Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 24 Jun 1915, p. 5

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THE RUSSELL LEADER 14 NAD OF CA NEG ou di A =i er a Valuable Feature of a Joint Account opened with the Union Bank of Canadain the is that if one dies the family funds are not tied up just when they are likely to be most needed. The survivor can withdraw the money without delay or formality. : Think it over---then open Metcalfe Branch Urysler Branch NOW IS THIS ist Ww. J. names of two persons, a Joint Account., S. Seiber, Manager V. Stanie y, Acting Manager HET the time ne Place To order gour supply of Coal or Lumber. handle Alabasline, Hyder- ated Lime, Shingles and Lumber. We also Stone Lime all kinds of AW Regulations, The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may home- stead quarter section ot available Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- 'atchewar c. Alberta. Applicant 'must appear n person at the Dom- inion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency "for the District. Entry by proxy 'may be made at any Dominion 'Lands Agenzy (but not Sub-Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -- Six months residence nine of his cr may live within Homestead on a farm of at least 80 acreis on certain conditions. Al fiabitable house is required except | "where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homestead- ar in good standing may pre-empt "a quarter section along side bus homestead. Price $3.00 per ace " Duties--Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 30 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption "patent may be obtained as soon as Somestead patent, on certain con-, | ditions. ! A settler who has exhausted his fromestead right may take a pur- ~hased homesteadin certain districts price $3. per acre. Duties--Must reside six months in each of three "years, cultivate 50 acres and erect 2 house worth $300. The area of | cultivation is cubject to reduction in case of rough scrubby or sjony * and. Live stock may be substit- ated for cultivation under certain "conditions. W.W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B.---Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be | nid for. --61388 ( = AR EL, 'Co., Toronto, Ont., giving age, | vour wool call at the Company's WANTED --An industrious man who can earn $100 per month and expenses selling our products to farmers. Must have some means for starting expenses and furnish bond signed by two responsible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh occupation and references. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debt contracted in my name without my written order. HACKETT CHERRY Rnssell Ont. June 1 1915 "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 15c. and 23¢. at Drug and Country Stores. --- & > Wool Wanted Voollen Mills their The Company Russell have in Russell and reopened woollen mill are prepared to pay the highest prices for wool. Before disposing of Office, Mill St., our stock of Yarn, Kersey, Blank- Russell, and see ets, Etc., of our own manufactures oy -- et Lost Strayed from the phemises of the undersigned, a heifer calf two months old, white withidark spots about the head. 1 JOHN McGORMICK, Marvelville. - Lost Strayed from thé Shepperd farm on the Stone Road, five heifers, three two-year-olds and two year- Three are colored black and two blue and white. olds. white and Notify, JERRY M ARTEL, Kenmore. HA BANK OF HOCHEL AGA tT Nhl CAPITAL AUTHORIZED Le eh 000,000 CAPITAL PAID UP - - - ~ - 4,000,000 RESERVE FUND - = -, = = [43,625,000 One Dollar opens a SAVINGS ACCOUNT interest computed half yearly Loans To FARMERS NEGOTIATED All your Banking Transactions with us receive courteous and prompt attention RUSSELL BRANCH "a on ¢ mJURPHY, V. 8. ETERNERY SURGEON AND Metcalfe, will be at his ussell Office, Gerniley's Hotel, every Dentist, Monday VeterinaryDantistry a 3)::x1ly F «ys MANAGER N. AMEV 1 ED he a TR SA Fa JAMES DOWSEL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Rus- sell 'and Carleton Counties. Sales at- 'ended topromptly. Satisfaction guar- eed. Price right. METCALFE. Undertaking Parlors. We are showing