Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 3 Apr 1902, p. 8

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& --- Personals. * RE EK NN Mr. and Mus. Ormond, spent Goud Friday at, Dr pitory for many classes of dealers, Bedougall's. Miss Prudenze Corscadden spentyyy tg keep up a small trade for the Easter in Ottawa. Miss Birch, of Cumberland, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mark Booth Mr. and Mrs. Mather and Mr. Mather spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Hill in Ogdensburg. Mrs. Orsin Lacelle and Mr. WM. Lineelle returned home on Thursday from a visit to Mr. Howard La- celle of this place. Mr. E. Stackhouse, of the Mont- real Biscuit Co., .was in town on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Loux, of Ctta- wa, were in town attending the funeral of the doctor's nephew, Mr. McDougall. Mr. Archie McDougall and Miss Rose McDougall were ia town over gunday. Mrs. Loney, of Franktown, was the guest of Mrs. John Morris dur- .ing the Easter holidays. Miss McCarthy, of Franktown, visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur L Corscadden, last week. Mr. Adam Elliott shipped 1750 pots from Russell Station to Otta- wa on Monday, Miss Bessie Cummings and Messrs. Stanley Carson, W. L. summerby, Herbert McKeown and M, Watson, who have been attend- W. Edwards, ofr some time to come. RAILWAY WRECK. [Tae BRANTFOQ imme am ATE ee i = rsa her day of high prices at the To- nto. Cattle Market this morning.{ e dealers are all persuaded that| paso = 5 e heavy runs of the winter have re- | TAL : Ned in a scarcity of cattle, and The NEW YORK & OTTAWA Railroad iat they may look for high prices A NEW ROUTE OPEN. At present | SAVE. New short Line th his Advi 1 le prices are so high as to be pro- |lisio oan Ri Ei the New York City. 1d so they have ceased operating on Fri( 13 Table -Effectiv : i large scale, many being content snd ime able ective Jan. 27th. 1902. ac irpose of satisfying their more im- Doni | Express | Express ; jortant customers. These condi- {from yo ppound | Daily | Daily, Mixed, ons are prevalent in all classes of [to h {Ex. Sun.iEx. SuniEx. Sun. ittle, even feeders and stockers be-| Th | Tg at prices which will leave no pro-fmist__ ____.__{ ___. \after being prepared for the mar- partly. Tupper Lake!6 15 A.MiI.10 P.M i8.00 A.M i. The trade in sheep and lambs |ton SantaClara..i7.39 '3.41 *" 9.56 * 3 demoralized this morning. The [and | Si. Regis Falli7.53 '13.58 ¢" i10.30*¢ aT A TET @ Dickinson Ctri8.01 *' i4.06 ** iro.39 '* OTTAWA MARKETS. " Moira... + .. 20? "lazy © 11.31 MEATS. " Helana . . ..:8.44 "4.54 ** iI12.1IPM Mutton, hinds, per 1b. 0.07 t0 0.08 o Nyands 5.50 & ort . Maven, hamper Iu. 00% vous Sm +. 88 2%» fg: veal, fronts, per Ib. 0.04 to 0.06 | " Russell ;.. 10.08 "6.23 = 16.28 Veal, hinds, per lb. 0.07 to 0.08 | Ar. Ottawa .. 10.50 "7.20 "* :7.20 Larab, per 1b 0.07 to 0.09 Mutton, per 1b 0.07 to 0.09 Express | Express | Mixed : . : Southbound : : Siig Chickens, per pair.. 0.4Gto 0.60] "**7°"" | Daily | Daily, Ex. Sun. Turkeys, each. . 0.90 to 1.25 Ex. Subic, wn Turkeys, per 1b. . 0,08 to 0.10 | Lv. Owawa. . {7.40AM {5.30 P.Mi6.00 A.M Ducks, per pair. 0.65 t0 0.75 | ©, Russsll ve v1.20 iH geo ¥ oss i , 1 4 mc PETER . id Edd Geese, cach. . 0.90 £00.75 | «. Comwall, . 0.37 * i7.15 © [10.33 * DAIRY PRODUCE. 9 Nyando .i9.39 '7.23 ** [0.32 © Print butter.per 1b... 0.19 t00.221 = Helena Caton re " hg « Pail batter, per 1b. 0.1860 0.20 | 7 Dickinson Ctrito.22 * 8.15 ** 11.02 Roll butter per lb.. 0.18to 0.20] * = RegisFallgi1o.30 + 8.73 " igz,15 / 1 2 » Santa Clara .i10.44 "8.390 ¢¢ 12.39 ** lub butter, per 1b. " 0.i8 to DY Ar. Tupper Lakei12.10P Mi10.20 ¢ '3 00 P.M Lard, per Ib.. 0.11 to 0.12 Connections a: Cornwall for all points Honey, in comb. . 