Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 29 Mar 1900, p. 8

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oe THRE RUSSELL LEADER. Russell, Ontaric [hursday, March 29th. OTTAWA MARKETS. Business activity was rampart on By ward market on Saturday. There was hustle and bustle every- where. Farmers in from every direction far and near, and it was one of the biggest markets since Christmas. The city people were out, tco. Every street car between 8 and 9 o'clock carried its quota of bargain hunters, and by 9:30 o'clock there was a big crush. Every woman carried a commodi- were ous market basket and was out to buy. It was too cold to permit of much dickering and sales were made rapidly. The variety of pro- duce was ample, Beef, pork, dairy product, vegetables, grain, in fact pverything adant. Prices were gooa and any C ang nag | lower tendency. | Vegetables, * Beets, per badiaeiais i inane 60¢ IEEE [0 OREN 10 Sage, per doz. bunches................ 25¢ Savory per doz. 25¢ Parsley per Ab Sac Oe 50C Potatoes, per bag... ... 65 to 75¢ Onions, per gal... vveeeean inn sin ees 15¢C Onions, per bag..... . 100 to 115 Cabbage, each .........e weeies 8 to 10C Cabbage, perdoz .... ....60 o100 Carrots, bag..... i... vieivanans 35 to 40¢ TUDES DA. «ovis sonar aaesisseraeinnsass 40c Celery * doziisticks .. ...... i eds 40 to 50¢ | Parsnips perbag...cioiiveinian inane 50 | | Eggs, Butter, Cheese. Iiggs, fresh, dozen.............. .16 to 20c | Eggs, packed, per doz ..18 to 20c | Butter in pails, per |; SEE A A 20 t0 25C | Butter, in prints ......c....0 seaeenns 25¢ | | Meats. | Beef, fore quarters... . . $4 00 to$5 co eC hinds agE LL or $7 oo to $7 50 Lamb, fronts per Ib.... ...... «... 6to 7c | Lamb, hinds, perlb ............... 8 to gc | Mutton, fronts per 1b.............. 4to 5c | Mutton, hinds per Ib. ......ovvuieinnns 7c | Veal, hinds, per Boop ies oun 7 to 8c Veal, fronts, perlb... co... vnunet 5 to & | Poultry and Fish. ~ Live fowls per pair. ........ov0nen 30 to 50c | Chickens, dressed, Per pro... ......... $1 25 | Turkeys each, ...... cov iiieaaianens $2 25 Geese, €aCh .vuevivn vs beveeains $1 50 Haddock, per Ib...... oie iain 510 6c | Herring, per doz.......... reds 25 to 30¢ Sturgeon, per lb...... ......iennn 8 to 10C Pike, per Ib... vie. oven iain 6 to 8c Salmon, B. C.,'per 'Ibi. wv via 18 to 20c Lobsters, per is ea vat 20 to 25¢ Oysters, shell, per gal..... $1.40 to $1.50¢ | Oysters, bulk, perqt............ 40 to 50¢ | Provisions and Produce. Pork, heavy, per cwt........ $7 oo to $7 25 Pork, light, per cwt. ..$750t07 75 Lard, per Ib....... ..ix» S10 10C Lard, pail, per a EEG fie TT Hay, Straw and Grain. Hay, perton .......co.enenns $8 to $10 00 Straw, per ton. ..ecaescivernes $4 to $4 50 Oats per bus. ....v. si vin 29 to 32c Buckwheat ........ ary . 50 to 55¢ Peas. i. 0 i. Resse mnss 60 to 70c Live Stock. Steers per cwt. ...s.c vous $4.00 to $4 50 Milch cows, each .... cn veaves $30 to $40 PRYNTER & ABBOTT 36 Elgin St., Ottawa. Place your order with us for | Bill Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Programmes, Invitations, Circular Society and Church syn the meeting passed off very Printing. ppt BOOKBINDING. Having added a bookbinding plant to our equipment we are the making of Letter or Note Heads. | Envelopes, ---- {orp Aig lata the Joint Stock 'annual meeting of ti 'held Saturday even} | SPRING HILL | As the snow is fast disappear- |ing the prospect for spring weath- |er appears to have arrived. A number from this part attend- led the patriotic concert held