3 ces. : J. W. James, : rwis the 15th, the under. : signed wi ; in atl tas Edwards R, R, 6 Ont, 'be prepared to do ail lev ds of cartage, Special care oi en ip moving Furpiture 2 ; a E no Tous HORSES FOR SA 0% d Household Biects -- Apply to A £8 Foster Yor Sale one good work horse, R no & 2 Kussell On also one yearling filly. a Wa lo (3 Qrorg ( 1 ~ <n r ~y Apply to--George Morrice | LOST od J 9) [3 ry de + op -- R. R. 2 --Russell, Ont. | Lost at Vars from the Town Hall pe 3 FV ad iy & ER AE ee ala on Wednesday Oct. 12th. a biack = : dog 1th a pr as General Election "0g with white ring around hig ge 'ia 3 : neck 4d whi Wa I'he Dominion Elections held on and white paws, Kindly Notify -- James O° Begun Edward . FOR SALE For Sale Barred Rock Ceckrells best strains, prize inners & ¥ bi J price price hd | at a ree asonable Apply to Edgar Craig, Russell Ont, STERIC sr SAR: FOR SALE For sale young Pekin Ducks male and female, at $2.50 Each or $4.08 cemby White Leghorn hens selling to ma- ke roony for young stock, Apply to--R. Meharey Maple Yalley Poultry Yards, Russell Ont. St. Mary's Church The Women's Guild of St, Mary's Anglican Church, wiil hold a sale of useful and fancy articles at the Forester"s Hall, Friday, Dec, 9sh beginning at 5 oclock p, m, Heune Cooking, Candy and Poppy Garden