Ontario Community Newspapers

Russell Leader, 29 Mar 1900, p. 7

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| : : + £4,000. Russell, Ontario, Thursday, March 29] RUSSELL LEADER BEST ARMY oN EARTIL Britain's Soldiers in South Africa the Most x Magnificent Ever Seen. We have learnt one lesson in this war, it is that no nation onearth can drive us out of any position we have entrenched, remarks a war correspon- dent ox the London Daily News. The Russians even delude themselves with the {lattering thought that they can attempt an invasion of India. With the modern ri le and artillery -- the artillery we shall have a ter this war --I have every con. idence that passes into India could be held by com- paratively small numbers. No one ever saw such magni icent soldiers as ours are here. No conscript army could hope to equal them. Ten thou- sand of these men, under the conditions oi the latest warfare, would be more than enough to hold any Russian army that internal di ficulties would allow for the invasion of Afghanistan. Mod- ern weapons have made India sae. We never need again be scared either by the bogey of invasion or the possi- bility of its success. eee QUEER AUCTIONS. Where Prizes Are Offered to the Bidders. i The South African auction, which is «nn vogue at the Cape, is a far more exciting affair than its English imi- tation. Supposing a house is to be sold. The auctioneer rattles 50 sov- ereigns and cries out, "Fifty golden sovereigns for the man who first bids £5,000." Nobody bids it. After-a pause he cries, "Fifty golden sov- ereigns for the first man who bids : And so on, until hegetis a bid. It by no means follows that the property is sold to the bidder. For the auctioneer is again at it. Sup- pose £4,400 is the first bid. Then the auctioneer shouts, "There are 25 gol- den sovereigns for the first man who has the courage to bid £4,600." Possi- bly there is no bidder. Then £25 is offered for a bid of £4,550. If there is no bid eventually above the £4,400, the man who made that offer is sad- dled with the property. Otherwise he pockets the bonus and hag nothing more to do with the estate. A MAN KILLER Fierce and Ravenous, Is Diabetes, Which Defies all Medicines fixcept Dodd's Kiduey Pills, the Ouly Remedy on Earth That Removes the Cause of the Disease-- Dodd's Kid- ney Pills Never Fail. Quebec, P.O. March 26.--There are certain diseases that sap the brain and dry up the springs oi life, besides, undermining the strength. Diabetes is such a disease. Its symptoms are great thirst, fail- ing sight, dry mouth, coated tongue, paleness, numbness in the thighs, paing or aches in the loins, or small of the back; increase of urine, sugar in the urine. Any one, or two, seldom more, of these appear in the same case. Diabetes is caused by poison in the blood. Poison gets into the blood through lefective -action of the kidneys, which should filter it out. Heal and strengthen the kidney and 'hey will cleanse the blood. Then Diabetes will vanish. X Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine on earth that can cure Dia- vetes. They are the only medicine 1hat can cure the kidneys. Here is proof: Mr. Sam Desrochers, of 167 St. John St., Quebec, says: "I have suffered with Diabetes for {ive years. "My feet were always cold. I had pains in my lions, and a terrible thirst. : "I tried a dozen remedies before I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They all failed to relieve me. "Five boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills tured me completely. Today I am well and strong.' Reader! Have you any of the symp- toms above? Ii you have, you have Diabetes, and nothing on earth but Dodd's Kidney Pills can cure you. --eeee--s offi WOMAN AND POLITICS. A well-known nuagazine writer has tecently stated that in a per- Ao to the Ebwnat gf 3 the a. % SM race Seems {yo made gre progress than any >r nationalifies. In Germany wg are nol permitted to form politica CEYLON GREEN TEA will displace all Japan Tea the same as Salada black is displacing all other black teas. Mr. D. G. Collins, of Newgate street, London, has received from the War the | Office am order for twenty-four com- plete Communion services for the army 1m South Africa. A Coldstream Guard writes from Modder River:--"'Bagland should be proud of us, They ought to think the world of every soul who faces death for Queen and country." Excellent for Public Speakers. Rev. M. McKay, of Goderich, Ont., writes: "Soma time ago you sent me a bottle of your