Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 3 Apr 1902, p. 7

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eR WHY WOOLENS WEAR THI A SCENE IN A GROCER'S STORE. Sir, I have just come roung myself 10 tell you that you have absolutely spoiled a pair of blankets on me, I have! tion was as to separating the two, because they were thoroughly woven throughout, and it was only by de- taching the fine fibres from each oth- aoesn"t know whether 1 love wi. not, about one-quarter he hopes th: I do, and the rest he thinks I ma; and in addition he is nearly alwa; utterly miserable."' Yes, sir, you have! er that you identified the cotton Maud--* 'Well I'm glad you're ma Surely you are mistaken, madam! | fibre. I fell on the device of using|ing such a success of the affair." I am not mistaken. I sent round soda. I took a bit of blanket and my little girl a few days ago for a ood strong soap to wash out some i things. In all innocence I used what you sent me, and the re- sult is that my blankets are just the skeleton of what they were. They are ruined, sir, and it's your fault! Yes, but I sent what I usually send in such cases. What you usually send! No won- der Mrs. Moore, my neighbor, com- put it in a vessel with soda, and boiled it there, and very quickly the wool got eaten away by the soda, and there was left behind the cotton as a kind of skeleton--a sort of ghost--of the original blanket out of which it was taken. I mention this merely to indicate to you the pernicious effects of using caustic ma~ terials, which, when employed strong by themselves, affect woolen .arti- A vulgar fop called to a boo .black to polish his shoes ar showered vituperative epithets upc him for his slowness, till at last t little fellow stopped his work ar looking up, exclaimed :--"See he: mister, 'tain't no use to work your shoes till somebody polist your tongue." xm Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. IN ring her home a p our wife advice, start out by giving cket of 5lains of her clothes wearing out; I|cles in this way, and which, even ' . find you usually send her the same when not very strong, will more Gentlemen, --After suffering for se- , soap. 2 slowly, but with equal certainty, |ven years with inflammatory rheum- Be U Ua i e 0 ana a. But. madam, I always give my |tend to destroy the woolen fibre." atism, so bad that I was eleven a ;ustomers what they ask for. Had| Now, I want to tell you that we months: confined, te; my, roi; and Head Office, - Waterloo, Ontario. you named a particular brand of neighbors have had a talk over the for two years could not dress myself / bs hy soap you would have had it. rater. and we-are. mot going to] Without help. Your agent gave me (Formerly The Ontario Mutual Life.) Named a particular brand! How | have our clothes and hands ruined in ® bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT 32ND ANNUAL MEETING | ] was I to know anything of brands? but I know better now, and I know what ruined my® blankets--and my hands are in a nice plight, too! 1 can assure you, madam, that it this way. Several of our neighbors who know have proved to us that Washing Sodas, Potash, Chloride of Lime, and "soap substitutes' are most injurious to clothes and hands. in May, '97, and asked me to try it, which I did, and was so well pleased with the results 1 procured more. Five bottles completely cured me and I have had no return of the pain for eighteen months. ' The Company Solid and Progressive.-- Another Year ad of Substantial Gains. is not my desire to sell anything| «Tree alkali" in soaps is practically The ab fact 1k t that will be injurious to either the|{he caustic soda that burns the Re Ro ak wells own ie The Thirty-second Annual Meeting of this popularand prosperous life company hands or clothing of my customers, clothes. Why, you dare not keep |SVeryPOGy In this village and neigh- {took place at its Head Office, Waterloo, Ont., on Thursday, March 6th, 1902, at 1 p.mx and I shall be glad to know how you prove that what I sold you in- jured your blankets and your hands. Well, I was telling Mrs. Neill my Caustic Soda in a tin canister: it must be in an earthen jar, or it will even corrode the tin! Now, it's for vou to provide us with pure' soap borhood. Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT. St. Timothee, Que., May 16th, 1899. 260 yoars ago land on Manhattan The structive. ompany's spacious Board room was well filled with deep interest in the proceedings which were throughout The President having taken the chair, on motion, Mr. W. H. tary of the Company, acted as Secretary of the meeting, and at the request of thi Poller holders who evinced oth harmonious and in- Riddell, Sect trouble; and she lent me a little cut-| without free alkali, or . we must President read the ting, and here it is; you can read it: {find it elsewhere. 