Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 28 Aug 1913, p. 4

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es RR UL SNE Sk NN BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL FRIPP & McGEE arristers solicitors, ete. Offices 33 and 54 Carleton Chambers, Ottawa. A. E. Fripp M. D'Arcy McGEE. W. J. W. Lowrie wAL ESTATE AND LOAN Agent, Con- 'veyancer, svlary public, Commigsioner, M ue to loan at from 5 to 6 percent. RUSSELL, ONT, Magwvood & Walker CIVIL ENGINEERS Colquohoun Block, Cornwall, Ont. P. 0, BOX 226} WwW H. Macwoop H. J. WALKER E'J MURPHY. WV" ERINARY SURGEON AND 3 Dent etcalte, will be at ussell © «<8, Kinkade's Hotel, ery Tuesday. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. JAMES CURRIE LICENSED AUCTAONEER for the Ceunties of Stormont, Dundas, Pros- cott and Russell. All Saige promptly wtended to. Charges moderate. Phone No. 16 CRYSLER, ONT. JAMES DOWSER. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for Rus- ¥ Ice and Carleton ones, Sales at- s~ 42d to promptly. Satiefaction guar- ent el. Price right. METCALFE. hotels AAAS INS a -r The Commercial House. DONALD P. GORMLEY, Proprietor. i sts. class aecomm dation for gues Srecial attention to Commercial Trads ©00D LIVERY IN CONNECTION, "Russell Lodge Mo. 341 | are Meets everv Tuesday at 8 p, m. in their Lodge Room, Broadway, Russell. VISITING BRETHREN ALWAYS WELCOME | ear. J. M. Boland, R. Sec'y Vim, Kennedy, N.C. J . | surrection morn. Court Russell Mo. 49 I. a. F. Meets in the Foresters' Hall the fourth Friday in every motnh at 8 D. NY J.-H. Twp R.S. Jas. MoRRIS Ci Ry DR. B. D. KENNEDY Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and of the University of Toronto. Diseases of Animals treated by the latest im- proved methods, Mail or Phone calls promptly attended to. Both Phones - - Vernon Ont. RUSSELL Undertaking Parlors. We are showing one of the best up-to bea date stock of Funeral goods in this section, Embalming by latest method. YORK & McARTHUR Harry York, Manager, E. Calls attended to in the night. Agents for Graham Florist PUBLISHED SY Iuowrie Eirost, AT 'THEIR OFFICE, BROADWAY OPPOSITE REGISTRY OFFICE RUSSELL, Every Thursday sailed to any part of Canada cr the United States or One Dollar a year in advance. Advertising rates made known on application, LOWRIE BROS. RUSSELL, - ONTARIO THURSDAY Aue. 28th., 1913. Jones and Brown Jones sent his son to college to soak up scientific knowledg= on how | to make the old farm pay a thousand Pr == Fa year. ¢ and hoe and told him that {he'd better go and renovate the corn- | field so each stock would bear an Now when these rural neigh- | bors had ceased their earthly labors to rest in peace and silence until re- Young Jones was making money on buttermilk and | honey, while Brown was facing fail- {ure, though he kept on hoeing corn. | Jones weeded out his taters with | two rows cultivators. Brown used i a double shovel hitched behind an Ne {aged mule. [papers while Brown was cutting [capers in the barnyard with old { Brindle and a one-leg milking stool, [Jones a few commotions with his | farmers' college notions, but he also ! raised the mortgage growing crops [of corn and hay. Though Brown worked to beat the devil he would | tell you on the level that no college cultured dude could farm and even | make it pay. In these days of com- petition, farmers mnst have some ambition and keep pace with modern methods, mowing grass or shearing sheep. And the man who's up and or ino gong, knowing > learning all the things worth will be' growing into mon- ey 'while his neighbors are asleep. --Farm and Fireside. -- --- © A Ribbon Social in aid of the L. O.L.- No. 205, be held at the home of J. P. Carson, on Tuesday evening. Music Metcalfe, will will be nd. R. ba furnished by the Highland Come and enjoy yourself. There were only eight fatalities and 365 people injured in the 4th of July celebrations in the States thi year, as compared with the average of 4,000 killed and injured a years ago. fo ixn IeW The reduction is due to the Sane Fourth of July movement. THE RUSSELL LEADER Bwwn gaveshis bovil ee ------------ Jones read the dialy ~ | North ot Russell, onorabout the 1st | 3 RA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA THE TRADERS BANK OF CAMADA INCORPC RATED 1869 Capital Authorized" ¢ ~~» $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid Up . 4 « . 11,600,000 Reserve Fund ens wit tie . . 12,600,000 Total Assets . . . 