Catarrhozone. We have given it a fair trial and are glad to say that the medicine is all it is claimad to be. 1t appears a work we! 1 in casegof Cat a 2 Public Speakers, Ministers, Singhs persons:troubled with irritable throat, Catarrh or Asthma, Catarrh-o-zone is of inestimable value. It is a guaran- teed cure. Sold by all druggists. The trial outfit sent for 10c in stamps by N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston,.Ont,, Proprietors. The Bond newspaper at Britstown having begun to preach open treason to the surrounding district, three companies of 'the Warwickshire regi- ment have visited the town. TRAVEL BETWEEN CANADIAN POINTS AND NEW YORK. The L.h. gh Valley Railroad affords the most convenient train service, and is a particularly desirable route | for residents of the Province of On- tario to use in going to New (York. This Co. runs through train service in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway from points in Canada, and provides for the public a service which meets . all the requirements of the most exacting. Its solid vestibule through trains be- tween Philadelphia, New York and Chicago, made up of luxurious new Puidman Palace Sleeping Cars, com- modious and comfortable coaches, 1is a la carte din.ug car service, and Lhe use of steam heat and Pintsch Gas, are features which are highly appre- ciated hy the traveler, and are guar- antees 'of physical comfort." The route, through the most picturesque portion of the eastern part of Ameri- ca, affords an ever-changing panor- ama of sceuis splendor, delightful to the eye. The road-bed of the Lehigh Valley is ballasted with rock, a decided im~ provement over the old style cinder or other ballasting, and one which Summer passengers, when windows are open, appreciate, as the rock bal- last does away altogether with the too common nuisance of dust. The Straits Times has collected about £2,500 for the Mansion House Fund. Of this at least £700 has been contributed ty Malay princes. O'KEEFE'S 473, MALT Invigorater und Strengthens. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT. ---- After one skirmish near Estcourt the Boers could be seen 'through field glasses playing at leap-irog and hav- ing wrestling bouts. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 8c. K. W, Grove's signature is on each box President Sieyn has given orders that none of the Army Medical Staff or of the Red Cross bearers are to be taken prisoners. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been ased by motherr for their children teething. Itsoothes the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind colic, and'is the best remedy for diarrhea' 50. & boi tle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Bs sure and ask for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. A subscription list heen open- PW Oonsulate. Cover 2 princess of Wales PET DOG GUARDED HIM. At the battle of Graspan Major J. H. Plumbe, of the British Royal Marine Light Infantry, was among the many killed while storming the main kopje. He had a pet dog, a terrier, which ran up the hill with him under ithe fiercest fire imaginable, When he {ell the dog sat down and (guarded his body until the ambulance removed it, six hours later. A gratifying feature of the war 1s the invariable courtesy which the British officers en route for the front display' at every station along the line towards the Dutchmen they meet. " Pharaoh 100." 350 Lome In the attack on Stormberg, saysa correspondent, British troops walked in daylight in a column four deep right under the e¢nemy's nose, No sccufs or skirmishers were out. rm Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATICNS as they cannot reach the s: at of the direase. Catirihis a blood or consiitutional disease! and iu crder to cure ir you mu t take integnal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iQ ernally, and acts di- rectiy on the blood and nficous surfaces. Ha st physitians in this regular prescripti n. . tonics. known com- purifiers, acting di- rec tly on the mugous he perfect combination of the fwd ingredients is what ;oduces such wonder! resuits in curing sgarih. wend for testifnoni»ls free. F.J. CHENEY &|CO., Props., Toledo, O, Sold by Phi Pri 80. Hall's Family Pills ar The Majestic left Cape Town for England with 170 wounded, including General TFeatherstonhaugh, Major Dalrymple Hamilton, and Mr. Knight, of the London Morning Post. WPCC 1017 ~ CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint. ment, Tooth