2 Ti Islan, where New Fork Stands, Fe 'DIRECTORS' REPORT. "Dr. Stevenson Macadam. Lectur-| Madam, you enlighten me! So sold at two cents for acres. To- vo a : 4 ; ye ' Ly =0 ( ur Directors submit fo t, rm Chemistry » Surgeon's Hall, many soaps are advertised as pure, day it is worth $1,250,000 per financial statement for the Bo Salon an 3ppeoval Shale epert, With Edinburgh, describes the. destrusiive that I really took little heed to any Cro: New Business They are pleased to inform vou that the business of the property of soda upon wool very | difference between them. year in all respects has been of the most satisfactory Eraphically . = 4 1| 1 have one however, that has med- Deafness Cannot be Cured ghivadton guabling them iy nage the same liberal distribution ot surplus to Jolley? "After mentioning how strong al-{.. Boo ; / < olders as in the past. e volume and character of new business were a a jeal certificates of its freedom from | iy local applications, as they cannot h the could be desired ; the death rate was dls below the expectation, and the lapses and kali such as potash and soda. disas- trously affect cotton, linen, and wool ne says: "On one occasion I employed this property of soda in a useful way. There was a large quantity of new free alkali. It is guaranteed pure; and the makers offer $5,000 reward to any one who can prove it is nol pure, and further, I am anthorized to return the purchase money to any one finding cause for complaint. fiseased portion of the ear. There isonly one way to cure 3atness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies, oafness iv caused by an [inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Fusiacaian Tube. lion this bubs in in- rs you ndve arumbling sound or imper fo hoa and when it is entirely closed deafness is fio result, and unless the inflam. tions Canada First surrenders, in proportion to business in force, very moderate. for new assurance received was $4,403,000 ; accepted and policies $4,071,669, all of which with the exception of $35,500 was secured in Canada. Amount of applicar 2 The Board of Directors have not seen any reason Why they should depart from the rule hitherto followed of confining their operations to our own country and Newfoundland. blankets sent to one of our hospitals| 1 .¢ 1s gee it! Wh Sunk mation can be taken cut and thistube restored : " 5 i 4 ; ! y, Sunlight : ; * | Insurance in Force The number of policies in force was 21,785, assuring which, whon given out, wero said BY | api Tt's a, Beautiful, clean. fresh | reread orovcr: ninercasos sit of teh 8% | cocoa Actuar] eo SSS, the rolurve on which, bused, on our ow e patients to be not so warm as i - caused by catarrh, whioh is nothing but an in- | Standard, Actuaries 4 per cent., on all business previous to , and Hm. 3} per cen looking soap; iiand . this Peiagon flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. on all business raken since then, is $5,301,100.41. the old blankets were, and that led to an investigation as to whether the blankets were = genuine or not. They looked well and weighed pro- perly, and I got a blanket sent to me for examination and analysis. We found soon that there was cotton giixed with the wool, and the ques- shape is very handy. Give me five bars. Note by the Grocer.--This whole neighborhood is using Sunlight Soap now. Ihave no more complaints. I have no room in my store now for resinous concoc- tions of alkali poisons ; but it is not the grocer's fault if the public are satisfied with cemmon soaps, If the Tabla ask for Sunlight Eoap--octagon bar --we give it them" We will give One Humdred Dellarsfor any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrk Cure. Send ior circulars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggiste, 75¢. Hall's Famiiy Pills are the best. Flying fish have been known to rise 20 feet above the surface of the Investments Assats and Income The amount which sum The cash assets are 85,439,541.65, and the total asseig $5,757,822.17. The surplus on Government standard, over all liabilities, is $605,470.00 ; on the Company's standard $379,670.53. premium income was $998,619.06 ; interest an $23,250 ; total income $1,277,686.08. Pald to Polioyholders The Death Claims paid were $183,510.50 ; Matured Policies $52,523.37 : Surplus $32,235.51 : Annuities $6,763.07. he net rent $255,817.02 ; annuity premiums aid to policyholders was $403,532.45, of 5,021.93 was paid to living poligyiaider ndowments $163,480 ; Purchas During the year the demand for money has been active, MAKING A MENAGERIE OF IT. In the United Kingdom only 1 |sea. A Yeight boy und attended. some Parson. 