180,000.000 290 Branches throughout Canada. , Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG.. OFFICE NZW YORK AGENCY Bank Bldgs--Princes Si. Cor. William and Cedar Sis. BRANCHES AT EMBRUN, VARS AND NAVAN, ec ys Young? Yes=theoldest Ford is just ten years young--this month. And its youngest brother is the choice of the Joi--a better car than those we built not long ago and sold at nearly twice its price. Big pro- duction makes the Ford price tow. | More than 275,000 Fords now in service convin cing evidence of this wonderful merit. Runabout $675; Touring Car $750; Town Car $1000-f.0.b. Walkerville withallequipment.Get interesting Ford Times from Dept. G+., Walkerville factory, Ford 'Motor Company of Canada, Limited, C.F. McArthur Ltd., agents, Russell- Kenmore i ----E---------- "Daddy, don't Sister take jus* the best Pictures I" | : While the family are enjoying sister's trip abroad, by means of the films sent to Topley's 'to be developed and. printed, Sister is saying : "Here's another roll to JS 22 go to Topley's. When you go on your holidays, don't risk losing good pictures for the sake of "saving""a few cents on the developing and printing. Toebopeo Bs cost a little more than our regular prints because they ate worth more to you. They are our new prints--the finest we have ever perfected--made exclusively by our most skilled photographers, and each print is the best that the negative will yield. To prove very clearly the marked superiority of "Topco" Prints, we will make you, free of charge, a few . prints if you'll send us a few good mnegatives. TEIETIST rr SPECIALTIES OF OURS 2 {on 4 YODAKS LEVELS : FR NSH THE TOPLEY CO BAROMETERS ' 3 4 E MICROSCOPES FIELD GLASSES OPERA GLASSES | PROJECTION LANTERNS LABORATORY AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS REPRESENTING IN CANADA | AND APPARATUS CARL ZEISS ano BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Established 1868 132 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ont. "Women are STRAYED premises gkout a certainly hard to become man's equal' On my mile > "Oh, I think you wrong us. july, a heifer. Owner can have | {10 ing expenses. Apply to, Ip wards. Rozr. Loxa. the women I know seen ambitious | same by proving property and pay- | to go forward rather than back Potatoe Canker Danger Potatoe Canker should not be al- lowed to gain a foothold in Canada. It is a disease that makes slow prog-- out has defied every known means of coutrol. With the approach of the Lpotatoe harvest all growers are part-- iculary requested to examine their potatoes for signs of canker. & case of potato canker escaping de tection forms a source of future infection. The appearance of this disease has been well illustrated by the Farmers Circular No 3. ob- tainable free of charge from the Pub-- lication Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Potafe Canker owing to it serious nature has been made subject to certain legislative measures under the Dom-- inion Destructive Insect and Pest Act. farmer with the requirements of the 1 Act their attention is called to the following extracts, and other infor-- ress but where once broken In order to familiarize the mation concerning the necessary steps to be taken in case potates canker is discovered in any. local ity. 1 On discovery of any signs ef" potato cankerfarmersshould immed-- iately notifiy the Dominion Botanis¢ Experimental Farm, Ottawa, of the outbreak, at the same time submit-- ting specimen, when an inspector will be sent to assist and advise the farmer as regards the treatment tor be given. 2 Unless prompt action is takem and the authoriries are notified with out delay the whole crop of pojatoes whetherapparently sound or diseased is liable to destruction under 'The and Pest Act" Reguletion 7 and: 8 reading. Destructive Insect 7 If, on inspection, nursury stock other vegetation or vegetable mat- ter is found to be infected with any of the insects, pests or disease heres inafter specified, it shall be destroy-- ed to the extent by lo ST All cases, pace deemed necessary ind in his presences he - ses and packing to which such stock has been contain ed shall also be destroyed in the Same manner. 8 Any inspector entering any land nursery or other premises where tl is reason to believe that any of the specified are or Hmsscts, pests or disease hereinafter | may be present, | For) shall give instructions for the treat- mentor destruction of any tree, bush | Or any vegetarion or vegetable mat- | ter or the containers thereof, which may be found or suspected to be in- ected with any of the insects, pests or disease hereinafter specified, and such instructions shall carried the INET Ah £ 1 - ntected thereof and such remedial be out by'the owner or lessee of j treatment or destructions shall be {carried out and continued until the he insect; pest or disease shall be | deemed by the inspectorto have been | exterminated. { 3 Cutoff a stalks all without removing i them from the infested HESLC d burn potatoes tops or area. 4 ig at once all potatoes on your carefully hand pick them and | those apparently or perfectly sound. Din ~ Y o > S Place the diseased tubers in a e and cover with earth. The in- C spector will advise you regarding: their disposal. CAH Barfer tiv tinea on © All perfectiyorapparently sound tubers may be stored in 'the usual niet way but none must be used for any burpose whatever until the inspect-- or has given permission. ~ 1 , ; 7 Allow no tubers to rémamn 1x | the ground nor any animal to have access to an infected field. The or-- > {| ganism causing the disease is liable i _|to be spread though the excreta of™ ARTE | animals having eaten infected pote atoes in a raw condition. | (To be continued next issue) 1

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