Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 3 Apr 1902, p. 4

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THE RUSSELL LEADER APRIL 3rd 1902 f + PAPER. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 1, 1LY--$3.00 A YEAR. Hotels. ', 13e Commercial House. OUN KINKAID ¥ cat class accommodation for guests. hi' scial attention to Commercial Trade. GGOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION, Proprietor, The Russell Leader. Published every Thursday. «lice nearly opposite the Post 4: ice, Mill Street Russell, Ont. Mailed to any part of Canada «.» the United States for One - lar a year in advanee, \dvertising rates made known o 1 application. LOWRIE BROS. Publi-hers and Proprietors. THURSDAY APR. ARTIFICIAL ICE. The following is a clipping from pauper published in Riverside, « "litornia. [he senior class in physics at ++ High sebool enjoyed a tour of -pection oi the ice factory yester- « y afternoon. The class 15 inter- + .ed in the study of heat and Pro- sor Zumbro thought to give 'ma pracuica! illustration of this se of the study. The class was « .l received at the factory, and Juseructed by Mr. Zumbro, explor- | all the workings of the business. "hese are some of the things they i :rned : Lhe ice is frozen in large tanks means of a heavy brine cooled ammonia. The ammonia is re- « ved in the form of a gas. Itis + mped into a compressor and by . cans of a force pump is put under a pressure 150 pounds to the square 'h, It is too hot at this stage to « ndense toa hquid and it is run 3 om the compressor through about . 00 feet of small pipe, over which i. a coustant low of water. From i ¢ condensorit flows to the tanks. i.cre by means of a small valve the 1 quid ammonia is allowed to ex- vid into about a thousand feet of « tled p'pe to pressure of ovly a- at 15 pounds and changes from « tiquid into the form of gas again. ie coil of pipe through w hich this amonia gas flows is completely ~overed by the hcavy brine sur- v auding the tanks when the chem- ival change of the ammonia from a quid to a gas, absorbs all the heat ou che salt water. Dut the freezing , int ot salt water is much lower isan that of pure water and the vane reaches a temperature low ough to freeze the pure water 1n ve tanks which it surrounds From 1 +e tanks the ammonia flows back + the compressor again and thus is " +-ed over and over again. There are six of these large tanks swt the factory. Each tank is divid- «| into sixteen cowpartinents and vach compartment yields 1200 1+ ounds of ice. It takes about 72 1: urs to freee a tank of the water. + re artesian water is used. The . ine used is made of water which « ntains all the salt it will dissolve. The company bave their large » tore rooms almost full of ice and : ve preparing to meet the summer « wand, having about $C00 tons ot 1'¢ now in storage. 1 OW TO MAINTAIN SOIL FERTILITY | "We all know that it is very de- + rable to have a fertile soil in Ww hich to grow ercps", seys F. P. 4 cck of Michigan, "For success in rming depends largely on the i vility of the land. Every one . nows of many, once fertile farms * nich are not now producing half wnat they should--scarcely enough =» pay for the labor necessary to 1woduce a crop. It is more profit- le to farm sc as to maintain or _uprove the soil than it is to rob * ie soil of its fertility, and in the « d bring ruin to the owner of the Salim, How is this to be done ? I be- seve our greatest loss of fertility 3~ the loss of humus, A soil with- «ut humus will not carry a crop Bilt weastolly through a drouth, A HE CIT1ZEN 18 OTTAWA'S LEAD- 3rd 1902. Miscellaneous. OST--A Coon mitt. Finder will please return te The Leader Office. Farm for Sale or To Rent mans Springs. It consists of the west half of Lot no. 6 in the 6th concession and the north quarter of Lot number 6 in the 7th cons. of Gloucester. The buildings are good. They consist of Dwelling, Barn, Stables and Grainery There is also a good well on the place. For farther in- formation apply to RoBERT KYLE, North Winchester For Sale! Ten choice S H Bulls year olds and under fancy pedigrees and all registered, These Ball were bonght in Western Ontario a month ago, Prices reasonable considering qual- ity. Intending purchaser "<h uld come at once. D. P. McPhail & Son WANTED--An assistant cheese quette, Marvelville, jos A baby's dob Finder please leave at the Leader | office, Mill Street. TO REN T Store an 1 Post Office at Felton. A good business stand, close to school, blacksmith shop and cheese prepare such a piece of ground for factory. 