Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 13 Mar 1902, p. 4

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) HE RUSSELL LEADER MARCH 13th. 1902 reg et Tug Crr1zsN 18 OTTAWA'S LEAD- Miscellaneous. £ ; CO 0 Dg: ING PAPIR. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE | EV V 5 S900 A Jen OST--A Ceon mitt. Finder will DAILY-~24.00 A YEAR, please return to The Leader Hotels. is NEW PRICES : Ee ound--An article of jewelry in The Commercial House F the town hallatter Mr. Ozil- JOHN KINKAILD, Proprietor, vies lecture, Owner can have the same Ly proving property First class accommodation for guests. o t A 3 a Sq cial attention to Commercial Trade. and paying for advertising. us rive ) GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION, James Conlin, Russell. AL SAR re £0) SIRSA2 SA Lo} CF TIDAIR ID £4)! SIS] BEEBE PERCE aeee A Ro THE AD 6), Ey ATTENTON aw $Yi0 p ® | = Those who intend cree cling Buildings this Season wij} find it to their advant: age to call upon us and get our priecs upon lamber and other supplies, We buy direct from Leadquar ters and are in a position to quote the very lowest roek lLotiom 2 3 ry Te z a Our new Spring Stock of Dry #3 prices upon all . ; Goods consisting of all the latest 28 The Russell Leader. |Farm for Sale or To Rent designs for 43 Rough and dressed lumber : BA FY Published every Thursday. The farm is situated near East- SUITINGS & BLOUSES, El Lath and Shi ngle Office nearly opposite the Post ES 4 ing.es. mans Springs ; Office, Mill Street, Russell, Ont. It consists of the west half of |1 Case Prints, Good Pattern 6 to 10 A Estimates upon all kinds of builk lings furnished on ap plication. WDD Mailed to any part of Canada Lot no. § in the 6th concession and £63 gis or the United States for One [1.4 north quarter of Lot number ¢ | 1 Case Mercerized Satteens 15 to 25 2 WORKMANSHIP FIRST CLASS. 55 Dollar a year in advance, 1m the 7th eons. of Gloucester . 4 By Advertising rates made known The buildings are good. They Organdi e, Dimity, Nainsook Mus. 52 % oi Ging consist of Dwelling, Barn, Stables | ins. we Sdn Wp sate, ga LOWRIE BROS. and Grainer y There is also a cood Chambry, Dusk Costumes, ea well on the place. For further in- formation apply to THI TRSD. AY MAR. 13th 1902, | Boer KyL¥, North Winchester Bi, <h LH Publisl hers and Proprietors. Silkette, Batiste, Grenadine ete. fod fra 2 . Ll on Not since the dark months which For Sale . ushered in the Boer war with a 0 ZR Sce eur ine of Blouses. Na Pasi td 23 series of British reverses have the je ote SH Balls year is ble been 50 He a 1 dis. [#7d under fancy pedigrees and 41 : . ' public been so « epressed and dis- |" 1 y } ih h f 's : ae l by any picee of intelligence Pe gist Po L, Lhe se Bull were bongl:t ust ue t ng or Spring. } g s that of the capture of General ih Western Ontario a month ag, tiers ititissrniiide 5 f Meth wen and his column. A good Prices reasonable considering it al. ---- : Lose many people will be + sorry for Lord iby ints dh Jing Jug > uli d i . Methuen pe 'rsonally. He hag hag [Some bones). 