Powders, etc, have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infeoti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND, COLD CURE 10¢. Cures in a jiffy. P. Me Carters Cormack & Co., Agents, Montreal. THE DES MOINES INCUBATOR-- Best and cheapest 0. Rolland, sole agent for the Dominion. Send 3ot. stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal OMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed [5 Bugs, Rats and Mice. Bold by all CES Druggists, or 381 Queen W. Torento. HACKNEY STALLIONS FOR SALE--4 bay two- year-olds; coaching type; high action; size, fashionable breeding ;. Prices reasonable. M. H. Cosh: rane. Hilhurst Station, Que. LEAD, COPPER, cra. Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephonel739, WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGCS, APPLES, and hy PRODUCE, to ensure best results Lime to The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Cor, West-Market & id 8t., Toronto, to Wesley Blds s., Rion: LAW Sn Brass Band Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue 500 illug trations mailed free. rite us for anything in Music or Musical Instruments. Whaley Royce & Co, ™mmg,C0t, oi - Millis & Hales Barristers, etc., removed Books, Rosaries, Cru. Catholic Prayer cifixes, Scapulars, Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments. Rogossional Woe, Mail orders receive prompt atten: D. & J. BADLIER & 00., Montreal. Dyeing! Cleaning | For the very best send your work to the '" BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING. CO." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Sngineers' " SUPPLIES, \. Asbestoe Goods, Pipe Covering, Lubricating Ole, Greases, ato. WM. SUTTON SOMPOUND Co. mited, TORONTO. for Sale. ANDS---ARENAC Uouaties. Title per. oft k Mackivss and Ranging from to to Enterprising New d will be soldon ost Michigan Lan ow ACRES Q00D FARMIN est Bay Oity, Mioh. "Nittemore, Mich. not Metal Works. EVERY DAY adds to the args list list of drinkers of "LUDELLA CEYLON TEA. Words may not convince you, but a trial certainly will. LEAD PACKAGES. 25, 30, 40, 50 and 600. -- Rheumatism Our Method is sure and has cured housands--some 5 oncunesd Write at once. Booklet and Proof on eo The "SWISS-AMERICAN Jin Windsor, out, ata incurable. NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, MUSCULAR, INFLAMMATORY, GOUT, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATIC PARALYSIS, ASTHMA Cured Address -- ON THE BEACH. b "HOTEL TRAYMORE Atlantic City, New Jersey. The World Famed All the Year Health and Pleasure Reser. During the past four months has been exiensively enlarged and im. roved. Over 50 Private Baths. New Dining Room enclosed.in glass, directly fa cing the ocean, and unsurpassed on the Atlantic Coast for decoration and elegance. Exchange and Sun Parlors doubled in size. Capacity 500. D. 8. WHITE, JR, Owner and Prop'r. THE HIGHEST : OF EXCELLENCE 1s reached by Used by mary --approved by all. {THE HIGHEST eos vate ann: 200 Ramsay's Paints, and they.are mixed ready for use, They do not fa le, do not peel off from burning stn or freezing cold. One gallon covers 360 square feet, two coats. All first-class dealers have them. MONTREAL. A. RAMSAY & SON, )\ paint riakers. Est'd 1842. The "Happy Thought "' Range | 6 Made by THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE CO., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT., is the best in the world. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. A SPRING MESSAGE. Everyone needsatonic medicine to cleante the blood, orace the nerves, and revitalize, reinvigorate the whola body, in the spring. The very best they can get is Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They kill the germs of all diseases, purify and enrich the blood, cure boils, eruptions, skin diseases, female weakness, and all other germ dis=ases. Sold by sll druggists ; jarge box 75¢, small box 23¢c, or rent postpaid, on receipt of price by The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life Bld'g Toronto. PACKARD'S Shoe [Jressing AV E OFTEN HINE HOE ALL COLORS "ALL LEATHERS. F For sale by all first-class SHOE DEALERS. L. H. Packard & Co. MONTREAL, SAS. B. ANNEYY, Manager: JONN J. MAIN, Supt. and Treas The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER VV. | i sociations, while in Thee LATE, in Black, men nor women Russia telther | eB Am, on anf} FIN oo ado 8 (We =: pli n can band togetier | Pisa. Red or Green. SLATT BY. C ng Felt, Pito n any organization of a political $1.50 & up. hile and High Sch T S = Ci B a a8¢ f olitica a QUIS, 10! ee New Jivy wi re withou! special content ot To: | HOTO] CArBIake, Frm Fin Bom bon far. wa HOF NG INCE Tip: ox in | ent of the | 'y from $la Jay u ings, Toronto, done o our firm). Work complete or fo : aperial government. In Holland such | @T.B. Station, Mentreal. Geo. C Beopts reiitic hicbec a os: Toro n acl is unconstitut ional. hb &i8 ship 0 any part of tidmer Sts, Toronto ut in VEN NOH Dons Tro C.DUTHIE&S Ad 3 ob PR long het fore French w omen dis- AVENUE HOUSE Nam Hotel rates $150 ONS, -- played any desire to stud > B Ewan or obtain a univ ersity id ei BE 8T. JAM - JAMES' HOTEL--0rposlto GTR Dept, | | AGENTS WA ED. doors of scholastic ir lass Commercial House. M ANERGETIC men io thrown open to tl stitutions were on BL igialus Op odsrate. odor tm | | We want good, RELIABLE, Ait the Dominion to fiat aed oe oe [9] em. And even ID) ng- | EEN { onprepresented disizicts throughhis stock guarantees a4 German women avail EB sell our stock for investment, %-oradding to invest- selves of the pr ivileg t ed them What upsets our men, and especl- good dividends payable half year] for good loans. Wa | graduates of the Uni es o becoming | aily the wounded, are the unearth- ent; also to secure application! iv >. 1iversity of Paris. ly screams the Boers give vent to when | Pay liveral commissions. Apslys an Company, --_-- 77 ; | wounded. : | Sun Savings and Lc : Toronto. | BEES ARE STRONG. - rmmmm---- Observations made to test this ques- tion showed that bees can o arry with ease t(wice their wei ght in honey. Several bees were caught as they re- turned to their hives laden with honey. and, after enclosing them in a little box, they were carefully weighed. When the bees unloaded (heir honey they were again caught, placed in the same box and weighed a second time. This experiment showed that the bees when laden weighed three times as Susk as when empty. It was there= fore proved that a bee can carry twice or i weight in honey, and can fly fery long distances with that weight. | ToL pda "Hts ney | A fe " £7 Hilt of not be Li Aiebbon, Boyton ek? 'Esplanade, Toronto Opp. Sherbourne St., High Class Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUA. Toronto Electric Light Oo., Limited. The T. Eaton Co.. Limited. The Massey-Harris Co., Limited. Are Qatte ores Rubber & Mig. e Wilson Publishing Co., Limited. {All of Toronte Tew woflers may be seen working. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL--COMFORTING. COCOA .. BREAKFAST--SUPPKER. WOOD £ PHOTO : NCRAVING = JL. JONES ENG.CO == 8 VA 'ADELAIDE STW TORONTO. Sheapest and Best Oovering In the World. Mica "sone: GOvering Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage Pipes. Kitchen Boilers, ete. For particulars apply to MICA BOILER COVERING CO., Limited, Toronto, Montresi, sod London, Eng. - hl Y (4 CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort: gage Corporation, Paid-up Capital, - $3,600,000 Reserve Fund - 1,200,000 Head Office--Torento 8t., Toronto. Sranoh Offices--Winnipeg, Man., V or, 8.0 DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTURKS ISSUED for 1, 2, 8, 4 or 5 years with i st coupons att MONEY LENT on security of real | estate mortgages Gevernment and Municipal Bonds, eto Wor turthor particulars apply te J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director, Toreato. To the Odorless Crematory Closet Co., Hamilton, Ons DEAR SIE --About a year ago I bought fram you of of your Odozjess Crematory Closets #4 have prt fA w v it constantly in my private reridence with 8 o usd satisfaction. Tam so well pleased wl h it that fou caf Ship ng another at once for my hotel. Yours very truly, March, Markdale, Ont. The following are the names of a few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom we have very flattering testimonials: Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. Dr. McGlaughlan, Bowmanville, Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frankville, 'Ont. { Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptville, Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, Ont, Plantaganet, Ont. Judge A. C. Chadwick, Guelph, Ont. C. J. Mickle, B:A., Chesley, Ont. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce, Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant, Perth, Ont. { Jas Moffatt, merchant, Amherst, N.8 | For catalogue and price write The Gdiries Sromatory Closet Co., i Hamilton, Ont.

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