1 acre of land ib orchard goes with the store. Out buildings good. Apply te Mrs. Josh Annable Sr., Felton, Ont. HORSEMEN ! When youare ready to order your printing call at the Leader Office. We arc prepared to turn out work neatly and promptly. We charge Ottawa prices. Leader Office. Mji'l St. opposite Post office. H. Lapine, Jeweller, And well-known 'watchmaker of: Ewmbrun, will open a "branch office in Russell, riext door to' the Russell House. OPEN FOR BUSINESS APRIL 1st Clocks and Wa'ches - . repair. d. ENR AVING. A good stock of Jewellry al. ways on hand. Best quality of Watches and Clocks for sale, H. LAPINE. clay soil devoid of humus will be lumpy and hard, and will not re- tain moisture for very long. We all know the effect on a crop. "and the great amount of labor required to a crop. Hence our aim should be to farm so as to produce and leave as much humus in the ground as pos- sible. This is best acconaplished by a rotation of crops, and one crop in the rotation should be clover which The farm 13 situated near East- "11 Case Mercerized Satteens 15 to 25 maker. Apply to G. W. Mar-1 NEW GOODS Just Arrived, Our new 'Spring Stock of Dry Goods consisting of all the latest designs for SUITINGS & BLOUSES 1 Case Prints, Good Pattern 6 to 10 Organdie, Dimity, Nainsook Mus: lins. t | Chambry, Duck Costumes, Silkette, Batiste, Grenadine etc. See our lire of Blouses. MENS DRESS, Shirts in white and Colors, ties, Collars, Cuffs, large stock to sclect from. shade 8. Boots and Shoes, the King Qual- ity at Bottom Prices. Stationary and Patent Medicines. season. Teas, Black, Green and Ceylon in Packages and Bulk. Canned, Goods of ali descriptions and prices right. Car of Factory Salt Car of Feed, Bran and Shorts. All winter goods reduced to cost. Such as Glovesand Furs, Great sweeps in prints aud ginghams. Ladies Spring Suits and Jacke's all going below cost in order to moke room. Do not miss this opportunity and satisfy gal n. Wm. Petrie & & Co : For Sale, ty Farm for Sale The last quarter of lot 2 in the th con. of Russell erntaining 64 acres. This farm has good buildings all new" It will be sold reasonable if seld soon. For particulars apply to John Wagner, Morewood Ont. Farm for Sale. A desirable property on: the banks of the Castor in the: towns ship of Russell, one mile ftom Rus sell Stationon the O& NY R R and three-quarter of a mie from the thriving Village of Russell; wing composed of N. Pte "Lot 10 in the 4th concession; contaming 120 acres more or less. "There are thir- ty acres hardwood bush; "balance under cultivation. Good trame Dwelling, well finished, with wood- shed attached. Good frame Barn, Stables . and other out-buildings. There are two good wells. Mrs. Walter Loucks, Russell P. O. (Continued in next issue.) Subscribe for 'The Leder NEW PRICES TET Ee -- BEBE ATTENTION! lumber and other supplic S, prices upon all Rough and dress LY 'Those who intend erecting Buildings ths Sey it to their ac lvantage to call upon us and og We bny direct 1: and are in a position {0 quote the very lowest roek bottom a Tuitber Estimates npon all kinds of buildings farnished on application. WORKMANSHIP F ES «on wil find tir prices upon i headquarters Lath and Shingles. n ' 7 4 a T ( 1, ASR, Just the thing for Spring, Summer Silks in all the leading Groceries --all the delicasies of the vourself by geiting a good bar- | For further particulars apply to] crv Nerssuns SHE EE BE ROBERT McDONALD RUSSELL PLAINING MILLS, AS AA i 0 REE # £&L Fleury WALKING AND Ploxrs. SULKY WIRE FENCING. Cheapest Fence on Market. 9 strand weven wire for 50 cis. a rod. Best Quality Stoves and Ranges. ...SEPARATORS.... LEN WOOD. Buggies J. A Car Load OF THE FAMOUS Canada Carsiage Co's This will be the only opportunily to get one of these splendid rigs as only a lim- ited number can be procured. HARRINGTON ADVERTISED IN - THE LEADER "LUMBER. W. C. MILLAR Feather Edge We also handle Huvicy bought out the branch yard of Carkner & McMaster Bros., is hendling all kinds of building material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, and Shingles. Orders talk en fo Sash & Doors. the celebrated | Ashestic sna For PLASTERING HOUSES Plaster of Paris, Lime, and Cement always in stock. Hopi to merit a continuation of the former patronac of this yard I Remain Yours Truly, W. C. MILLAR WATE SRI CE "E | <

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