1. MePhail & Son = the hardest sort of luck in the war | - = fo MENS DRESS, and had nearly restored the confid JANTED--An assistant cheese gy Shirts in white and Colors, ties, ence of the public, much shaken maker. Apply to G. W. Mar- Collars, Cuffs, large stock to select 5, s, large s by his early blunders, by his long {quette, Marvelville, ion | and steady service during the past ra fk SHARE 2 twe yours. He is one of the few fosr=--a ay bots hos Tiadey tc generals who have been constantly OTe: vi Street at the Lenqor in the oud since the war began. | = a L. [Summer Silks in all the leading Before the war he, with Gata acte [thud 's and oue or two others, was among TO RENT Eyes Tested Free the most prominent commanders Store and Post Office at Felton. | Boots od Shoes, the King Qual- ® T in peace manoe Sagres, but in the A good business stand, close to] ity at Bottom Prices. Siiiatucts TITS 5 field he has proved almost uniform- i blacksmith shop and cheese | ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. ly unsuccessful. f ; . actory. About five acres of land! ate Even the most kindly disposed J: * Stationa: y and Patent Medical Hall. goes with the store. Ont buildings | towards General Methuen will find ooo. A to Mrs. Jost 1 a 3a it ditticult to apologize for this Ao ie oh Amnsthy Fedicines. latest disaster. It was the same old s'ory of the small British force The speaker dealt with the prob- Groceries --all the delicasies of the ; : v tell : | 8 asom. with in urwicldy baggage col- lem in the rural districts where, ho Vick: GQ Jd Covl. : umn--the story of Lillictontein, Teas, 1 reen an eylon 5 claimed, the majority of those who |. akeuluagte, Badfontein and sev- in Pac kr s and Bulk, . used liquor at all scmetimes used Cairo Gods of all deserintion ; my Vi ) Fay } pe of > . - [2 ol . AIM CL A) Ons eral othe SRE of aorta We | it to excess. The causes of this use i Hiaht. * I | | V] B E 2 3 to ho fire Ss Gi v : and prices memory. duc tirst time the Boors were, 1st, a Jaden or a stimulant] 2041 a | : a Tm SNe boly from total that the use of ginghams. Ladies Spring Suits Rough and Dressed Lumber, nl } ( . 1 far Tacke's al ono be 015 80 a g¢ 11 propos it to help a man to batter work land Jacke's all gomg below cost the force in charge that vas worse than foolish. In the cec- | in erder to moke room. Do not Feather ii and shingle 2. a | 4 | ria) O! an < ' > quar it properly and | nq cave Tio a Ivoeated dving away | miss th opportunity and satisfy tehid OU 15 an pttoniut: with Vars-as they served no useful [| yomself ly getng a geod la.- Orders talk alzan frp Sas bh & Doors lout or "ive miles in and and woig 6 nicht unmitigated | 8%1- : rear guard or advance : LEY evil. Using the words of his text, te overwhelmed before ih FC 1e Sp reinforeed aud the col- : 3 Io ala : ] olp speaker warned all against the | W - P br ~ 9 C We also handle the celebrated ) : : o growing tendency to use liquor in. Ct ic Oo C . am rolled Bp An stampeded, I" ¢| and asked that each one seriously Hsbestic 'The trouble 3 as been that the bag- : : ; : y rie tried th: ushing of speh a force [to de some t the user fev Te wl ts wheat Lilliefor @in on Nov. 5. | ae Car of Factory Salt == wh lf Lill gin ely) YoY. Pu | neu o, or do Ey sorrow, and | ar oi raciory wal 1900, when 1 Canadia: rear- M sub, Hat ster 2ad, The desire to conform to sove-| T guard stood off five times their 1a] culos i ar of Feed, Bran and WwW. C. ILTAR 1 . 1: | Sh = | Qu. + number, saving their ganas and the : Erie : : | DIOLS » 3 g te He proved clearly that stimu] |} 33a i sli AR a a i" Having bought cut the branch vard of Carkner & Mech or lank Sie mab 'weension ie] Jo Sd not add too person's pow- | oh] ; g IY é < IcMaster ors have j sate tacties Al yds reduce : ri rs J ! 