0.1010 0.12 | East and West, also at Tupper Lake for Honey, extract. . 0.08t0 0.10 | New York. : S G. H.PHILLIPS, I. K. Gays, Fresh eggs, ner doz. = 025to 0.26 Genl, Pass. Agent A. Gen, Pass. Agt. Packed eggs,perdoz., 0.16 to 0.17 Ottawa Ont, HIDES AND WOOL. ides, rough per Ib. 0.00--0.95 ? Peits, each 0.70--0.80 MN M M k Hides, trimmed per lb! 0.05}---.06 ew eat ar et Calfskins, rough per 1b 0.08% mee ret Calfskins trimmed per lb. ing school at Vankleek Hill are spending their Easter holidays at their homes here, Misses Toots Fitzsimmons and Tillie : Louis returned on Friday from a visit to friends in Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Miss Flora Dalglish, of Kenmore, visited the capital on Monday. Mrs. H. Pelton was in the city on Monday. Among the excursionists to Qtt- awa on Monday were, Messrs. A. Fitzpatrick, W, Fitzsimmons and W. J. Annable, Mrs. Jobn Kinkaid and two lit- tle girls visited friends in Aults- ville last week. The Misses Hall, of Ottawa, are thé guests of their uncle; Mr. John Kinkaid, of the Commercial. Miss Frankie Summerby return- ed on Tuesday from Vankleek Hill. Miss Summerby's many friends will be glad to know that she has recovered from her illness. « Mr. Mack Stewart, of Meaford, was home this week on a short va- cation, Miss Mable Dagg is spending the Easter vacation with her sister Mrs. Ed. Morrow, North Russell. Dr. S. R. Martin is at his Russell office this week. Myr. Ailan Stevenson, of North Russcll, visited the city on Tues- day. Miss Prudence Corscadden re turned on Tuesday night from a visit to Ottawa. Mr. Jerry Brisson, formerly as- sistant at the O. & N, Y. depot here, left on Tuesday for Montana. Mr. A. Pacquette, reeve of Rus sell township, was in town on Wednesday. Miss Carrie Pillar has returned Lome after spending the holidays with friends in the city. Mrs. Mark Booth and her daugh ter Miss Sarah spent a few days in the city. Mr. John Helmer, of Ottawa, has returned home after spending a couple of days at Mr. J. Britt's. Miss Annie Whitley has return- ed home after spcading the holidays in the cty. 3 : Among those who visited the city on Thursday were, Messis. A. Carson, T. Carson, W. Fitzsimmons, Abraham Pillar, J. Fitzsimmons, James Turnkull, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Wm. Argue, Mrs. Ki McKeown, Mrs D. and Miss Me- haicy. Miss J. Mebarey, Miss Birch FROM VARS. (Not our Correspondent.) TlLere is a correspondent who in Vars doth dwell, 0.09 0.043--0.05 0.00--0.13 Tallow p-r Ib. Wool per 1b VEGETABLES. Cucumbers per doz. ~~ 0.1% to 0.20 Celery, per doz. 0.35 to 0.40 Beans, per gal. 0.10 to 0.15 Cauliflower per doz. 0.90 to 1.75 Onions,s per bag 0.00 to 1.50 Green onions, per doz.. 0.05 te 0.10 0.00 to 0.10 0.15 to 0.25 0.15 to 0.20 0.90 to 1.00 0.00 to 0.35 0.25 to 0.35 0.00 to 0.59 030 to 0.35 0.00 to 6.40 0.05 0.13 Radishes, per doz Lettuce, per doz Rhubarb, per doz Potatoes, per bag, Beets, per bag. Cabbage, per doz. Parsnips, per bag, Turnips, per bag Carrots, per bag Mixed pickles, per qb Onion pickles, per qt For convenience and security in remitting money through the mail usd AMERICAN EXPRESS MONEY Ox- DERS. They are cheaper than other safe methods as you will sce by the folowing rates;-- $3 and under 3ets, over 3 " " 5 A4cts, i" 5 «© {3 10 Gets, #10. 