Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 24 Jun 1915, p. 3

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wo en, MOTHERS OF I LITTLE ONES No mother of of Soung rohildren should be without a"box of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are mother's best friend and are as good as a doctor in the house. Concerning them Mrs. F. Wurger, Ingersoll, Ont., writes: "I have Jused: ? aby's Own Tablets for the 'past eight years and would not be |withot: them. I can highly recom- mend them to all mothers of young "children."" The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Jo WIT AND WISDOM. The man who does things can af- ford to let his wife do the talking. A peck of trouble is orc thing that is mighty seldom short weight. To him who does everything in its proper time one day is worth three. : There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to bear misfor- tune. N Some people cast their bread 'upon the waters, expecting it to come back toasted. "Is he rich?'* "I don't think 80, but* he must be."" 'Why?' "I heard him say the other night that he lets his wife have all the money she wants." Flatbush-- "When I-came out of church on Sunday I found my horse fast asleep in the shed."" Benson- hurst--'"Why, he couldn't hear the sermon from there, could he?' Proving It--"I gave you a penny yesterday to be good, and to- day you are just as bad as can be.' Willie--" "Yes; I'm trying to show that you got your money's worth yesterday."' Mick--'Oi hear as how Murphy joined the army. How is he loikin' it?' Pat--'Loikin' it! Shure, he was niver so well off in all his loife He's got two socks the same now.'"' Dunkley--"You can't find a man anywhere who enjoys a good joke better than I do!' Friend--"That's so. I have heard you tell the same joke forty times, and laugh-at it every time.'"' 'Remember, Bangg, we are "de- ending on your baby to ery lustily k the third act. Do you think hell do his part?' Actor-Father--"He ought to. He's been rehearding every .night for months.' A church was to be renovated, and the carpenter was showing the vicar round "There seems to be a lot of dry rot in these pews,'" said the vicar. "That's mothing,"' said the carpenter, "to what there is in the pulpit." ""What is the child howling for now,"' asked its father from the depths of his easy-chair. 'He wants his own way,"" snapped the mother. And with his mind on the latest war news the father replied, "Well, if it's his why don't you let bim have it?' RECREATES SYR CLEAR-HEADED Head Bookkeeper Must Be Reliable The chief bookkeeper in a large business heuse in one of the West- ern cities speaks of the harm tea and coffee did for him: "My wife and I drank our first cup of Postum a little over two years ago, and we have used it ever since, to the entire exclusion of tea and coffee. It happened in this way : "I had an attack of pneumonia, which left me with dyspepsia, or neuralgia of the stomach. My 'cup of cheer' had always been tea or coffee, but I became convinced, after a time, that they aggravated my stomach trouble. I happened to mention the matter to my gro- cer one day and he suggested that I give Postum a trial. "Next day it came and we liked it so much that we will never change back; for I am a well man to-day and have used ro medicine. '""My work as chief bookkeeper in our Co.'s branch house here is of a very confining nature. During my tea and coffee drinking days I was subject to nervousness 'blues' in addition to my sick spells. These have left me since I began using Postum and I can conscien- tiously recommend it to those whose work confines them to long hours of severe mental exertion.' Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read 'The Road to Wellville,"" in" pkgs. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal -- the original orm--must be well boiled. 15c and $5c packages. Instant Postum--a soluble pow- er--dissolves quickly in a cup of hot waler, and, with cream and ugar, makes a d licioys beverage stantly. 30c and 50c tins. Both kinds are equally delicious Lg cost about the same per cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum. and the --sold by Grocers. fEn. 6. ISSUE 2315. Thoughts for the Day. Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. The situation that has not its duty, its ideal, was mever yet occu- pied by any man. However mean your life is meet it and live it; do mot shun it and call it hard names. If you are ever in doubt what to do it is a good rule to ask ourselves what we should wish on the morrow we had done. Manners are the happy ways of doing things--each one a stroke of genius or of love--now repeated and hardened into usage. Kind looks, kind words, kind {acts and warm handshakes--these are a secordary means of grace when men are in trouble and fight- ing their unseen battles. Die when I may, I want it said of. me by those who knew me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower when I thought a flower would grow. K) First Long Step Towards Recovery I[S TO FIND IF YOUR SYMP- TOMS ARE OF KIDNEY DISEASE. Kept County Lady Did This--Then She Used Dodd's Kidney Pills and Was Cured. Upper Bouctouche, Kent Co., N. B., May 31st (Special). --Miss Gen- evieve Bastarache, an estimable lady