Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 13 Mar 1902, p. 1

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7 04a Od 2.7% Ath fl / { (Ae a rd i etter $1 per year in advance Single Copies, 5 cent. 2 SF tia i A Spring And we want you to know that we are ready for it with a higher quality and larger quantity of Ladies' uv Jentlemans' Spring Suitings than we have ever had. . Cur prices defy compeiition. - Suits from $7 C0 up. Trousers from $2 25 up. Call and inspect ur goods. Style and finish is too well known to "peel comme nt thereon." Paden Ont ia) ; oo ] M ¢ wg ii ] AVIA Cus ot A. Moriow | M of b, | '& i Visiting Bithren oR | En =r an i, | LG. Cy i a | py aia t) vt Meets the first the David Scott W. Master ten always welcome i] il, i miei A er wnat Lares. | Pe NS T: £ro1essions LEES & HALL SOLICITORS, NOTARIES; 151C., » Loan, lands for sale. Office, 78 Rideau street, Ottawa. Branch: Commer ial Hou-e, Russell. Saturdays and Court days Only. dn JAN Open JOHN O'MEAER paRRISTER, NOTARY, COUNTY SOL ICITOR, CONVEYANCER &c, Head Office, --sUSseX CIIAMEERS, Latrance on Little Sussex Street, Ottawa. BRANCH OFFICE» RUSSELL MONDAY P.M. TUESDAY A.M, €As3ILMAN FRIDAY P.M. AND SATURDAY. Money to loan on easy terns. R. V.SINCLAIR BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Room No 17 Carleton Chambers. Sparks 5t, Ottawa W. R. CRAIG, Ay praiser for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Cao to loan al 5% per cent. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Money Agent for the § Conveyancer, RUSSELL; W. H. LOWRIE i AUCTIONEER | CONV EYANCER, : COMMISSIONER Ete. ! REAL ESTATE er Russell Ont. Money so loan at from 5 to 6 per cent. F. D. MeNAUGHTON, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR SORNWALL AND RUSSELL to Municiple Special attention given Tmiprovements. DRAINAGE, SEWERAGE, BRIDGE, Plans, E stimates and Specifications pr: Orders left at the office of RUSSEL 4 LEAD- ER will receive prompt attention. DR. 8. R. MARTIN DENTIST. RUSSELL, Branch Office O'Connors 1lotel. at Metealfe A. Tn MeVEIGIT { Russell, i mileh cows, [in Issuer of Marriage © Licenses YARs, OXT ting wood to ©323330220000000020980002 g LOCAL NEWS : QEOI0TB303G302250828008 Owing to the death of Mr Me- harvey the O. v. B. concert, which was to be held on the 2Ist. inst. has been indetinately postponed. Tuesday was shipping day. DM. J. D. McPhail shipped several car | week. Mr. Henry Tierney is Kep pt ny busy shipping hay on the O & N Y. Vaccination Zeems a stale to some of our citizens, Mr. ey has a very sore arm. joke S. Lon- METCALFE. Mr. Wm. Iveson, has =oturned to Ottawa after a week's visit to his home here > Mr. Elmer Grant returned to his howe in Wellington on Sutarday, to the regret of "the many friends hie has made during the tw years he has spent here. Mr. Hiram Vietch, of Kars, has been engaged by Mr. J. A. -Bouck. Quite a number of Vernonites attended the 1ink here on Satui- day evening. Misses Blair and MecLaw in vis- ited friends in Russell on Saturday. Mis. Iveson and Miss Iveson were thrown from a cubte * their horse having become unmar¥®Zeable with fright. Fortunately tl zy es- exped with nothing worse "han a severe shaking up. - On Tuesday evening th. Phy- sical Culture class will give a con: cert in Vernon, under the aispices at the Ladies" Aid of the Treshy- gerian church. been as re- Mr. E. Chambers, who lias a'high school student here loads of calves, pigs and castle. The'tuined to his home at Suarbot ruling price for perk was $3.75. Lake, Messrs. Geo. Sparks & Bas ship ror TaD ped a larg ity of pracesd bao ---- EEA 28) hol ns rs The roads are nn rather had Dwellirg, blacksmith shep and ti for sale in one of the most thriving villages in the county First business established. Owier retiring from business and will sell cheap and on easy rms. Apply to W, H. Lowrie, P.O), The anniversary services of the Yars Presbyterian chureli will ke held on Sunday, March 16. Rev. Di. Armstrong will preach at both services which are to be held at 11 A. Mand 7 P.M. Oa Morday evening a social will be held at which a splendid program w:ll Le given. Miss Amy Stmpsox, a talent- ed eloentionist of Ottawa, will give several readings. Besides this feat- ure, great care has been taken with the mis sical part of the program. Don't forget the dates. Messrs, Cherry and Cochrane have on exhibition a very hand some bugyy lamp. The illuminant ls class 1s is electricity which is generate iu a case attached to the lamp. The current can be tureed on and shut off at will. Tt will fill a long felt want as a buggy lamp, clean, cafe tn 1 always ready. Messrs. 