one of the best un-to AN AA \ | I RUSSELL '2 a "4 dats stock of Funeral goods this section. Embalming by lates method. YORK & McARTHUR Harry York, Manager i THE PHOTOGRAPHER Photographs taken at your homes Family groups taken on Christ- Amateur Photos devel- mas Day. Satisfaction oped and McD~NALD Printed. Guaranteed. P. O. Box 102. Russell,Ont. ARTHURFLYNN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY RUSSELL, Russell Office open on Wednesdays in the new Kenney Block, Broad Money to Loan on Easy Terms on CONVEYANCER, ETC. way. Farm Froperty. ONT. We are sole agents APPLEFORD'S sit FOR oes Counter Check & & - a ~a Books 4 Call and sce them at the Leader Office. Bo a Clioice Farm for Sale 400 acres first class land, 17 miles from Cannamore; fine build . \ 5 /2 AN Court Russell Mo. 49 I. 0. F. Meets in the Foresters' all the ourth Friday in every month at 8 p- m Rev. D.L. Gorpon J. H. TwreD C. R. R.'S. JAMES CURRIE LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Counties of Stormont, Dundas, cott and Russell. All sales pron! iy attended to. Charges moderate. Phone No. 16. CRYSLER, O/T. Magwood & Stidwell CIVIL ENGNEERS P. 0. BOX226. W.H. Macwoop STIDWELL Cornwall, FOR SALE A well built house on Craig St also avacant lot on the same street an exceptionally wide lot. Apply to Duncan McArthur, LEADER QFFICE. Russell Lodge Mo. 341 Meets every Wednesday, at 7 p.m. in their Lodge Room, Broadway, Russell VISITING BRETHREN ALWAYS WELCOME H. Bovp, A. WHITE, . N. G. - + di ¥. = "™™ Farm For Sale®™ a - 3 A Filife mile north of Russell. 85 cultivation, balance pasture, Apply to D. lass Farm for sale, one Good build- ings and fences. acres under McARTHUR, Leader Office. For Sale A Pure Bred Ayrshire Bull, 2 ings, could be divided into two or [years old, eligible for Registration. three farms. Terms reasonable. Apply to Albert Fielding, Russell, Ont. FOR SALE | eer | | Two lots 200x60 ft. on Mill St. one with residence and one vacant. For patticulars apply to, Alex. Deguirre, Russell. Apply to W. A. MORROW, Russell, Ontario. Sale of Millinery At the Store of Cochrane & McKay, Russell. All goods to be cleared at cost. MRS. CLARKE. TERRE The Russell Leader PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY To Canadian Points $1.00 pes vear in advance; if not so paid, $1.25 To the United States $1.50 per year in advance Transient or Legal advert' - inserted at the rate «.. > cmentss ; -- of 10c per lige for fir. il 7, ' «st insertion, 7c = : -t each following insertion { Small Advertising Card, such ag Business, Societiefies, Ete, $5.00 \d No Advertisement published fog less than 335 cents Births, Mar r and Deaths inserted free Duncan AeA ethuy Proprietor and Editor. ag €s - Taurspay June 24, 5 194 The Commercial House DONALD P. GORMLEY, PROPRIETOR Hight-class accomodation for guests Special attention to Commercial Trade. Good Livery in connection, RUSSELL HOUSE J. H. Durorp, Proprietor Good accomodation for travelles Rates $1.50 per day. WANTED A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK in Russell and Russell County. Start now at the best selling time. Send for list of Spring Offerings and terms to agents. ; Liberal commissions. Handsome free outfit. STONE AND WELLINGTON, (The Fonthill Nurseries: Established 1837.} TORONTO. SCHOOL. -z~---- OTTAWA, ONT. Typewriting...... i. 100% od Shorthand-.......... 400° Composition pa 27% os These marks répresent the stand ing of some of our students on the recent Civil Service Examinations. As the#e Subjects are the most dif ficult in the curriculum, the fore- goingfeat at once explains why our record, First, Second and Fourth® places for the whole of R. Sec "@ainilda-- has never been equalled: ~ We not only give a superior training, but also assist our stud- ents to good positions. Send for circular. D . E. HENRY, President, Cor. Bank and Sparks S Ottawa, DR. JERRY BrISSON Duly authorixed by Act of Parlia= ment to practice as a VETERINARY SURGEON And to treat all diseases of animals Phone No. 5. Embrun, Ont.. * rt er P.A. Enever HOUSE DECORATOR PAINTING, GRAINING ANDI¥ PAPER HANGING Ont. | Bs uscell, HENRY'S SHORTHAND

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