living near here, is telling her friends of the benefit she has received from Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I am indeed happy to be able to state that I havé been cured of Kidney Disease by Iodd's Kidney Pills," Miss Bastarachs says in an interview. "I was often so feeble I could not work. My sleep was broken and unrefreshing. I had headaches and cramps in the muscles. "I suffered from Rheumatism and Backache and was always tired and nervous. "I was in this miserable condi- tion when I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I had not taken two boxes till I felt better, and thice bozes cured me." Miss Bastarache made a long step towards recovery when she discov- ered that her symptoms were of Kidney Disease. She then had only to use the old reliable Kidney rem- edy, Dodd's Kidney Pills, to find a cure. Are your symptoms those of Kidney Disease? »* Where They Flourish, I never saw a purple cow, But goodness knows, It's just because I never go To poster shows. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. A Dunfermline Collie. '"Duke," a Scottish collie owned® by Mr. H. C. Aitken, of Priory Lane, Dunfermline, had the shield and medal for dashing into the road at Dunfermline in August, 1911, and saving ia child from being run over. This is quite an unusual form of canine heroism, and suggests that there is no limit to the possibilities of a dog in saving life. The child was, it seems, quite a stranger, yet 'Duke' sprang into the road and snatched it from under the horse's feet. There is an instamce on re- cord . of a collie dashing after a perambulator containing a baby which had "taken charge" down a very steep hill at Bristol and stop- ping it. Unfortunately no data has been preserved that would es- tablish this interesting incident as an undoubted fact. Johnny's Strategy. Little sister had not been well and had been especially trying to small Johnny all day. Finally his patience came to an end. '"Mo- ther,"" he asked, "don't you want little sister to be a good wife when she grows up?' "Of course," said the mother. '"Well, you make me give everything to her 'cause she's littler'n me. But 'you're littler"n father, and when he comes home, you say-- 'Here's your slippers and magazine, dear"'--and before his mother could move Johnny tore his train of cars from the scream- ing baby. 'If we don't begin to train her she'll be a terrible wife," he said as he slammed the door. Never Went Away. Neighbor's Little Girl: "When did you get back, Mrs. Brown! Did you have a good time Neighbor : "Why, I haven't been away, my dear," '"'Haven't you, really? I'm sure I heard mother say you and Mr. Brown had been at loggerheads for a week." Minard's Liniment Luniberman's Friend YOUR SKIN NEEDS FOOD Is your skin harsh and dry? Are there signs of approaching wrinkles? Are you getting worried about the possible loss of your youthful beauty Cleopatra didn't worry about these things. You needn't if Usit is applied. Cleopatra and the noted beauties of the East knew perfectly well "that the skin requires food just as does the rest of the body. They fed their skin with a pre paration of Oriental oils, the secret of which has been so jealously guarded by succeeding generations that it has only recently come to light. Men, too, find Ueit a valuable friend. An occasional application to the face not only feeds the skin and keeps it In the healthiest condition, but it leaves the face much easier to ghave. Experi ence alone provea how much easier. Usit is the trade mark name by which this preparation is known and eold by all druggists, wholesale and retail. Usit Mfg. Co., Ltd. 476 Roncesvalies Ave. Toronto, Ont. 3 His Reply. A Londoner was ghowing some country relatives the sights of Lon- don recently, and was pointing out a magnificent old residence built years ago by a famous and rather unscrupulous lawyer of his time. ""And,"' the Londoner was asked, '"'was he able to build a house like that by his practice?' "Yes,"" was the reply, by his practice and his practices.' Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Art." To say an old thing in an old way is a platitude. To say an old thing in a new way is wit. To say a new, thing in an old way is a blunder. To say a new thing in a new way is art. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--I have used 'your Minard"s Liniment in my family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medicine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAYV. Proprietor Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Up to the Minute. Cranque : "A wife is an expen- sive luxury." Blaucu "Bo is an automobile"? Cr de: "Bure. But you can get a new model every year. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes-and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting-- ust Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye y mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, "Father, I think it only fair to tell you that I need $50. I'd rather owe it to you than to some out- sider."' Ask for Minard's and take no other. Good Training. '"'Yes," said the manager, "we- want a man for our information bureau, but he must be a man who can answer all sorts of questions and not lose his head." "That's me exactly,"' said the applicant with enthusiasm. 