4. D. McPhail & O. Sul- ivan will sell, at O'Conn 1's Hotel, Metcalfe, on Mond ay next, 20 fine These cows will be in time for cheess factory { 54 i 15 i 'Toper purposes. EDWARDS The reads at present are very poor condition owing t recent thaw, A merry driving party drove to the home of Mr. Juo. Stanley on Wednesday evening last, where they all enjoyed his hospitality by tripping the light fantastic Mr, J. McNeil has returned after spending a few days in Morewood. Many from here attended Mr. G. Young's saleof farm stock on Wednesday. . Harvey Graham. of Russell. is spending a few days in Edwards before leaving for the West. Mr. Bigford is engaged in haul Mr. Will Harrison thi bir, cofitlition at present owing to the i recent heavy thaw. An old and res spected resident this place passed away on op evening. March 5rd, in the of Mr. Joha Coburn. The deecased gentleman had been ailing for many months before death released him, Mr. James Lantry has from the woods. Rev. Mr. Osborne, of Navan, was the guest of Mrs. J. Watson on Friday. The Misses McElroy will leave here shortly for Los Angles, Cal. They wiil be much missed as they are general favorites. Mr. C. Waish, our popular teach- er, spent dunday with his parents at Navan. Myr, Charles Bowden leaves short- ly for North Dakota, Mr. H. Summers and fawily, of Morewood; are the guests of Mr. J. Bogart. Mr. Willis Myers is the guest of Mr, A. R. McRae. Master Howard Abraham. whose ankle was dislocated at school « bout two weeks ago, recov ig returred is Miss Lil! ia McRae has returned from Outawa. She is accompanied by Miss Totile Buipie. Miss G. B. McRae has returned from Wakefield. We suppose we > shall not look in vain this week for news of that scheel that has been troubling the Vars people recently. It certainly is not the fault of the corresp ondent that the residents have heen kept in such a state of fear. We are ra- ther surprised that such a petty trouble as this should exist there are so many gallant young men who were willing to go to Af- rica if meeded. Moral :.--Charity begins at-home. Ww he Ie VARS Mrs. W. J. Graydon, of Streets- ville, is visiting her father, Mr. Wm. Shaw. Mr. Martin Shaw from taking a course : has returned person © in Hamilton | FIRST CLASS | FARM FENCING i | CNLY For Sale by THE ONT. WIRE FENCING CO. Limited Pictcn, Ont. Military College. His many friends are glad to have him back in the villace ec again Mi.s Katie McVeigh spent Sun- day with Her mother, Mis. McVeigh, Mr. Salter is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Dr. Garduer. Mr. Scheel went to Maxville on Saturday. Miss Poole and Miss Barnes ve- turned to their homes on Saturday The long expected quest has come and one of our boys is quite happy again, Some of our boys are learning to chew sole leather instead of toh: eco, Mis. T. Armstrong spent a couple of days with Mis. W. J. Smith. One of the oldest residents of the township cf Cumberland passed a- way in the person of 'rank Coburn who died on Monday, Mar, 3rd. The deceased, who was ninety- six years of age at his death, settled in Cumber! land come fifty-four yea S ago. lle was laid to rest in the Eng- lirh on cemetery at Bear- brook. Rev. T. L. Aborn, of Russell, sat, preached the fuporal serge Seldom has a town been so sin- p cerely atlected and thrown into such deep sorrow as Russcll was on the y rece pt of the telegram announcing the death of Mr. Meharey in far away Riverside. The loss of this noble man is a personal one to each ard all. Mr. David Meharey died of pneu- wounia, in Riverside, Caliiornia, on Sunday night The first news of his illness Cae to his family in a telegram Sund ay evenin g which said that Be was dangerously hi Monday morning the rad tidings came that he had passed away Mr. Mcharey. for many years, had been one of our most promin enc business men, loved and honor- ed by all his former townsmen who now grieve for a near and dear friend. A few short weeks ago he left on a vacation trip to Cali fornia, the 'first he had allowed himself since starting husincss in town, and now his corpse is on its way to the town wherein he had spent such an honored life. No wouder that it is hard to realize that the once cheer- ful {friend and companion more, Mr. Meharey was ome of our foremost merchants, having built up a large trade by his antiring energy and courtesy. He served in many public oflices, being ex-trustee both of the village : and of our pub- lie school. A Toudi ing member and officer of the Presbyterian church he gave his best services to that denomination in the town and was one of the gredtest helpers i in build: 18 no le leaves a wife, t three daughters, and one son to mourn him. The entire com naity are soiled in deepest sorrow for the loss of friend and anoble man. He will be buried at Russell by the Foresters and Ciengepes, having been an active member of both bo- ies. in Ottawa on Sunday, aud, the funeral will oxy the house at 12 o'clock p. m. ing up thet congregation in Russell. | The Lody is expected to arrive | 3 cents per ROD. 7 NO --"------ Just RECEIVED! A NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Horse "AND Es Cattle Spice h's Len giving satisfaction. # { Medical Hall such . OUR STOCK IS LARG AND. COMPLETE A. P. MORRIS, Merchant Tailor [T] EMBRUN SHINGLE MILLS ets our prices, xxx--$§2 xx--%1 x--$1 Provinler Grinder in connection. 1090 toll or 8 cts. a cwt. EVERYTHING FIRST Try us. 50 un 00 CLASS

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