Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 8 Jul 1909, p. 4

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~ PC ENN Ancther Car of the famous McIntye Potatoes from Nova This eminént Enqlish physician is o i i The audience was called te order | [ , f Pe) Sir Jas. Was on at about 8.15 by Chaban W. FH. Lawiie, who, after a few neatly turned compliments called upon 8) the Metealte Orchestra for a ce'ee--! of the greatest authorities on d : : eases 0 thy respiratory crgans. von. This orgsniz.tion needs no! recommendation | | | psi | I In a recent address, Sir Jams 16 rar oh sot Thine. wo aaten sl as their former] appearance on May 24th led people | ~ Watson stated that the commuiiest | of all disorders is Catarrh, and 'ht oot one person in ten thousand pass Registered Canadian C ydesdale will of the business conducted by Mr Scotia toarrive in a few days. Large, Clear W «¢ Tctatces N\ at $1 25 per Sack of go pounds. Bags free, i it is all nonsense trying to trea Catarshag diseases by stomach medt | douches and | Send in your order now N B.---A Full stock ot Flour and Feed always on hand Don't Forget Whese you can get all the Latest in Dress Goods, Spring Suitings, Muslins, Prints &c. Wear the McCready Shoe. © thing in Tan, Black and Patent Leather in new shapes g o ¥ - Large Range Wall Paper, Carpet Rugs, Trunksrand Valises Headquarters for Teeds, Wire, Nails,' Tailor % hop and Millinery in full swing C.F. ¥ ment very strongly, and says that Ih yory Bigs oe responded to an encore, iciues, snuffs. scientiffeally which' 1s inhaled into the es the winter without au attack «f some sort. Sir James advocates local treat- | | atonizers, Local treatment is applied mest by Catarrhozone nose throat and lungs, and drives the disease completely out of the sys- tem. ie Catarrhozoue is a rational, com- mon-sense treatmont ; it clears the alr passages, makes breathing eas- ter, and relieves at once. Physi- cians prescribe Catarrbozor e with gratifying results, and pronounce it & speeitic for Catarrh in any part of the syste, Mr. Thos Cox, one of the most prominent citizeus of Minden, Ont, "I wane to recommend Cat- arrhozone. It isa mice clean cure for Catarrh, Cured we perfectly and is wel. deserving of a trial by everyone at all atiecied by Caturih or throat trouble." ; Mr. G. F. Fadden, of Ri yan, Que writes : "In wy opinion Catarrh- ozoue is the only cure fur Catarh. 1 had the disease in its worst form but only got reliet from Catarrli- ozone. It cured me quickly and permanently, aid I have 10 fear of th" Cdtarrh ever returning. The foregoing briet extracts, like t icusends of others that the prop- rietors: of Catarrhozone have re- ceived, prove that the proper rem- Says ex) cetations Were realized in each of the four selections rendered. A reading by Mrs. G. 8. Duncan was well recived. Mr. Muckieston rendered a solo with his well known atbihey, and My. Graham then gave a humor- ous recitation in excellent manner, and his er core nuniler containe the brevity which is the soul of wi Master Milton Walker aud his fittle «ister, Miss Blanche, render Led noouct «nthe pravo and violin in good style. Miss Jones, another stranger to Russcll andiences rendered a solo very aceeptabl., and was aecorded an encore, to which she very gra- clously responded. i Messrs. Joves and Marr vendere.. an instruments] duct on the clar- lover and violin, Mr. Oliver then entertained the Al though but an amateur, tis ennne powers as a ventril guise. ciation was god, and his articula- tion as disunct as that of a pro- In his preseatasion he used a trick doll to assist him, Prof. dover, of Metcalte. leaden Miss Me Laurin. pianist of the organisation fessional. uf the orchestra, and executed a duct by request. which, was one cf the most enjoyable aun: bers on the program. Mr. F. Jones, leader of the Ras- sell band, rendered in fine voice yodel song, and genvrously re spo. ded to an encore.' He render ed this very difficult music admir- ably. notwithstanding the strain it must be to make the quick change of inflection ne-essary for the edy to use is Catarrhozone: It ix quite different from the ordinary Catarah preparation, and ie way- ranted to lrove entirely satistac- tory. If it fails ycur money will be refuuded, so if not benefited you won't be out of pocket. All druggists sell Catailhozone, Cemplete outfit, hard rubber in. haler, liquid for recharging, ete. costs $1.00 ; trial size, 50 cents, By mail from N. C. Polssn & Co HORSEMEN |! All our large Stock of? Heavy Harness J AT Lowest Prices They are Going Fast. Chance. | JOSEPH LACELLE, Harness Maker Broadway . . . Russel Your Last Undertaking Parlors. We are showing cne of the best, up-to-date stock of Funer- al goods in this section. Embalming by latest method. YORK & McARTHUR, | HARRY