20 10ects, R90 "30 12cts, a 30 « " 40 15cts « 5) « GO 20cts, "C60 " 75 25cts, 4) 7h « " 100 30ets FOR BALE BY What stories he may write no one ean tell; But the news is much twisted which : 0 he sends ir, Be it caused by tanglefoot, cham- pagne or gin. Quite in touch with his calling he 's a very nice man, And renders assistance to all he + can; But when with the boys he spends leisure time His mind pictures stories which he transcribes very fine. And so with each issue some new things appear, About quiet young men with a : dashing career, Or a runaway engine and no harm done, And all things imaginable under uoder the sun. With reverence step aside and stand away back; Remember your calling--work is not very slack; Let the boys have a good time while ; they are young, Ycu should be their example til - your work is done KENNY BROS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED PORK LL kinds of tow], fresh meat and sausages kept in stock. Pigs' Leads dressed ready for head cheese | Wu. ANNABLE. RUSSELL, ONT Guaranteed Nursery Stock, FROM CANADIAN NURSERIES, ORNAMENRAL TREES HEDGES ERUIT TREES, ROSE BUSHES AND SMALL FRUITS, AND If our stock does not live we replace it the following year free of charge. anyone requiring my goods. WwW. J. COOL, Agent, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE (BE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &cC. Anyone sending a sketch and QeseripHon msey quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co, 2stersncua. New York Branch Office, 626 F St., Washington, D. C. Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of So: and Music a vast volume of few, Choi Copyright Compositions by ihe most pop- nlar authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocsl, half Instrumental--21 Complete Pieces for Plano--Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscriptien, $2.00. If you will send us the name and address of FIVE performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth a Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa I will have pleasure in calling on Kenmore, THOS. HOWE, wg rT. McArthur, Ronmore. C. UR Store is now enlarged and very much improved and we are carrying aa fuller line than formerly. Call and see us. Our stock is almost all new as during our cheap sale we closed out all old lines--Sec ? Best Frints on Market, only 92 © CF. MCARTHUR Cheap Rifle Sale from Bankrupt Stock. We only have a few of each. 2 orly, Sharps--24 in. round barrel, 56 cal. rim fire, singlesho welght 7 lbs. Price $5.00 each. rps Repeater--$ shots, 56 cal. centre fire, weight 8% lhbs., price a Carbine--Single shot, 56 cal, rim fire, weight 74 lbs., price 1 Only, Spencer Musket-- 31 in. round barrel, 7 shots, 56 cal. rim fire, price $8.00. 1 only Springfiield Musket--31 in barrel (second hand but in good order) cal. 45-70 C. F. Price $600, . : Ballard Carbine--44 cal. rin tire, weight 7 lbs. Price $7.00. 1 Only, Kentncky Ballard--46 cal. rim fire, 26 in. barrrl, Price $7.00, All ofthe above prices are less than half price. Write to: -- McDOUGAL & CUZNER Hardware Ottawa The season for renewing your supply of Milk Cans and paiis is at hand. WeThave a full supply of ol ali kinds of Pails and milk cans, 30 gallon and 25 gallon, the latest pattern. These goods are the best. Call and see. Always pleased to show our goods. HIGHEST prices paid for Deacon Skins, Sheepskins and . Cowhides. WM. P. CHERRY, Tinsmith. ARE TNT The Following Flour & Feed always on hand. FLOUR HUNGARIAN PATENT, ROLLED OATS, STRONG BAKERS, OAT MEALg CORN MEAL, (for talle use), BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, GEM FLOUR, FEED : BRAN, SHORTS, WHOLF, CRACKED, GROUND CORN, GROUND BAEKLEY, ® WHOLE BARLEY GROUND WHEA T. ALITVA® ISHG LOWEST PRICES on LR] On ln Russell,

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