in | Metcalfe town Halli, on Wednes- |day eve last. Speeches were made {by the old warriors of by-gone |days, and those who attended re- port a pleasant evening. Mrs. Geo. Cummings of Ottawa a former resident of this place accompanied by Master James, has returned home, after spending | a couple weeks with former friends | and acquaintances of this part. ¢ As Mr. B. S. McConnell is now | propr ietor of SunrisegCheese Fact- g, a number |Leing present, the different officers coming sea- I'being elected for t | satisfactory and all join in wishing The Citizen is Ortaw .8 lzad- | ing Paper--Subscribe 01 tlie daily--Sent to any ai irc 5 10 | two dollars per yea: | Fo Sa] O/TAWA & NEW YORK RY. LOCAL TIME TABLE. In effect June 12th, 1899, EB =f Jiu] 2 12 {xi|Pass| E | STATIONS. Pass Mxd me i] | |a.m, (p.m. 15 Seba a rare a bapa fas cot WwW A a Gi 4 Tow) £00 | 0 Ly. Ottawa..Ar| 9.42| 7.10 Fs RE BY APO 7 | | (Cent, Depot) | i 14 | 6 |...Hawthorne ..[*9.29|%6.54| i181 81... Ramsey... |¥9.26]/*6.50 iid ...Fdwards... [*9.16( 6.30| IN VERNON. F-© = ° Ln | .. Russell ....| 9.05| 6.15] " we De bY Ede | | ... Embrum....| 8.59] 6.00 ...Cambridge...|*g.f AZ .Crysler....| 5.23 GOODE. MORE x vo Berwick....| 8.37| 5. - - - aly .-Finchi i... 2 : 2 i...Newington ..| 8.23] 4.28 Black River..|*8.05| 4.06 KENMC 3 '..Cornwall Jet. .| 7.49} 3.43 7 'Ar.Corawall. Lv| 7.47| 8.40. °° oh 0, vs Pil | a CORRESPON BE: i For The Leader "Ny ' RE Te wr? 'Stop on signal, Trains.run daily except Snnday. For Tickets »nd other information apply to Com- | | PanV's Agents, ig ___H. W. GAYS, General Manage WRITE FOR TERMS. Not too late for comfort, ey just right for economy. 'Mr. McConnell much success in | new field Ben has long been known | to be a champion cheesemaker. Mrs. D. McNeil left [for Montreal to see ker son F. Mc-| | Neil, a of this place, who is lying ill'in the Gene- | ral Hospital in that city, caused by Tuesday former resident | To make room for out Spring Stock which is daily arriving we will sell at a bargain. Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Jackets, Capes, Collars, Caps, Goat and Grizzly Bear Robes, White and Grey Blankets, Flannelette Blankets and Hoise Blankets. | the suffocation by smoke: in his boarding-house having caught fire | prepared to execute orders for! at midnight. Mr. McKerrow, of Calabogie, a fruit agent, canvassed this part last | week q juite a number having pur- Blank Books of all kinds, | chased fruit trees. BINDING OF Magazines, Reports, Music etc. Registry Office and County and Division Court work a specialty. EE Ae oe Leg! and Municipal Forms, We carry, in stock, a full line of | DEEDS, MORTGAGES, Live Hogs per cwt, select.. ....$4.00 Live Hogs per cwt, light . $3 75 to $4.00 Live Hogs per cwt, heavy. ...$3.00 to $8.00 Calves, o sores tii en® sisjenies $3 oo to $8 oo | Grain, Mill Prices i LS Be eB Py BABI so 28c | Spring Wheat, patent, per, ®bus....68 to 72c | Flo 1, "Manitoba Strong Bakers" Corer S60 Flour, Manitoba, per 2 Se $4.90 | Flour, Family patent, per Bis a $3.40 Barley, bus. .iin ns dada dnd heh. . 35¢ COIR vipers wns open faa iam ar ews e 0 35 AR AE TL ee A Be 55¢+ Rye......o:, 08 sl Pi wd ee BE BuckWHEAE. wo swiss vem sa daliva soon 40¢ CanadianFruit. Apples per gal... .....coviuionnn. 15 to 25¢C Apples, bbh..t. LL. eae $1.30 to $4.50 Pears; basket. >... ivy. .40 to 50c Oranges, Florida, per doz..... . ......50C Hides. Hides rough. ii inion ron in 6J5c trimmed. 