4 we tackles | arg hut rather used up the power] 2h W ise Hi is elored to Bros., is hundliug all kinds of bLuil ling material, our = and got the 8494S | that was held in reserve to protect | © st. Such as ovesand Furs, and n SHANg BVery: Hime Line heain cand ol | Great sweeps in prints and | | collapse, Shighing lessons have Boop CXPENSIVO | aonsid.r the problem and place a ER ERE ; enon and shoeald have been bimself so that he could intellig- R. Of Sale. Ls TT, A STRERIN fou FF OUS He by > : ar- ) : a or C A 5 ; y this time, bat Appar-j ently take a stand on thi; moment- for sali---Desirabic residence on + =, A rt = = . atly they have not... Citizen. ous question, Fo i lottod 10 Rare Jot : ; Pini © TY , . | Chin i Ee at Hore doh; one Plaster of Paris, Lime, and Cement always in stock. e er ox quiver of amide frém Ross li A enil has be ; : ' 5 - { i rr A a he Ye, : 2 . a P 3 5 A call has been made for 400) A Boston physician who recent ly Village, Toms casy. Apply "to Hoping to marit a continuation of the former patronac of this yard Canadian lady teachers to proceed { treated a strect car co ductor for Heury Watson, Russeli-P. Ou 1 Renan Y rrolv : : bigs or ) Remain Yours Truly, to Noni Aten to take charge of | an a disease. contracted]. =~ Sra she oer children in the concentra- by holding paper money in his : . tion cimps there. Normal school | mouth white nia sing change, warns Porn for Sale \/ \/ C \/ | | | : | A BR I ates are asked for. The pay- | people againsy this hati 1t and the 2 : : ; e ! nen tor a year's service will be practise of wetting the fingers in| The last quarter of 1ot 2 in the . - . " Ry ¢ 3 : ------ £100 sterling together with rations | the mouth while counting money. | theo of Rus ell enntainin 'g 64 a Li Louse accomodation. He remarks upon the swiftness 2¢res. This farm has good buil lings and certainty with which paper all new Ie will be ghd redsohabl e a ol r handled by infectnd persons nay if sold son. For particulars apply We have ebanged ouroffice from the 1 fon a Hr of sd transit Dooncs Conductors ha 2h John Pu aguer, Horewood Ont, brick building opposite the Post] Detter take warming. Pocket the OF THE FAMOUS RE will Le | bl 5 then lock for the change. Bx 7 arm for Sale. pleased to weleon our many | : fox gence : ; ~~ d - ob 9 friends. Our present address is, | Owing to th heavy rain Wed- 3 dosival le Bpenty onl ow TE a, ars ago Co s N "Yy 3 oO 1 £ SN -y 1 ie The Leader Office, Mill Street. | nesday Mr. J. O. Reott had to post- {, wks of the or : liad : TH ) 1e Castor mn ie own- hone bis sale of vs to Friday the : 3 Ek 4 t gk a : = Fiiay te ] ei of Ru oidll oie mie from Rus- Bue ES ; v ¥ & int. st, Lo pvenience o o ) \ Pres] Til: LIQUOR PROBLEM Is : [sell Stutionon the V& NV R = J the public Le id the sale on | A pg : Sunday evening the Bbiethodist the farm of M Scott. Lot 18. jand three-quarter of a mile £1om the church was erowded to the doors Coir 2. Russa] ) ir hin { thriving Village of Rus; Loe | This will be the only opportunity to gt 3 > - Wisse 111eS Ir us- | : This the occasion of the first soll Stat] Ton hi { compo ol of N. it FotTi0 a the one of these splendid rigs as only a lim- : st Gil, ¥ \ » of a 500s of sermons on the liquor : : {4th eoncession; = contunine 120 ited number can be procured. i jacies more or less, thee are thir sy eounc trad > council Sy { Vo CS h rdswood ish: Lit . icimno feo of 12,0000 Dado Lad; Vatu J. EHARRINGTON fyxr ha 3 nr r . PJ tae Loy Kemptvi thet church, fixed the under cultivat Fine ening was 1 A ES IN ation x 3 4 Hi WWI aL able . : : blem ? and | that town at 3 RR Bectling, well finished, with woeod- ! EE . [2d Atfyehen, Good frame Darn, Me fag of Babe Sb DA DV RRTIZE TN al: wasn town o sday lust, | Ti here are two good w clin, : = Ny Sd dd TT re TL Pur vii wars apg Iv to a 1 mm Z. FL. i : irs or : SA 'I 2 rile Subs seribe ier ihe Leader, [Mrs 0 chs, Russell L. 0, THE LE EHR

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