YORK, Manager. New Blacksmith Calls attended during night. Agents for Graham, Florist, Huving leased the shop and good- ; i John Hall, on Broadway, Russell, 1 Stalifon tam prepared to Will stand at Owner's Stable during Do all kinds of Blacksmit] the season. is : Wo k and Repairing Promptly at Moderate Pric Horseshoeing a Specialty. Hav- ling had a large and varied experience W.A. MORROW Russell, Ont, Farm Help WANTED : Man to work on farm | Give me a trial. Must b: good milker. Apply to S. McDonald J. J. CASSELMAN 14 miles south of Morewood ie | I am able to guarantee satisfaction. J ¢ Kingston, Ont. ee em. Nothing in the way of a cough is quite 50 annoying as a tickling, teasing whéezing bronchial ugh. The quick est relief comes perhops from a pre- scripuion knywn te druggists every- whers as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And besides. it is so thorouguly harm- less that mothers give it with verfact safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem- edy its remarkable cuiative effect. It is traly a most certain and trustwor- thy preseri ption. Sold byJ. W. Mcth- eson & Co., Fussell, and" C. TF. McAr- hur,' Kenm ore. Lost A Gold Brooch bearing the initials F.N. B, on the road between Felton and Russell. Any information re-- garding same will be suitaby reward- zd Dy, MRS. G. S. DUNCAN Those Kecuiring their BUCGIES § GUTTERS REPAINTED Should Bring Them fo J. E. GROVES. Painter RUSSELL, ONT Terms Strictly Moderate. change of tere. Tae unusual na- Gu eof le ingly popular with the audience, ui: made it «xcecd- Alter wselestion by the orchiestr the coneert was broucht to a close by the National Anthem. The accompaniments of the ever ing were ably rendered by Mis Donne, Prof. Jones and Mr. Jas. Groves. The day's proceedings were » complete success in every way, «i.c. the committee, Messrs. A. W. |} Lowrie, J. F. Hawilton and W. [1 Holmes, are to be congratulated on the well-deserved success which attended their efforts. A tickling or drs couch can be quickly loosened with Dr. Shocp's Covzh Remedy. No opium. no chioro- form, nothing unsafe or harsh. Sold by J. W. Mutheson & Co., Russell; and C . F.McArthur, Kenmore. -- OB To Whom it May Concern TAKE NOTICE: I saw in the Leader of June 24th, the Auditors' Lteport of the Township of Russell for the year 1908. I noticed a statement that there was $20.62 of taxes that I had not paid. This 1 deny, as I can show receipts for taxes paid in full for 1908. I wish to state that the collector has been at my place twice this last two years with separate amounts of tax each time, which I think could be collected all at once. [ asked him how it was, if he cailed on every- body twice. He said "No, no" It was not my fault, it was a mistale of the clerk. So this error ia the Auditor's Report is another mis- take, [ presume. Mistakes arc the eginnings of mostly all troubles. JUHN BOYD, Russell audience wih an exhibition of his | AL, Aoss GULLY lil Owas Duy audhurized by Act ol Parliament to Pracuce as a Voteriuary Surgeon ard to treat all diseases oi animals ete. Telephone No 5 Embrun, Cut. Stornach trouble is but a symptom of, and not In liself a true disease. We think of D vepst Heartburn, an® Indigestion as real dissases, yet they are symptoms oniy of a certain specifia Kerve sickness--nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stonaca Remedy---Dr. Shoos's Restorative. G y direct to che stomach nerves, along hrovght that success &nd favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative, With. out that original and highly vital prineiple, such lasting accomplishments were ever ¢ For stor 1 distress, bloating, bilious breath and sallow eomplexion, try Dr. Restora tive--Tablets or Liquid--and see 3 seit whet it ean ond will do. We sell and ob fully recommuend + Dr. Shoop's Restorative J. W. MATHESON, RUSSELL. C. F. McArthur, Kenmore. SAVE YOUR WIFE Treille by patronizing E. DRAKE Baker and Confectioner P S.--Bread, Buns and Cakes. VURYYB RRVRBY © % THE PALATIAL x Barber Shop SHAVING, HAIRCUTT N73 SHAMPOOING. Perfumes = I hava sustreceived a stock | High Class PERFUMES BA BBY Bde 6 DO YOU WANT ~A.GOOD SMOKE + A CHOICE LINE OF 'CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND PIPES. ® ¥. Loucks & ERR RRRRRRRER RARNRRRARRRRRARRRAY '] FOR SALE--Man or Woman-- My South African Veteran's Boun- ty Land Certificate issued by the Departweunt of the Interior, Ot tawa. Good for 820 acres of any Dominion Land open for entry in. Alberta, Saskatchewan or Mani-- toba. Any person over 18 years of age, MAN OR WOMAN, can acquire this lanl with this certificate. For immediate sale, $790.00. Phone, write or wire, L. 'E. Tellord, 131 Shuter Street, Toronto. Ph pe, Main Street 2066. aiken, 8

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