7%c Lamb skins, each ..9%100to0 $1 10 Calt skins,.per 1b... iv. ve re duu c ; HIGH COURT, | COUNTY COURT and DIVISION COURT FORMS, Municipal and Election Forms. PR SES 3IB B33 -- All work turned out by us is guaranteed first class and our prices are right, RUSSELL MARKETS. Oats, per bushel............c000en 27¢ Peas, SPIRE ce 60 cts. Barley. * ..40 " Beans, Tree Ste mE .Q0 bo Bran, PETION; . cin. srs Some $18.00 Shorts; "fc Sve vin vsninrsssn 20 Middlings:¢ Lou... Lun $20 Eggs, fresh, doz......c.0uves.. 12. cts. Butter, per db. i..... 0. 00 18-20 *¢ Lard be RU vi Se ie gf Tallow: Fonsi ain gk Flour, PercWt 's.ivenis ives $1.50 to $1.90 Oatmeal *%=22 J ihiienaa, $2.00 Commealt® = ........... 0 $1.50 Rolled oats. sack, ctv snnd is $1.80-$1.90 GEESE. vss annnsvoin via olor atinmasnins 6c. per ib. lambs. orate eh Te $3.00-$3.50 Pork percwt,s. i: vsceaernyen $5 00-$5 25 There is a great demand for miclh cows & ABBOTT, 36 ELGIN ST., OTTAWA. LEADER receive Orders sent to Office, Russell will and big prices are being paid. prompt attention. Once more Mr. Barclay of Win- | chester has made his first trip this spring in selling tinware for Hol- | mes and Armstrong of Winceester. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Waddell, accom- panied by Mrs. Hyndman, of Win- chester, also Mr. I and Miss Wad- | Miss Cowan of Leitrim. People of this vicinity are look- | |ing forward with pleasure to the | sugar-making season which is ex- pected in the near future. Mr. Frank Turnbull, left Tues- day last for the North West to join his brother who is already there. Miss Mary - Allen, has returned home from Ottawa, where she has spent the winter months. Edwards, who visited at her home | at Mountain View has to Edwards. Miss Katie: McCrostie, has ts] turned home from Huntley, where returned | she has been ie guest of her | brother for-the 2 | = six weeks. What might ious accident hal ened to M.- Flegg. Saturday a load of lumh i proved a ser- hist ile Binding causing a Seve! of his face but gash'on the side killful treatmjivder the nthe is doing as ¢pected h 3 [| it THE for oj LEADER hb printing. dell attended the' wedding on the | 14th inst. of Mr. W. Evans and | Mrs. S. Bradley and family of | Life pole slipped | doctors | Ie | | wn as can be / is PHNTES | : | ---------- BY | pe Call early and secure what you require as there are only a few of each left. 'When you watn the best in boots and shoes come here. We have Boots, Shoes and Rubbers from the best Manufacturers. Just arrived, a stock of first quality stone ware blossoms with beauty. that just See our Dinner Sets. We build a reputation by giving value in Fresh and Salt Herrings. Fresh Pike, Haddock, Finnin Haddie. | Groceries of all kinds A No. 1 quality. Canned goods in great variety. Laundry and Toilet Soaps of all: descriptions. Agents for Anglo Saxon Tea. Flour, Heals and Feed kept in Stock, PRICES RIGHT. Frmers produce bought or t en in exchange. WN. PETRIE & G0. RUSSELL, ONT. P.S,--We have ordered a car | ad of Cheese Salt, which will be here for the opening of the factories. fous it | : | Job Printing. = | | We afe now in a | orders for position to execu. | '- FOR SALE OR TO RENT | i i _| East half of Lot No. 8, in the 10t inting of all Kinds and Book-| ; Ei : | Con. of Osgoode. (Containing 100 | acres more or less: It is situated two miles from Edwards Station. Fer fur- ther particulars apply on the premises | Binding . | at short notice, and in first-class style R. A. Fuzsimmons, Kenmore, P.O PRICES RIGHT! | | | Send in a trial order. | THE LEADER, | i | ; . Russell, Ont. 4

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