18.200 i§ a Jandoypesy | In The rate of interest has Weald] pr Sy Se en By pre svening lectures on astronomy, and |France 9 in 100 own landed pro- ' ) N : . # . ed have been promptly met, the interest overdue being much less than in any former year. after three or four visits was ques-)perty. sk for Minard § and fake ng other The EIT. officers and staff continue to ae their duties to the entire it by his mother, a but very tioned about jood and very devout, ighorant woman. The youngster, proud of his supe- rior knowledge, probably 'exaggerat- *d what he had heard. At any rate, CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO CALI- FORNIA. Tor the meeting of the Independent Jrder of Foresters at Ios Angeles, A pound of cork is sufficient to float a man weighing 154 pounds. W P C. 1122 Laurier, Alfred Hoskin, K. has expired, all of whom are eligible for re-election. Waterloo, March 6, 1902. $ satisfaction of the Board, and in the best interests of the compeny. The Executive Committees have carefully examined all the Becurities, and com. pared them with the entries in the ledger, and fouad them to apd therewith You will be called upon to elect four Directors in place of Rt. d C., E. P. Clement, and Hon. J. T. Garrow, whose term on. Sir Wilfri ROBERT MELVIN, President. April 29th., ckeap round trip rates he told her about the Great Bear pr : BR : 4 . » {will bi effect 1 7 THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE, the Swan, the Lion, the Bull, Ham, | Be lor i cal, ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR 1901. Scorpion, Fishes, and other con-{p. 40 from Toronto $62.00, and pro- CAL VERT'S INCOME. steflations, ; a portionately low rates from other CARBOILIC Premiums, Note. icici hat etn i8 2.003.019. 06 The mother listened with ill-con-| its in Canada Three through TOOT EL Interest, Rent and Annuities....... dates Vesissamigecre yom Fawn. + 10,007 OF cealed dismay, and when the boy | {rains daily from. Chicago, with Pull. POWDERS Stobped She turned to her husband, mans, Tourist Sleepers and Free Ro- ; - Total... ... vee 00 91,277,686 08 R Said -i-- ini ir Car Selec Preservas the teeth. Swaetens the breath. 1S SME 4 "Willlam, I'm very much afraid Zhe I ts id Strengthens the gums. . Death Claims PRN NN Io ve ..9 498,532 485 that that boy is being contaminated quickest time Choice of routes re. All other Payments... we end ST Cpl { Sakinnan 215,676 94 by ow wicked Seheisis, Syecauss ey turning. Full information and spe- Dyeing 1 Cleaning! ; : Cop - making tre blessed hrmament ILL0 a] .j,) folder of this excursion can®hbe TOLAL. corer ven soe, 20:8 + 109,200 20 12 menagerie obtained from B. H. Bennett, Gener- For the very best send your work to the ASSETS. 61 Stops the Cough al Agent, 2 East Xing Street, To- 1 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 60." Loans on First Mortgages and Bonds...... vr eens $2,650,566 Le and works off the Cold. ronto, Ont. Look for ageat In your town, or send dire. Municipal Debentures and Bonds...... ... ... sex] bee 4..2,012,449 03 xative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold M Loans on Company's Policies Lita an ere : 643,361 93 ontreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, pany : in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. A. train travelling at 120 miles ' ' »Q Real Estate, including Company's Office... +%. Ai 123.929 0 p AN A would hit an object. it came in con-| Splendid bargains, fend for as in anda an in BANKS Ji Wad A ,< i] TWO FRIENDS. tact with er Shiject as hard as is FARMS printed. lists, WEVTERN REAL Other. ASSEER... cor sre soissivngestesmmiorins ir' con win setingrenyen 313,403 34 To gain his ends travelling at forty miles an hour. FaraTe E3cHencs Loadon Sat rs In Life's fierce tussle, WRX Fold) Eafe... $5,757,822 17 Man's two best friends i O PRIN i ERS LIABILITIES ; . 3 1 [1] 1 | ] : . . : Are Hope and Hustle. Keep Minard's Liniment in the House Beers, 2.and 24 per GORE, orders At ssiet Font vr iinieras $5,101,100 1 Hor Over Sisty Yaris FOR SALE.--Two 2-revolution Campbell { ~~ ~~ ~~ 7 omer Rad aT Ee alr Mer. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by The best home-made fire-extin- | Presses, bed 40:§6 inches. Splendid Total... we sus 2 -$3 377,851 64 millions of mothers for their children while teething. | guisher is 4 ounces of pearlash dis- order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. SURPLUS : : ap Sra is the | Solved in hot water, and added to a 8. FRANK WILSON, On the Government Standard : and '3% er cent....§ 879,970 53 best remedy for Diarrhea. Twenty-five cenix a bottle. il of cold t 73 West Adelaid : : p Ee Py : pail of cold water. est Adelaide 8t., Toronto On the Government Standard, 4% and 3% per cent... 605,470 00 Bold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for " MRS. WINELOW'S SOOTHING BYRUR." BOYS BRIGADE In moving the adoption of the Directors' and other reports submitted to tha meeting, the President ably reviewed the business of the Company during the fiscal TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Most deaths 'during the 24 hours | Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All . a5 m. | druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. year ending December 31st, 1901, showing that steady progress had been made in all RR ss between Sane on > | E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250. that denotes strength and stability, while the ratio of expense to income was tha A ¥ e ---- lowest in the history of the Company, being $23,951 less than the previous year. It jvening. Italy, = Roumania, Servia, and Instruments, Bugles, Fifes, Drums, Caps. etc. was gratifying to find that the interest and rents from investments exceeded the Greeco are the only Furopean coun- amount paid for death losses in 1901 by $67,307, and that the large sum of $305,021 was Mi py Li . 