'T'm the father of eight children." '" Promises are worse than eggs-- you can't keep them after they are broken. ZAM-BUK AND OUTDOOR LIFE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every man or woman who loves outdoor life and exercise, should keep a box of Zam-Buk handy. Zam-Buk is a purely herbal prepara- tion, which, as soon as applied to cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc. sets up highly beneficial operations. First, its antiseptic properties render the wound free from all danger from blood poisoning. Next, its soothing properties relieve and ease the pain. Then its rich, herbal balms penetrate the tissue, and set up the wonderful process of healing. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, skin diseases, such as eczema, heat rashes, ring: worm, babies' heat sores, chafed places, gore feet--are all quickly cured by Story Against Himself. The Duke of Connaught tells a good story against himself. Some years ago, when he was raised to the position of Lieutenant-Colonel of the 1st Rifle Brigade, the late Queen Victoria commanded that he should only be saluted as a regi- mental officer, and not as a mem- ber of the Royal Family. On one occasion, however, an Irish sentry, seeing the Duke and Duchess ap- proaching, turned out the guard and gave the Royal salute. The Duke was much annoyed, and pro- ceeded to give the sergeant in charge a piece of his mind. But the quick-witted Irishman was equal to the occasion. "The guard, sorr,'"' he said, in his richest brogue, "is for Her Royal Highness, who, as a member of the Royal Family, is entitled to it |" After that the Duke could say Rothing. Corns Applied fn 5 Seconds Sore, blistering feet Cu red from corn-pinched Yun can be cured Putnam's Ex Quick ractor in 24 hours. 'Putnam's" soothes ay that drawing pain, eases instant. br makes the feet foal good at once. a 25¢. bottle of 'Putnam's to-day. MISCELLANEOUS. (ACER TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. 1253 DUNDAS : TORONTO & DRUG ADDICTIONS The First of ALL "Home Remedies" ASELINE,"" in its many forms with their innumer- able uses, is the foundation of the family medicine chest. Vaseline It keeps the skin smooth and sound. Invaluable in the nursery for burns, cuts, insect bites, etc. Absolutely pure and safe. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Insist on "Vaseline'" in original pack- ages bearing the name, CHESE- BROUGH MANUFACTUR- ING CO., Consolidated. For sale at all Chemists and General Stores. Illustrated booklet free on request CHESEBROUGH MFG CO. . (Consolidated) 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL SHOES For EVERY SPORT AND RECREATION Sold by all good Shoe Dealers Wornly Tarndly oy of Re "Do you keep servants?' asked the inquisitive neighbor. 'Nob long," responded her truthful friend. SEED. POTATOES. ARLY IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, specially selected and Government inspected for seed. Only Nmite) quantity. Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bramp- ton. Also Counoisseur's Pride and New 8now, two' excellent new potatoes. Price, Two Dollare per bushel. Special pr'ces for large quantity. Goel must accom. pany all orders. H. W. Dawson, Bramp- ton. SALESMEN WANTED. ALESMEN WANTED FOR HIGH-CLASH specialties. Pellg at sight. Write. for particulars. Beaver Meadow Co., 409 Mark. ham 3i., Toronto. FEMALE HELP WANTED. ADIES.TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole or. spare time; good pay; work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particue lars. National Manufacturing Co, Montreal. PRESERVING EGGS. ECIPE TO PRESERVE EGGS fresh during twelve months. If not required for personal use they may be sold at fifty and seventy-five cents per dozen. This means hundred per cent. profit in six months. Circular free. Octavien Rolland, Dept. 21, §8 Notre Dame east, Montreal. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB OF- fices for sale in good Ontario towns, The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on applica. tion to Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adela:de St.. Toronto. we | Ei ne ar nes t builders, Catal $180 to $360 depending i equipment, Wi oe] KERMATH MFO. CO. Dest. * - Botroit, Mich CUTTEN & FOSTER AUTO AND BOAT TOPS Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS-CROSS Speedometer Station. - 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. Ontario. Depth 1 "Ft. on--"The Penetang Line" boats and Canoes. Overaforn" V Bottom G 5= Motor Boat $ Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in, Specification No. 2B giving *3gine prices on request. mmercial and Pleasure Launches, Row, 16 Pt., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., ANY MOTOR FITS. Get our quotations 8 In. Zam-Buk. It also eases and cures THE GIDLEY BOAT CO. LIMITED, PENETANG, CAV. piles. All druggists and stores. Use Zam-Buk Soap also; 2 26c. per tablet. | [By nm oe a rn Se rem a Som tp ne sn rman 2 Ask for boats with this Trade Mark, Peterborough Canoes peghen 5 als thet éan be put Bt Tari Be a cance Lod This trade mark on a Four Saouta Canoe is f t and the

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