4 R) F LE hy ¢ h EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL | paid to living policyholders during the same year for endowments, annuities, divi- dil alg S iniment Lumberman SHIFRL | tries' where men outnumber women. Can have a Fife and Drum or Bugle Band. dends, ete. On the whole the business of the Company for 1901 was in all respects most satisfactory, and if everyone interested in its welfare will do his duty the year upon which we have entered will be still more successful than the one just passed. Mr. A. Hoskin, K. C., First Vice-President, having supported the motion at some length, the reports were adopted unanimously. The scrutineers reported the unanimous re-election of the Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. J. T. Garrow, A. Hoskin, XK. C., and E. P. Clement as Direc- Lowest prices ever quoted. Illustrated. price-list mailed free. Write pe ANY i J or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 10 in MUSIC Winnipeg, Man. Toronto, Canada Greece has 113 men to 100 women. The biggest guns in the British wavy are of 16%-inch calibre, and san only be fired once in three min- thinard"s Liniment 5 used by Physicians ites. They weigh 110} tons. The ; ! q ion 32-inch gun weighs only 50| Salmon rardy live moro than ten | THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. | Io oh 0 Shalit he I Bernt, Gulp Alte Hoskin. GT gon Ae re ia 00% YoY D D 3emelunes Vice-President, Toronto ; the Hon. Mr. Justice Britton, 2nd Vice-President. King- 3 iv 5 1s quickly. live to be 150 years old. ston ; Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. P.C., G C.M.G., Premier of Canada, Ottawa; Francis C. Bruce, M. P., Hamilton ; J. Kerr Fisken, B. A., Toronto ; E, P. Clement, Berlin; W. J. Kidd, B. A., Ottawa; Geo. A. Somerville, London; Hon. F, W, Borden, M. D., Minister of Militia and Defence, Ottawa; Hon. J. T. Garrow, K. C., Goderich, and Wm. Snider, Waterloo ; and the officers of the Company are :--Geo. Wegenast, Manager] W. H. Riddell, Secretary ; T. R. Earl, Supt. of Agencies; J. H. Webb, M. D., Medical Director; and Millar & Sims, Solicitors. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST-SUPPER. IF YCU WANT GOOD PRICES FOR YOUR Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples ... Produce CONBIGN THEM TO THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO, Limited, TORONTC Correspondence Solicited. [oe 0 0 2 2 0 2 BR 2 fe Good ! iS YOUR LEG BETTER? Hundrads suffer trom Ulcers and Run- ning Sores. Cileadine will cure the worst cases. Mrs. L., Lindsay, says: "1 have doctored since last August, found ho relief, never had a goed night's rest till last night. One application had mar velcus effect, gave me unbroken night'srest. 26e,urug gists, or Glisadine Co.,, Torenio. Money refundedif not patistactory, Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- Don't use cheap paint on your house, or the first blast of storm and rain or hot summer sun makes it look shabby. Cheap paint with no reputation is dear paint. RAMSAY'S PAINT is the purest paint, the oldest and best known in Canada. Made from pure materials--made right to preserve your house to beautify to 5 ORE RAR EISEN EE RHEL JE DUES Shea ES Gg A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire 'ence is no Stronger than its Uprights. No one should expect a . fence to hold up of itself @ between the posts. The Frost upright wires are large and strong. The Frost Lock bolds them Rin RRM RRR ER -y- BAYS, 4 vy ; =a ND yh FE GRE iT Za x in place and each support pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- it, make it look fresh and Cody mans its own share of the town. ' bright, Ready for use sid sold b . s " : Large and Fast St Superior dati : f y weight. Light tie wires for all classes of passengers. Saloons and Staterooms all 'dealers at the right price for the best that goes in paint making. Drop us a card and ask for BOOKLET "K" FREE showing cuts of beautiful homes. are amidships. Special attention has been given to the Second Saloon 'and Third-Class accommodation. For rates of passage aud all particulars, apply to any agent of the Company, or Rickards, Mills & Co, give no support. Bending to tie weakens them and they are apt to break when the strain is sevére. RIFE RRR D. Torrance & Co.. § trong Frost Fence never breaks. 77 State St. Boston. Montreal and Portland, M 3 ic Write for Catal . : * . RA Estab. 1842 Oghe WOOD & PHOTO. ENGRAVING _ A SAY & SOM, +" 8 MONTREAL" Paint Makers 5 [REEEEEE EERE EE RERE d THE FROST W IRE FENCE CO., LIMITED, as 2 ans, Ox: = JLJIONES ENG. (0:5 a T1160 BAY STREET. -- TORONT Ta £:

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